"Don't know if I want to lift their levels JUST with fighting. Fighting isn't all there is in order to gain knowledge and rank, and is a very pokemon concept." -Geonightrose
I wasn't even thinking of pokemon, I was thinking more along the lines of an mmorpg.
I like the whole questing idea from Geo too, and in addition to the quests we have now we should have more quests from say, the guardians of Rescreatu. It would be pretty awesome to incorporate them into Res a lot more.
I mean, not too many people know about them and you can't visit their statues but there's a link for it. So since they're there anyway, why not use them?
And the acadamy idea's are nice too, you could tie in Gun's idea about auto-training. There could be training facilities at the acadamey where you sign your pets in. And while they're signed up every day for five hours it ups one stat. And you can sign up your pet to earn more than one specific stat, but for every stat signed up it takes five hours for just one.
for example say you've signed up your pet to up three different stats, so that would take 15 hours for them to completely learn it.
That way you can still train if you don't want to do it yourself but for those who put the extra effort into raising their creatu can be rewarded by being able to train faster than five hours or so. And if you're going away for a couple of days you can sign up your pets and they can still train even though you'll be on vacation, etc.
And the acadamy's should exist in the places that are named after the guardians 'Otroe Acadamy in Otroe's circle'. (but that's slightly off topic)