Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Training, Hunger, Intellect & Battle

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9:48am Mar 26 2009 (last edited on 6:36pm Jan 14 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 130

1. If they're going to make auto-training a feature, it should be costly. You should also have the ability to train on top of it yourself somewhat so that those who put the effort into raising their Creatu can be rewarded.

2. Bring out a good battle system. Have inter-party battles, build a sense of community with competition.

3. When the food pen is fixed, you should be unable to train Creatu which are not fed. This gives players more incentive to feed besides death which takes forever anyway. Dead Creatu should lose all their stats. Reviving is too easy.

4. Fix the intellect glitch and give purpose to the stat. Why not have weapons you can only use if your intellect is at a certain level? Perhaps high intellect Creatu should get special abilities in battle?

5. Bringing the maintenance/Creatu raising aspect further into the game will give players more to do each day, boosts sales in food and the value of a trained/intelligent Creatu goes up. A whole new selling angle for ranchers who do not have enough to work with in the way of variables.

Please post your opinions and suggestions, thanks.


2:23pm Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 369
I support all of it~ I tried the battle system once, and it really sucked. A nice overhaul would rock. Tournaments and stuff would be really exciting.

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

2:25pm Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 104
Right Gun, favor the people who can afford all the rare/retired books in battle. XD

2:27pm Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

The Gunmetal will never be silenced until Rescreatu becomes a utopia for all. At which case he will leave because there is nothing for the Gunmetal to change for the better.


I agree with everything said above. It would make things very interesting.


1. Laziness never was what we intended. If you're going to make a trainer to train your creatu, then you should pay the service. And I suggested a trophy/reward for having top creatu, but BillyBob sorta has that in the bag y'know? lol.

2. We're working on a new battle system from what I heard, but I do hope it's something more appealing than the one now.

3. I agree... that is all. lol.

4. Excellent idea. o 3o I absolutely love it. lol. Reminds me of a comic I saw once... o3o

5. Yes. Yes. Yes. I agree.


Uwibami also mentioned that if a creatu is sick, then they would have more difficulty training. I think that would be a great idea as well.


2:27pm Mar 26 2009 (last edited on 6:27pm Jan 14 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 130

You can always buy a well-read Creatu.
Those with rare/retired books might not be into training and will want a pet from those who are.


2:29pm Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 369
Oh also, I think that if there must be an auto-training system, it should not be as efficient as manual training.

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

2:34pm Mar 26 2009 (last edited on 6:30pm Jan 14 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 130

Oh also, I think that if there must be an auto-training system, it should not be as efficient as manual training.



3:08pm Mar 26 2009

In Training

Posts: 355

Variables, I love 'em.

Give people different ways to play the game and it becomes more appealing to a wider  audience.

As always, Gunmetal's suggestions are well thought out and appropriate for this game. I fully support all of these ideas.

I do have some additional thoughts on the auto-training system. It could turn out to be a game play suppressant if not done right. Players should be able to advance with minimal work, but not get ahead in the game without spending significant time playing. I think this feature will only be good if very costly, as suggested. That way, users that don't want to train manually must still spend time playing the game to afford the feature.

Or, there could just not be an auto-training system. Unlike feeding (food pen), training is not essential to maintaining a creatu. I don't really see why it would need an auto-feature.

 Another variable to explore is creatu age. Age could perhaps unlock new features in the game or give perks. These are just ideas off the top of my head, but maybe after 500days old a creatu can reread books, or use exclusive weapons or travel to new areas. The age variable would expand game play for older players.


3:34pm Mar 26 2009 (last edited on 6:33pm Jan 14 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 130
I definitely agree with the age suggestion. Creatu can only age on profiles so I'd count any aging above 30 to be raising. Since of course ideally (broken food pen at the moment) you are paying to keep them fed while they are on your profile. Age should do something. Even if it is only a status thing; graduate them to 'Elder' as a friend of mine suggested or give them a bunch of intellect points. With age comes wisdom and all


3:56pm Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 930

There should also be a way to get your creatu's weight up.


Training's pretty easy now, and I'd love if it were a challenge. Getting a creatu's stats up could also ::possibly:: help players sell creatu to the people who don't want to train themselves XP


6:36pm Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 145

I agree with this as well, and since we're on the subject of stats...

