I think the reason people underprice pets is because they don't know better. They work off what they priced their pets at before and had them sold for, and look at the pets which aren't selling and say to themselves. "I think that's just too much asking price, so I'll have to lower it to this."
I have an idea to fix that.
What if we stock a blonde Paor our Rancher Shop and go and price it at 500,000 tu, because the cheapest blonde on the search is 500,000 tu. We click "Save". The page reloads and says. "Wait a minute!" in red letters and stars the Paor. You scroll down to the bottom of the page and it says. "The lowest buy price of a creatu with that species and color is much greater than the price you have set, are you sure you want to continue?"
It gives them a chance to think. "I can get more tu for this?" and they may be more inclined to use the Pet Search rather than just saying.
and pricing the pet at whatever they feel like just because it caused their creatu to be sold before.
Why would YOU want this? Because then it gives YOU, a RANCHER, a chance to get your tu's worth for the creatu you just spent YOUR hatch on; let's face it, guys, hatches aren't exactly abundant.
So, do you agree? Disagree? Why or why not?
If you don't agree with the set up of this, please offer another suggestion. (ie, instead of having to load the page twice, have a "pop-up" window, like when you click on an item in your inventory.)