8:57pm Sep 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,282
i think they need a reramp. maybe it might make them more popular and be avaible in dye kit colors.
8:58pm Sep 3 2010
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Posts: 4,355
i agree! support!
9:02pm Sep 3 2010
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Posts: 502
I would imagine this is already in the works, though I don't see a need to revamp them, :/ No support, but they do need dye colors :x
9:03pm Sep 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,282
yes, yes they do need DK colors. they can be touched up a little
10:36pm Sep 3 2010 (last edited on 10:38pm Sep 3 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 437
I think the baby is adorable as it is now, and I like the adult too :-). Hopefully it won't be changed much. Teen could be touched up a bit maybe.
Also some of the current colours of the Valabex are a bit strange, like black... it looks rather brownish o_0. Dye colours are welcome too.
7:09am Sep 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 520
I agree, I absolutely love the baby. I do like the adult myself, but some say that it looks 'lazy'. I don't see it. Teen is a bit funky, and could do with a few touch ups.
7:39am Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 437
I like it as it is lazy, who says all pets have to be hyper? Lol xD Actually the adult Valabex seems calm and wise for me, jovial, with a smile complete, and I like that :).
9:36am Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 3,642
No. The Valabex is just about perfect as it is. It's one of those pets that I've really never noticed anything wrong with. At all. There may be those couple strange colors, but I think that was the point - to incorporate a little pink into a few colors other than natural. Also. Using revamps to make people like Creatu more usually only works permanently for the ones who were obviously out-of-date and really needed it. Like the Aukira and Ahea were before their revamps. But revamping an already fine Creatu? That'd probably only make a very, very temporary bit of excitement.
9:49am Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 437
I looked over the Valabex colours, and actually they are nice :). The only one I find disturbing after all is the black:  Now I can accept that it is pink incorporated in the colour, however the other Valabex colours do not seem to be pinkish any ways o_0. And I still think this one would look nicer, if the fur on its back would be really black, and the current pinkish colour could be used as belly fur... Just an idea. With the shape of the pet there is nothing wrong :).
11:38am Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 11:39am Sep 4 2010)
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Posts: 520
I can admit that it doesn't look black, but I love it all the same. In fact, its probably my favourite of all black pets. The only thing that irks me about the adult Valabex is that the ear looks like its coming out of the back of the neck.
2:07pm Sep 4 2010
In Training 
Posts: 355
I always find it obnoxiously hilarious how kind the userbase is about anatomy flaws on existing pets; yet if we were to release that same graphic now I doubt very much that players would be okay with it.
4:56pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 502
8:38pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 437
I don't remember I ever criticized any anatomy flaw on any pet (new or old) o_0. Actually I couldn't care less about anatomy, until I like the picture altogether. These are after all fantasy pets. They have no relation to real life pets so why should they have the same anatomy?
I like the valabex. My second pet I ever hatched was a natural valabex, still on my profile, and she's the 82nd oldest pet on Rescreatu. I never thought that there would be anything wrong with her.
8:45pm Sep 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,282
they chould get a touch up and certainly need DK colors
9:05pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 854
SUPPORT. I, for one, cannot stand the current valabex. No offense meant to the artist or those who love it, but the poses of the different valabex stages seem awkward to me, not to mention the colors just... turn me off to it. I'm waiting for a revamp to decide whether or not I want to collect them.
10:10pm Sep 4 2010
In Training 
Posts: 355
I didn't mean to single you out, Yaizhbeen. I meant to just remark on a common trend of thought players seem to have about revamps. Anyway, as in all revamp threads: Staff know what pets need to be revamped, and those that need them will get them.
8:27pm Sep 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 21
I love Valabex's the way they are. And I love the fact that the black shows pink. NO SUPPORT.
"Rather be dead than cool." - Kurt Cobain
6:16am Sep 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,713
WSUPPORT the valabex look scary to me