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1:34pm May 23 2010

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Posts: 2,088
Twint: What? o.O


6:36pm May 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
But I don't really think it should be that rare. Or, you can buy something like a twin pendant or such, making it even easier to hatch twins, like 1/2 of the time.
Plus, I think it be better if, when you hatch a twin set, the colors can be either the same or different, like fraternal or identical twins.
I also think that it should be able to hatch Dye Kit colors, and that the concept should not be applied to CS Creatu.


7:31pm May 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
Hatching DK colours sounds weird. o.O No pets are naturally born bright purple or pink or whatevah. -_- They should be dyed just like any other pets.


8:12pm May 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
Well, it's just an idea >.> What animal is naturally born green? I'm pretty sure dogs aren't. But I think it's a good idea to do so.


4:27am May 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

No; the economy of the DKS will go DOOOWWN.

I still cant rephrase the hatchin part. 


9:09am May 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Well, the Zenirix is apparently a pretty old pet. xD I've seen staff say that we only have a green dog for that reason, and that it's really not very like the Res style now.

And yeh. Neither hatching dye colors or getting twins half the time seem like very good ideas to me. Both are a danger to economy, actually. On one hand, you get free dye colors, which would NOT be good; on the other, you have twice the pets being hatched, on a regular basis. We already have problems with too many pets. We don't need to fuel the fire and pretty much give people extra hatches.

The novelty would wear off too. People wouldn't want to get twins anymore. The only reason most people love albinos is that they're rare. Twins may even become like naturals - shunned by the people for their commonness, making it a ha-ssle every time you wanna hatch. Oh, you only wanted one? Too bad.

And really, it's just not realistic at all, having it that common. Twins are rare enough in Humans, and they don't have to be stuck in an eggshell the whole incubation, trying to survive on a food source meant for one. Double-yolked eggs may not be entirely rare, but actually hatching them? Definitely not a common thing.


1:21pm May 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835

Pri:They can be different genders because like you said, not all twins are the same gender. I guess that they can be different colors because sometimes twins don't look alike. The size is a problem and I am trying to think of an idea to help with that but so far my brain is dead. I think that you should be able to dye them different colors maybe too. Like dye one rose and the other lime or something.

Chance:I think that the twins should be rare for some of the reasons already posted. If you want to suggest hatching dye kits then you should make a different suggestion.


7:00pm May 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
Sas, it was only a suggestion. So maybe, if this idea took off, it should only be like in the real world - twins happen in every 200 or so births. I suggested dye kits because of the picture on the first page.


7:45am May 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,937
I think this is a good idea. But,when they grow up,and if you wont seperate them, how you could fit them in 1 pic? Like. Arent those creatu pics like.. (something) x (something) pixels?


2:09pm May 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
 I don't know what to do about that. I don't know how small the picture needs to be...

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