There's an App for That

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4:03pm Jul 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 138
Suggestion: creating a Rescreatu app for cellular devices
Reasons: I don't always have my laptop on me, and I would like to be able to check up on my pets! Sometimes I go days without being anywhere near a computer, and I really worry about them being fed. I'd rather not give someone my password to have them babysat, and what if I was gone so long the food in my food pen ran dry? Of course I usually get on every day, but I do have to travel (for work and such) and it would be awesome to have my pets in my pocket. Also, it could help with business. Maybe you could have certain items you could only buy in the cash shop on your app? Or maybe even you could make buying the app itself have a small fee. And don't forget about the people who are nosy shoulder peekers, who will then ask "What's that, it looks pretty neat!" Thus making your member base grow.

In conclusion, I honestly think it would make things really convenient, while also helping support the site. I hope you consider this as an idea!

Boop Doop

3:14am Jul 12 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
" I'd rather not give someone my password to have them babysat"

This is against the rules anyway c:

But yeah, last I heard we were going to try to develop an app - though what device it would be for I'm not sure? I'm not even certain we're still going through with it, since Res works fine on iPhones and other smartphones.


9:46pm Jul 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 138
Ah! Sweet! :3 Thought they weren't going through with this after all. I'd kind of given up a little on it and resigned myself to just doing the browser thing. But uh, yeah if any help is needed whatsoever I know I'm just a regular user but I love helping with anything especially this site it's become a favorite of mine. :3

Boop Doop
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