Glitch names and dying (undead) creatu

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8:43am Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 338
Does a creatu with a glitched name (i.e., multiple words) lose its name when it dies?  I've got a creatu with a glitch name that I'd like to turn Undead if I could, but I obviously don't want to lose the name. 

Words of wisdom from other glitch owners/Staff would be greatly appreciated.  :)


11:08am Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
From what I know it's just like when any other pet dies, because I know I've seen dead glitches before. However, I had heard that recently pets have been losing their names immediately upon death due to the PHP update. I haven't heard a final word about whether that's been fixed or not though so I would test it on an unimportant pet first.

Also, since I haven't lost/killed any glitch names before, feel free to keep waiting for an answer while you test the name loss upon death thing, as I can't give you a firsthand answer :)


11:49am Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 338
Oh, I'm definitely waiting until the PhP thing is all straightened out before I kill the guy.  XD
Thanks for your help though, Wolfspi.  :)

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