All my creatu disappeared!

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7:10pm Feb 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1
I had 3 noctis and now they're all gone! what's going on :( please help. I've been gone for 2-3 weeks

7:56pm Feb 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Unfortunately, they starved to death. You'll be able to find them in the Graveyard on Refliem, in Otroe Circle, which is the purple dome.

Your can resurrect them by using Resurrection Potions, which can either be bought or made through the Resurrection Quest (you'll need to buy the ingredients for it, however).

In the future, if you know you're going to be gone, it's best to store your Creatu in your Showroom so they won't get hungry, or make sure your Food Pen is quite full to provide them enough food in your absence.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr
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