Have you ever been torn between adding two different effects to a pet and struggle to compare them side by side? Or would you simply like to see all of the effects that a creatu has available to them without the hassle of having to scroll through Creatu Species, manually select each effect, and scroll to find what it looks like in the color you desire?
I propose an addition to the Creatu Colors page. It would have the following two selection bars: Creatu Species and Color. You would select a species (such as Tesuri) and a color (such as indigo). Upon clicking on View Effects, you would be presented with the following:
(In order: Ageless Adolescent, Ageless Baby, Stardust, Undead, Frostlight, Derp)
It would be a great way to see all of the effects that a creatu has available to them at once, without having to look at them individually, especially if you're a new player.