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7:22am Dec 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,704
Ive been offline for quite a while (over a year) because my computer broke and I havent had the time to get a new one.
Anyway, all of my pets have died, which has happened before.
I have 7 resurrection potions to resurrect my most valuable creatu, but every time I try to use one it says I need to have a pet selected, however I cannot do this as all of my pets are in the graveyard.

elle x x x

5:44pm Dec 23 2014 (last edited on 5:44pm Dec 23 2014)


Posts: 3,217

You have to have a pet selected to use items so the only solution is to hatch or buy a new pet to select.
If you dont want to own any pets you can always hatch one then release it into the Atqueen forest (on Atquati) when you're done bring your pets back to life ^U^

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