The Hoarder

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4:08pm Sep 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

Hey there! I'm Chip and I love collecting things!
Problem is, I'm too busy guarding my hoard now to go out and get more. You can never get enough stuff for your burrow, am I right?
You'd help me out a lot if you could get me this item:

How awesome would that be? Some cutie little creatu is wanting to get more items. Chimbies are natural pack rats, so it's the obvious choice for this game's NPC.
The point of this game is to give a use for those items clogging out inventory. Stones, pearls, sticks, yarn, flecks, flowers, ingredients, ect.
They're pretty, and definitely things a Chimby would collect for its nest.
The NPC would request for a certain item every day and keep asking for that item until reset the next day and then he/she will ask for another item.
It's like the Botanist quest only for a wider array of items.

The prizes, of course, will be things like a "hoarder background" where there's a massive pile of stuff for your HA or a forum avatar or even TU!
You'd exchange the daily requested item for points and the points can be exchanged directly across (say 1 point = 100,000 tu and this is obviously debatable). I think the higher the exchange for tu the more willing people will be to buy these things from people and put them out of the game rather than let them fill up our inventories.
This will circulate TU, give people incentive to be active, and boot out items without a purpose from the game!

There'd need to be more ideas for the prizes, too, but I think this type of game would really encourage people to join in the fun every day and it'd help everyone get some TU pretty easily.


4:12pm Sep 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Definitely sounds like a lot of fun...
support. vuv


4:21pm Sep 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 749
That would be so amazing. Support so bad!

10:27pm Sep 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Ahh that sounds like so much fun! Support :D


10:53pm Sep 1 2013


Posts: 910
This is so cute <3 And it'd really help with item inflation and such. I support ~


9:37pm Sep 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:01am Sep 3 2013


Posts: 3,217

Support :D


11:16am Sep 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Support. c:


12:54pm Sep 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 73


9:39am Sep 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 858
Support! Good use for all that junk I collect for no reason :)
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