1- pet auction search... is that even an option? When i use the creatu search and set location the the pet auction all the pets are at 0 and I can't view the auction page for it, even when I know it exists.
2- Alert for forums... is there a way to get an alert when you forum has been replied to?
3- is there a way to view threads you have made?
4- Do you get alerted when your bid is out bided or do you have to keep checking up on it?
5- (sorry so many) when you're auction is done it's time will the item be automatically sold to the highest bidder or does the user say yes or no to the final offer?
6- How do you get a painted egg besides buying it?
7- is there a quid showing all the code functions for forums [ie. spoilers, strike throughs, linking people/shops easily with out the html, etc...]