Uldavi planet

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12:51pm Sep 12 2010 (last edited on 8:01pm Sep 12 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,282

maybe like the rest of the planets, you get too see what it looks like. and kirs shop and quest thing can be actally on that planet somewhere.

I'm not saying to let ivik eggs be as rare as the gondra. or get the other creatu, I can't spell it right off the bat.

I know the uldavi creatu  besides the ivik doesnt have an egg.





4:47pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,864

Well why don't we have a Hannukah, or Adults Day?

We already have Christmas, which is borderline.

No support, although it might be fun to have a gambling game there.



5:04pm Sep 12 2010 (last edited on 5:08pm Sep 12 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,282

fizzy: never heard of adults day, but i actally have heard of kids day. ( i'm not kidding)

also, this is more of a kids site,and kids don't gamble. plus theres allready poker game




5:14pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,713
no supposrt sorry uldavi is a specific place, eggs should have some quest to get it! Because then all of a sudden every single user will ave 80 uldavi creatu and it will not be a navulty

5:52pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,864
Kids enjoy gambling games. And this site is based on 13 plus.


5:59pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 17,364
Mabye there could be another creatu on Uldavi. It could be pretty common, like the Gondra and Otachi. (I know I spelled it wrong. xD) Atleast there would be a new creatu to get.


6:15pm Sep 12 2010

In Training

Posts: 355
It's going to be a long time before players ever get to see Uldavi.


7:02pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 556
Uldalvi isn't a pretty place. It's full of shopping carts and forclosed homes. I don't know why anyone would want to be there. o_o


6:07am Sep 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 502

LOL Zeb ;(


Well I would imagine Uldavi might be a part of V3, but Xee says we won't see it for a while, so maybe not.


6:56am Sep 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437
The Atquati Whirpool could lead to Uldavi ;P.
But I think it is fine that we cannot go there. Makes it more special :D.


6:53pm Sep 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 502

...Why would the atquati portal lead to Uldavi? xDDDD


On that note, it would be cool if the whirlpool went to some undersea civilization. Like "Atlantis" if you will. ^^


10:27pm Sep 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437

...Why not? xD It doesn't have a function now anyways...*it was just random brain storming by the way (^^;)*


11:58am Sep 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 558
wasnt the hole point of the uldavian quest that they had next to no pets and need to im
port them for their citizens?


2:18pm Sep 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 24
well, it says its a "lost planet" emplying it used to be one (I know it was never accessable) so I don't think they could "find" a palnet xD

6:14pm Sep 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 10,925

Poker doesn't work anymore anyway. o3o. Like, just saying.

But I have been to Uldavi. It's a pigsty. ;c 

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


4:40pm Sep 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 26
i think that they should add a special ticket for say .... twice the points required to get ivik eggs? then that ticket should allow you to go to uldavi for a few hours and look around and there can be a few creatu there (ivik could be about 0.9% hardness to find) and some items and shops ect. and then the player gets to return home with there plunderings! (it would make the ivik quest more intense)

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10:37pm Sep 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,426

DaEpic, do you know how many 0.9% pets you can find in just an hour? It would de-value the Ivic a lot, probably by the millions. I do like the idea going someday to Uldavi, but I believe that's the wrong way to go about things. (Sorry, not trying to be rude or anything, please take no offence ^^; )

And yes, iooni. I believe Kir specifically came to Rescreatu because Creatu are very rare in his planet.

"I have goods from Uldavi, including some eggs from our own Creatu to offer in return. They are fairly rare though and some of the items I have are extremely costly to produce and transport, so you will need to collect a certain number of points before you can purchase something from me."

Although it's possible his planet has less rare pets, but it seems unlikely. P: 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr
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