The Economy, get your reading glasses.

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7:06am Jan 8 2009 (last edited on 7:07am Jan 8 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 17

Thank You for this post Gunmetal, as a newer player, I of course heard many times about the economy problem, but honestly did not understand it. I now am just beginning to comprehend, but have a long way to go. Your ideas and suggestions look very sound and I hope staff will seriously consider them. Wish I understood the dye kits part better.

Not to create more work for you or any thing, but wondered if you also had some thoughts/ideas that you might share, about things that players themselves could do or not do, to help the economy. I could be part of the problem and not even know it. Maybe there are others who if they knew what to do to be part of the solution would be willing to take your suggestions.

All help in understanding this problem is greatly appreciated.


1:49pm Jan 8 2009

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Posts: 1,314

This sounds like a great idea, Allen. I like the whole "make dye kits cheaper" a lot because it'll make naturals worthwile, and I can't name a single person who'd dye an albino. I think I'd have a fit if someone asked me to dye Wolff. It'll also make people more confident in saving up for and buying them, because, in a way, a dye kit is just something you use to make your pet appeal even more to you - and isn't that what everybody's like? Nobody's going to adopt a natural Zennie called "fhhrhlrfjx", but you won't even hesitate to pick up a gold Kioka (which has a possibility of 0% of being abandoned in the Forest).

And the whole apple thing... why can't people sell things for what they're actually worth? I once went looking for a 100k Barter Token in the User shops as Tina didn't have any, and the cheapest one was 250k. Who'd buy them then, if you try to rip them off when their value is actually written on the item itself? o_O And there are all these users who have the same item/Creatu in their shops and they're sold and ridiculously different prices.

Like the albino Zenirix thing - 3.8 in Allen's and a whopping 8 mil in other shops. Apart from the name, what makes them any more valuable? You can just try and get a Name Tag and/or a Gender Pendant if you don't like the Creatu that much, so it makes the whole "mine shall be more expensive" thing rather... silly?

But, all in all, I agree with you. :3 You pointed out some pretty good facts there.


2:17pm Jan 9 2009


Posts: 394
Good ideas. I'll keep an eye on this thread.

8:29am Jan 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221

Ooh, Patrick liked the idea, Gun. :)

Lets keep this thread going.

That means this is a bump.

"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."

6:09am Jan 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 484
bump :P


8:38pm Jan 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 130
Thanks for all the comments everyone.


11:56pm Mar 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 130
Soon to be revised and further elaborated on. Please post all of your opinions and ideas about improving the economy.


6:54am Mar 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 48

Great ideas.

I think also there should be a greater limit on pet hatching right now its like this

�1 day - 3 pets

1 week - 21 pets

�1 month - 84 pets

1 year - 1,008 pets

They kind of add up quickly. And then you have to think of a good name besides "dfhuidshfsd" for each.� Plus, if you keep them you have to pay a large sum to add them to your shop. quick note- when V2 comes out it would be nice if ranchers had the option of taking their shop size, make it there pet gallery size and the rancher shop being reset back to 0. that way lots of people dont have to spend all that tu again and they wont have huge empty shops. If not, ill probably keep my pets in my shop for crazy high prices and put the extra special ones in my gallery.

Anyway, i think it would better if we had, say 15 hatches a week. Then it would be more like

1 day - N/A

1 week - 15

1 month - 60

1 year -� 720

That is still a great amount of pets you can hatch, but you wont be hatching as many natties, or as many albinos. it would help keep the forest cleaner and there wouldnt be as many 0 or 1 tu pets. plus, if someone couldnt get on for a couple of days, they wouldnt have to worry about missing out on hatches. and would you really miss those 6 creatu? I think thats all i have to say on that for now.


4:10pm Mar 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 130
ruthie22410: Those are exactly the things I was about to bring up actually. We are thinking on the same level. I was actually discussing the ranch/creatu gallery switch with a friend just yesterday. I would be very extremely surprised if anyone disagreed that switching them over was not [beyond obviously] the most straight-up logical and practical thing to do. All else would be insane. I mean, really insane.


4:42pm Mar 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 12
I don't think there should be a fee to put a pet in a shop...You already have to pay to have more than 5 pets in the shop.� Perhaps a percentage "fee" for each creatu sold could be deducted from the selling price (sort of like a sales tax) but I'm not crazy about that idea either.� It's hard enough to make money as a rancher without making it cost more to do business.�

Lifes been good to me so far
Hope its been kind to you
Stand strong in the storms of life
The sun will always shine on you
--Rock n Roll Pain Train (Kid Rock)

7:23am Mar 15 2009 (last edited on 10:28am Dec 22 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 130

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