8:24am Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 444
I've lusted after seeing the pets before their revamp for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I absolutly LOVE the revamps of the pets, but I also love watching things progress into other things. Seeing the old version of the pets would excite me to no end. Maybe that's just me though . . . Anyway, maybe it would be possible to get a page and have them there? What do you guys think?
I have to get this thing to level 1,000. Please, help.
Click Me!
10:40am Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 47
You know, i like that idea. I've always wondered what some pets looked like before they got revamped. Adding that can show people how res has improved over the years. I'd have to say support ^^
11:28am Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 6,216
I want to know too. xD It's not important, but nice to have.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
12:22pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 103
Yes, I would like to see some of them myself. I'm really interested to see how the Gondra evolved ofer the years.
12:25pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 4,093
Do you guys see the 'Help' link below 'Main' on the options bar to the left? It used to link to ResWiki, which had all the previous creatu to see and stuff. I don't know why it isn't up anymore, but since the link is still there, maybe they'll bring it back to life. Or maybe not. If they don't, I agree with this idea. It's nice looking back and seeing how they've improved. :3
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:43pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 1,444
So, clearly the suggestion here is: bring back the Res Wiki XD
6:23pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 41
I support, maby next to the button on the creatu list that says (view colors) it would have a button that says: (view art progress)
6:40pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 437
Support. I liked to look up the older versions on Res Wiki. I hope when the Wiki is up again the old artworks will be there to admire :D.
12:44am Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 193
We had to take down the Wiki because there was some kind of fiendishly unsolvable glitch that kept coming back -- basically, the main page of the wiki would be completely taken over by links advertising various websites and products. Many of them were pornographic, most were inappropriate, and we just couldn't risk someone clicking one of them. I do hope it'll come back someday soon, and I hope those original pics are still saved somewhere, because I've been unable to find a lot of them anywhere else on the net (checked the original artists' DAs and everything).
4:08pm Nov 17 2009
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Posts: 4,093
Oh, so that's why, Tami? I always wondered. :3 Anyways. Good that you guys took it down, I'm hoping it will come back too.
Anyways. I found a few a few of the old pets on google.
http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/097/f/b/Rescreatu_pets_by_NekoDragon.jpg Those are the original five pets- like, the very first ones ever created. Only the Otachie and Easero have been revamped from there, though. I remember there was an even older version of otachie on ResWiki, but it's not on google that I can find.
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/330/8/5/Eblia_for_Rescreatu_by_chaskitty.png Old Ebilia. XD
http://apexwebgaming.com/images/screens/508_6.jpg There's the ancient... multiple things. o__o I think it was the first layout + planet drawing, and you can see the old old berrok egg.
That's all I can find right now, but for what I recall, Jaaku's weren't any different except they had a symbol on their head and they were paler. The lineart was slightly less clean, but literally nothing changed about the drawing besides that. Same poses. Same egg. You can see many of the old pets on the avvies, but not the whole thing.
So yeah. I really hope the wiki is up again soon. D:
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:05pm Nov 17 2009 (last edited on 9:16pm Nov 17 2009)
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Posts: 193
Wow, that last screenshot is old. I joined in early 2007, so I remember the egg and the planet, but I've never even seen that layout before. o_0 Huh. I went looking for that screenshot and found some more; they're pretty enlightening. I think the profile is a little outdated, though. xD; http://apexwebgaming.com/profile/508/Rescreatu There are a few others on DA, I think -- I'll see if I can find any. Original Easero: http://nekodragon.deviantart.com/art/Rescreatu-pets-52684051 (Note that there's also an older version of the Otachie there, but that's not even the oldest....) Original (?) Otachie: http://chaskitty.deviantart.com/art/Otachie-Baby-42056539 (Just the baby, and her comments make it sound like even that might not be the original... but it was the oldest one I ever saw.) Original Zaphao, Malal, Skaldyr: http://icedpoison.deviantart.com/art/pet-art-for-rescreatu-138824922 (Well, technically that's not even the first Malal, but it would be the first any regular player ever saw. The Malal must be the only Creatu to sit around, neglected, long enough to receive a revamp before it had even been released.) Original Zenirix, Meiko, Tesuri, Sirleon: http://zeiferrei.deviantart.com/art/My-Rescretu-Pets-51891104 (Even though there's only one stage shown, this one is awesome to look at, because old pictures of these four species are among the hardest to track down. I loved the original Tesuri, though. I wish I could find a picture of the adult stage somewhere.) Original Drindian, Ahea: http://apexwebgaming.com/screenshot.php/508_5.jpg (This is why everyone should stop complaining.) The old Veram was fun, too. Too bad it's poofed out of existence.
