I've risen from the dead and now I have creatu egg questions.

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1:37am May 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4

I've been a member for a super long time, but I went on a hiatus and have returned to discover that a lot of things have changed!
As I peered into my hatchery, I noticed that I have some really crazy, old, eggs that have been aging in my inventory for way more than a year.

From my understanding, spoiled eggs increase the chances of mutant Creatu... but is it common for them to fail to hatch at all?
I'm also wondering if alternate colors of mutants are solely available with the aid of dye kits?

... is it favorable if a mutant hatches?

What you risk reveals what you value.

2:57am May 2 2013


Posts: 3,217
spoiled and old eggs have a higher chance of hatching mutant but also a higher chance of failing. 

( you can see egg hatch chances if you click "View egg hatch chances" in your hatchery) 

You can only hatch natural coloured mutants so a dye kit if the only way to chance their colour~

and mutants are rather special to some people and are considered much better than a normal natural coloured/ low coloured hatch by most ~


10:27am May 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4
Thank you, Zen!
I feel like it's much clearer now. :)

What you risk reveals what you value.
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