I came up with this in the shower. Showers are the PERFECT place to come up with ideas BTW.
So everone knows about the whirlpool in Aquati, right? You can click on it, but nothing happens. SO, I have an idea for it.
If you have either an Ahea, Draqua, Murren, Narwi, Quelis, Sirleon, or Skaldyr selected(any color), and go to the whirlpool, you will see another message appear.
What is it?
Where could this whirlpool possibly lead?
Your pet, (selected creatu's name), can swim down this whirlpool! Would you like to go down it?
If you choose yes, you go to a new place. Its an underwater city ruins, much like Atlantis. There you can only find underwater pets, the ones I listed as ones that can go in the whirlpool(Tesuri is not one of them). Once there, you have a .05% chance of finding a Hapold Egg. A Hapold(Res can change the name) Is an angler fish thingee.
(I'll draw all three stages, as well as the egg, and try to do all hatchable colors.)
The Hapold is only found in the underwater ruins.
The Underwater Ruins:
It will be like a broken down castle, with a few ruined houses made from stone. You will see a Skaldyr under a rock, a few Sirleons chasing fish, and a Draqua in some seaweed, and far off the outline of the Hapold.
Also, suggest some names for the creatu plz.
Name Suggestions for the new creatu
All the ideas I am getting on this are great! This is just the base, something to work from.