Tight Fitting Black Clothing

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3:33am Oct 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
Recently, you see, it was made apparent in the sb [By Devamia] that we are severely lacking in simple plain leather jeans, and even don't have plain black stockings. Really, it wouldn't be all that difficult to make something that wasn't sparkly, would it?
By the way, the conversation below has been edited. |D Just to remove unnecessary conversation.
DevamiaWhy are there no plain tight black pants
Devamiain rescreatu
Devamialeather pants included
Devamiaplain leather pants
Devamianot ones which are shiny
DevamiaI can't use this outfit simply because the black leather pants are SHINY
YoursTrulyYou should totes write in a complaint.
YoursTrulyAbout the shininess of their pants.
DevamiaI mean sparkly leather pants where are the normal ones ;-;
Devamiaand the other... what is the other made of even
Devamiaeven if you don't have black PLAIN leather pants you should still have plain black stockings.
elanraXD I'm not sure why that's making me laugh.
YoursTrulyBecause it's Deva. 8I
Devamiano the only ones there are are webbed stockings or white socks I mean really
Devamiawhat is up with your aversion to black tight fitting clothes
YoursTrulySet up a suggestion in the forums.
Devamiayou do it lol (I'm too scared)
YoursTrulyThey're all afraid, you see
YoursTrulyThat Gun will make a kinky outfit for himself.
DevamiaIs gun a guy
YoursTrulyTy will quote you in it. >D
YoursTrulyYes. XD
Devamiabecause I'm staring at the female pants section
YoursTrulyIt's Gun, bro.
YoursTrulyHe would totes do it. o _o
Devamiaunless he can suddenly barge into the female dressing room
DevamiaI don't think so
Devamiaeven then you don't even have proper wear for a ninja
Devamialet alone sexy black wear ;-;
YoursTrulyGuys can wear girl clothes here on res.
elanraOh dear, I've spent too much time watching BBC and "female pants" alarmed me.
YoursTrulyExcuuuse me
YoursTrulyTy is a ninja.
YoursTrulyJust lookit her sexy avatar.
Devamiahang on
Devamiaher full name is 'Ty'?
YoursTruly... No.
YoursTrulyTy is YoursTruly. |D
YoursTrulyShe speaks in third person. xD
YoursTrulyJust to confuse everyone. 83
Devamiabut you're wearing those black cargo pants
DevamiaThey look so bulky
Devamiatherefore my point
YoursTrulyTy will switch to leathers once they have 'em.
YoursTrulyAsides from that she is a ninja.
Devamiaexactly. So what exactly is the problem with the lack of leather pants?
Devamiablack leather pants
Devamianon-sparkly pants
YoursTrulyTy sees no problem.
YoursTrulyShe's setting up a thread now.

^ There you go. That's not really necessary to read through, just to emphasize the point that we are severely lacking in tight fitting, black clothing. c:

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:43am Oct 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2
Immediately after this fiasco, I found the black stockings and socks, so ignore that portion of the argument.

... They're still very translucent, though.

2:19am Oct 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 910
For me, I'd just love some black leggings or any sort of leggings or tights really without those awful seams on them.  I find them so unattractive. :C


8:17am Oct 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Support big time. They need tight fitting pants of all colors, and I agree, the seams on the stockings are awful! I was trying to find some nice tight fitting stockings for my current avvie, and because I couldn't I had to change my entire design.


9:26pm Oct 30 2012 (last edited on 9:27pm Oct 30 2012)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

The more clothes, the better, IMO.

Like basketball shorts.

I like.

Seriously need some.


6:30am Oct 31 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
Yay. ^-^ Thankles for support, peoples. c:

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥
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