The Stardust Affect on babies

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1:28am Aug 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 678
So, I have had many of my pets get the Stardust effect from the comet, but I am unsure if it stays from when they are babies. I don't get the option to change their effect while they are still babies, but when they grow to adult will they be able to have it? I also have a couple adults that the image doesn't show on because they aren't from Scria, will that show up eventually when the artists have it done or will it never be shown if they aren't from Scria. 

For instance I have a baby Otachie that gained the effect, but he can't use it yet. When he grows to adult, will I be able to do that?

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Art by Zen

10:36am Aug 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
Yes, pets from all planets will eventually have it. Right now, it is only those from Scria because that is where the comet is.

Your pet cannot "lose" the effect, it just cannot be active unless they are adults, so you won't see it until it grows up.


12:14pm Aug 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 678
Awesome, thank you very much <3

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

11:37am Aug 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3
Will mutant pets be able to have this? Both of my mutants got the effect and arent old enough yet for it to be visible, but it would look AWESOME on them!
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