1. I believe at the moment level doesn't mean anything right? I think it should be either taken out or with every battle won against others the creatu should gain experience points, for example after gaining ten points your creatu will be level 2 and this should probably affect the power level of special abilities or something.

2. Same goes for emotion it should either be taken out or have something to do with battles, maybe if a creatu's neutral it's attacks should miss every now and then and if it's delighted it never misses or something along those lines. 


6:37pm Mar 26 2009


Posts: 394
Great suggestions. Keeping them in mind.

6:58pm Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 155
I agree with these suggestions, but have a concern about the inteligence thing. If it is used to mean something in battle then the level should not be so high as to require having read several retired books.

LadyMargit, a Silicon Valley Grandma
Thanks to SoulyTer for the wonderful Siggie!
Bring back the Publish a Book Contest!

8:08pm Mar 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221

How about the idea of learning spells or other magic that require intelligence to use in battle?  These could be gained from special books if the creatu has the right intelligence level already.  If not, the player could re-read the book to learn the spell later.  There could be defense spells, healing spells, elemental attack spells and what not in addition to normal creatu attacks.

You might also be able to get weapons or items with magic in it that requires intelligence to unlock as well.  The most basic spells could be unlocked with the amount of common books available.  I'd like to see such magic given to the planet swords and scythes.

And if someone wants to go beyond that with the rare, retired books, its the work of only a few moments to find out who has more books and ask them to train their creatu in intelligence... for a price of course.  They don't need to actually own the book themselves.

I like the age factor, but how would that work with rays? Do they loose a point every time their age is changed? Don't like that idea.  And we really don't want highly intelligent babies running around either.  I'd say open a public library where creatu can read books instead.  A person could read one book a day, even if there isn't actually a book out there for the creatu to read.  This way, dedicated daily trainers have the advantage, not just book collectors.

Plus, it would solve the problem of my idea to open an academy on every planet.  Each planet could have one responsible for training each stat. Say, Relcore could have the public library, Atquati could be responsible for defense, Scria could be responsible for agility, and Reiflem would cater to those who want for nothing but power. ::chuckles::

And I would also suggest that the price start out somewhat low, but increase as the creatu's abilities increase by, say, 10 points.  This would keep the ranchers who train in business as well as their costs rise, but allow everyone some ability to train.

As for levels, yes, we should be able to rank creatu by questing or battling.  Don't know if I want to lift their levels JUST with fighting.  Fighting isn't all there is in order to gain knowledge and rank, and is a very pokemon concept.  Perhaps there could be creatu councils for each planet, and a creatu could go to the council of the planet they originate from to participate in a quest or rite of passage that allows them to advance in rank.  Or they could obtain field promotions after a certain number of other creatu are defeated.  Both would be best, but if I could choose only one... quests would be my desire.

We definately do need more ways to involve creatu in the Res gameplay.  Right now most are just hatching and collecting them like trophies.  That doesn't suit my taste much, and if Rescreatu wasn't otherwise such an interesting concept, I most likely would have gotten bored and skedattled.   The gambling aspect of hatching is definately a plus in my book.

"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."

6:07am Mar 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 829

1. Cool 83
2. Awesome :D
3. Okay o3o
4. Good :]
5. Nice :)

Conclusion, support all :3


#13, The Key of Destiny
Event Horizon & Magic Hour


6:54pm Mar 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 583

Fully support all these suggestions :3 Often I find trained pets sold at prices no different from untrained pets and it irritates me to no end :P

Besides, as much as I enjoy battlling and training creatu, it be nice if there was some rewards for them xD


6:55pm Mar 29 2009 (last edited on 6:56pm Mar 29 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 419

Yeah, I love the ideas.
We need some way to make all the feeding and creatu-caring to be worth doing.
Right now, it's just hatch-hunt-buy-whatever.
After a while, you get tired of the same thing.
We need something to capture people's attention, or something that can be "addicting" other than Rescreatu and Hunting For Eggs itself.

Kinda off topic, but there can be ways for training and battling to be quite fun d:

[Supports All Ideas]

Official art/coding slave of Kirsti, Uwi, an' Josh xD
Won't be active often- have too much to do! Dx

6:58pm Mar 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 130
Thank you for the support, if you come up with anything else please come and share it.


8:16pm Mar 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 319
Nice Ideas Gunmetal ;p I agree with all of them.

Status: Studying the blade

11:27am Mar 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 162

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