2:04am Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 3,642
I has Tesuri, thanks to Robin running around as a 'Guest' on the Shoutbox a while ago and posting a bunch of old pictures. xD [link], [link], and [link]. Robin had also posted some sort of a snake Creatu that never got released I guess, but I don't seem to have bookmarked it.. I see an early 2008 picture on dA of a Creatu called a Settyn that's also a snake, but I still don't see the original pictures anywhere, and other than that one, the Settyn seems to be nonexistent. The person did mention Liz though. Maybe she knows something about it? I also have the other two Meiko, although they're a bit messed up because I'd fiddled with them. [link] and [link]. Since they apparently never got removed from Res' images, there are the Sirleon and Chimby as well. [link], [link], and [link]; [link], [link], and [link]. The Iluvu was freakin' creepy and somehow hilarious at the same time, but I seem to have gone and not bookmarked the picture someone had uploaded of its adult either. D:
Also, I recall that that Skaldyr wasn't even really the first version. Before, it had been.. pretty much a dark flat-color, I think.
9:04am Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 437
I have the original adult Meiko's pic on my Meiko's petpage here: http://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/?id=806426 (As I actually preferred, and still prefer the old one to the new).
9:48am Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 193
Eee, thank you Yoshi and Yaiz! =D *glee* Those Tesuri pictures might actually be helpful... >.> *surreptitiously goes to post them on the staff forums* Yeah, there've been a couple of snake Creatu floating around in the past... two of the ones I'm thinking of were meant to be part of a site development that's now kind of caught in limbo, so I won't talk too much about of them. The old Iluvu was awesome. xD I giggled every time I saw it. Those eyes.... I *think* the version of the Skaldyr I posted does have the original lineart, but yeah, Enid_black did a recolour/shading touchup on it when she was still staff. It used to be very flat.
11:37am Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 12:40pm Nov 18 2009)
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Posts: 273
Awwww at the old baby Sirleon,old baby Chimby and old adult Tesuri. ~8D They were so cute and epic,lol. xD I remember the Iluvu looked Rabbid. OwO Even if I was here when they were revamped. xD And the Ebilia,omg. xD It had those HUGE eyes that would stare. o_O -fails- Yeah,overall I want the Wiki. D: I never saw it and I want to,rofl. xD -flail- So I agree with getting the Wiki back ? D: Pretty please with cherry on top,Pat ? x3 Oh and about the snake pets,I remember Baby Gondras used to look like snakes,more than dragons. x3 And some pictures...: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2007/358/f/e/fe91d6825556e063.jpg http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2009/237/f/a/faf302f6dce64d26409bac6aaa083628.jpg You can see old mirabilis in the background,top right. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs24/i/2007/330/8/3/Sharken_Rescreatu_by_Rubydragoon4444.jpg I am positive this one was NEVER released or used. xD http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs24/f/2007/321/3/d/Creatu___Dipodi__Complete_by_tamia_shade.png That was never released either. ;o http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs25/f/2008/065/9/b/Rescreatu_Art_Dump_by_Me11o.png Settyn Yoshi was talking about. They never released it because the person resigned and her and Neko's art styles didn't match so Neko didn't make the other two stages http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/277/0/c/0cd01c9958e4a0ebef3d94979c73a719.png One of Ahea revamps,so tis not the original. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/322/a/1/Ebilia_Creatu_by_Rescreatu_Art.png OLD EBILIA. <333333 http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs16/f/2007/196/a/b/Islas_Creatu_Concept___Colors_by_TwinEnigma.jpg Some creatu concept. o_O http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll63/_Renamon_____/ginsei2.jpg Ol' baby gondra on the left. ;o http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm140/Silmarril/makika.jpg Old adult gondra.Without his fais tho. xD http://i412.photobucket.com/albums/pp210/petpettrish/Other%202/oldzaph.png Old Zaphao and egg. That's all I could find and no,I have no idea how to make links. kthxbai
\r\nAwesome.tastic siggy by Mindii. <3
2:45pm Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 48
It's a shame, I loved the old Zaphao art. Case in point: My quest to recieve a blonde Zaphao went to a screeching halt when it was revamped. Thanks for finding it guys.
2:50pm Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 193
"http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs24/f/2007/321/3/d/Creatu___Dipodi__Complete_by_tamia_shade.png That was never released either. ;o" And it never will be. ;)
3:27pm Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 273
Awh Tamia,but it's so cute. xD Rofl,sorry for digging through your dA. x3
\r\nAwesome.tastic siggy by Mindii. <3
6:15pm Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Looks kinda like the Roditore, Tam :3
I'm Feline♥
6:22pm Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 273
Here's the old rabbid Iluvu: http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp352/Geonightrose/oldiluv.jpg Thank you Geonightrose for providing me the image ! ♥
\r\nAwesome.tastic siggy by Mindii. <3