Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

The Economy, get your reading glasses.

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11:03am Jan 7 2009 (last edited on 10:29am Dec 22 2009)

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Posts: 130


11:27am Jan 7 2009

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Posts: 2,148

Whatever Allen says up there, I support. ;o

I hope you make a point to bring up the idea of the Rancher having better control over genders. That idea was the essence of brilliance.


11:31am Jan 7 2009

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Posts: 350

I love that, but I would think 50Tu for forresting a pet is a little high, we Ranchers could make 150K a day. For me, making Tu is the biggest pull to the game(and I am terrible at it) and this game seems to have alot of free Tu in it already.  Maybe half that price, 25K? Because I absolutley love the idea of the name being deleted if it is not chosen for adoption. And we do want to keep the forest moving, and by getting a return for your forrested pet sounds like a great way to do it. I love it Gun, Rozi it's a great idea.

As for the Dye kits..not sure, let me go re read that one more

Thanks for posting this:)


11:32am Jan 7 2009

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Posts: 350
Oh yeah Whit, I remember him saying that yesterday.. that I alike too!


11:38am Jan 7 2009

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Posts: 269

I agree with the foresting idea as well as the Dye Kits. I do however agree with Aria on the price one would obtain when foresting a creatu. The 50tu, though as low as it may seem, does seem a little too high because new players would simply see it as a way of gaining free tu and this would probably continue to flood the forest even with the unadopted creatu being deleted. Consider that I may have misunderstood a few things and I wil more than likely reread your ideas Allen just to make sure I am undertstanding everything correctly so This post will probably be edited numerous times.

all in All I support your ideas thus far, and though I will be rereading this post I doubt my mind will change because you are one of the few people who is actually trying to fix the economy and honestly these should really be the only ideas/suggestions that should be acknowledged at this point. 


11:42am Jan 7 2009

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Posts: 3

Say I! I! Gogogo Gun, I agreeee. :D
This post speaks sense and truth.




I rock. I rock. I rock your socks.

11:48am Jan 7 2009

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Posts: 130
Thank you to all who have posted. Those uncertain about the TU gained from foresting unwanted Creatu, I also was concerned to begin with. I don't think however that there will be much of a difference at all. The opportunity to forest will be global so really nobody has the capacity to profit more than anybody else. The same concerns could easily be applied to the free apples [which do sell in merchant shops] and I definitely have not seen anybody get rich selling apples. q:


2:44pm Jan 7 2009

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Posts: 1,679
I agree with everything, although I do think that some restrictions should be applied to foresting.  It should not be made possible to "adopt" a creatu, and then throw it back into the forest for a bit of tu (although this would mainly be a problem for newbies).  There should be some sort of restriction, such as only releasing three creatu a day, or not being able to release any creatu you adopt (but if you trade the pet, another person could release it if they needed to).  I don't know how much of a difference this would make, but it seems like this would keep people from misusing the forest.

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2:47pm Jan 7 2009

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Posts: 130

Allen is amazing and should run the world. :D


10:42pm Jan 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 233
i love all the ideas and i agree that so you don't get an overload of forested creatu there could be a limit to the amount of creatu you can forest in one day


10:42pm Jan 7 2009

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Posts: 221

These are great suggestions.  I don't sell the natties I hatch.  I give them wild names and keep them.  No one wants them, so they sit there in my shop, despite the strange, rare words I go through the trouble of finding. :P

50 tu wouldn't be so bad to forest creatu.  Perhaps a daily limit of 3, what the ranchers can hatch, can be applied to this as well.  That way, natties wouldn't just go straight into the forest all the time.

"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."

10:43pm Jan 7 2009 (last edited on 7:45pm Jan 8 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 162
Many great suggestions, I commend thee.


10:46pm Jan 7 2009

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Posts: 130
Thanks to all. I'll update the post with a few more things I've been mulling over soon.


12:45am Jan 8 2009 (last edited on 2:07am Jan 13 2009)

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Posts: 369

Allen's got 100% of my support for all the ideas he put up there.

The 50 tu reward idea is excellent. I really don't think anyone's going to get rich selling 50tu creatu to the forest - and even if they did, all the power to them, as they're helping rid the flooded markets of unwanted naturals faster.

Let me quell your fears a bit. If you're crazy enough to think selling creatu to the forest is a brilliant idea, lets look at this. There are (at least.) 100 pages of creatu at the price of 1-0 tu. There are 25 creatu per page. 25 * 100 is 2500. 2500*50 is 125,000.

Are you seriously going to waste your life away buying 2500+ creatu from the ACS and foresting them for that meagre about of tu? If so, you have my lulz.

[edit]: You'd have to sell 20,000 pets to the forest to make 1 mil. I know some of you will go O_O OMG ONE MILLION akgfasfashk! but come on. 20,000. Think of how long it would take to count to 20,000, let alone forest a bunch of creatu.  [/edit]

Anyway--plus, with the 50 tu base price for pets at the forest, people will want to sell their naturals for more than 50.

So yeah anyway, all those ideas have my total support. (Great forest idea, Rozi.) Also, how about that merchants get random gender, and ranchers can pick the gender of their creatu? I'm not sure if I like it or not yet, but it's worth mentioning.

Support. ;B

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

2:54am Jan 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 155
I thought Gunmetal was talking about a charge of 50tu to forest a nattie, which would decrease the number forested.

LadyMargit, a Silicon Valley Grandma
Thanks to SoulyTer for the wonderful Siggie!
Bring back the Publish a Book Contest!

2:56am Jan 8 2009

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Posts: 130
And increase the number of 0 TU Creatu. q:


2:59am Jan 8 2009

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Posts: 360
Thank you, Allen, for always thinking and looking out for us ranchers.  I love the ideas you've penned here.

✿A weed is but an unloved flower✿

3:13am Jan 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 155

Ah, I hadn't read the first have...Yes I agree. Paid for foresting, combined with Rozi's idea of adopt/delete choice when hunting in the forest, it would improve the economy dramatically.I'm a merchant, and still can't make that much tu because some folks price things below the shop price, and I can't get a discount card to do the same.

One other comment: Those of us who can't afford to buy from the Credit shop are at a distinct disadvantage from those who can. I realize the idea is that it provides direct income from something other than ads, but it is discouraging for those of us living on our savings, who have to chose between having another meal in a few years, or fun now. I wish there was another way of earning credit shop points, than real cash, or setting myself up for spam email from advertisers.

 I wish the referrals worked. I've only referred one, and got no credit for it, so haven't referred any more.

LadyMargit, a Silicon Valley Grandma
Thanks to SoulyTer for the wonderful Siggie!
Bring back the Publish a Book Contest!

5:07am Jan 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1
Awesome. Piano supports this. =)

6:09am Jan 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 484
awesome ideas!

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