Yes. A snake for Relcore (I'll figure some sort of creatu for Atquati). (I'm not a fantastic artist in my opinion.) It's name is Ruu. I might need some help with the body and it's details, but what do you think?
umm looks ok apart from its name is weird lmao but then again so is most other creatu and it seems too spiky, maybe add colours to it ^-^ then it might look better and maybe losing the ball for the tail Dx but your drawing is quite good >.< other peoples drawings are better but they like super study art lol O.o and the pet starts off ok but then it seems to look weird =/ but nice idea ^-^
Well, I like the Ruu. It has great details in my opinion, plus i could never draw a snake that awesome. I espesully like the spikes, it helps make it look feirce. I think it would be a great addition to Relcore. Your a great artist psycho, keep up the good work. ^^
Wait, just a thought...... how about the baby has a lot of spikes, and then in the second one, there isn't much, and then, the adult has only a few spikes. You know, 'cuz babies need protection.