12:24pm Feb 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 48
I'm severely curious as to what the training and battle room is like. As you can tell, I'm pretty much a newbie. Only been here for a week, at most. But I would love to find out more about this Battle tab. I heard that adults can only enter battles, is that true??
And when you can finally battle, what is it like? Do you fight other players, or do you fight a computer? And when you fight, does it raise stats of your pets? Does your pet take damage? If so, how would you heal them? And will they die if they are KO'd during battle?
Sorry for so many questions! (And I hope this is in the right forum category) Thanks for responding! <3
Please feed my Ninetales a berry! <3 If you click my pokemon, I\'ll click yours! 
2:53pm Feb 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3,426
Battles (and Training) are currently being recoded. Battling hasn't even been around in the two years I've been here. I'm sure you can get some more details from an old player, but the new Battle System could very well be quite different. Here are my best guess answers, but realize I've never actually battled, these are just logical assumptions based on what I've seen and heard. At one point, I do think I heard only Adult Staged pets could enter the battle, which is why a pet's age was valued in the old system (now it really isn't). I'm pretty sure you fought against a program, although what you fought, I don't know. Few pet sites actually have PvP, though. All pets have levels, so I assume the more you fought, the more that level went up. Although I don't think I've ever seen a pet with a level higher than one. I'll have to poke around for that now, because I'm sure some older pets would have a level. And all pets have health stats, so I assume that was how the winner was determined, by which fighter got the other's HP down to zero. Now, this next part I do know for certain. Pets do not die when their HP hits zero. They can only die by starving to death. If you go to the Enchanted Springs, sometimes your pet will be hurt and have 0 HP. So I know for a fact they don't die. You can heal pets by going to the Scrian Care Center. It's on Scria and it's the building with the Red Cross. I don't know if fighting increased your pets other stats (Attack, Defense, Speed, etc) but the main method of raising those was through Training. You could train a little bit each day and try to raise your pet's stats. So in theory, you could have a super-powered level one Creatu by only training and not battling. Since battling wasn't available for most of V2, that's what some of V2 Creatu are like, if their owners bothered to train them. Hopefully this answers your questions.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:57pm Feb 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 48
Wow! Thanks so much Graveyardfox! This helps a lot! I can't wait to try this out when my creatu get older :D
Please feed my Ninetales a berry! <3 If you click my pokemon, I\'ll click yours! 
4:47pm Feb 16 2012 (last edited on 4:48pm Feb 16 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 338
If memory serves: Their levels didn't improve (check my Profile creatu...level one, even Dolemite). You could randomly challenge other people's creatu any time. I still have some of my old creatu banners with the "all challenges accepted" text on them, from when all of your creatu were arranged at the bottom of your profile. XD So, your pet was challenged by another pet. If that pet's agility was higher, then it attacked first. Sky-high agility pretty much meant you won. Well, that, and having one of the planet swords or scythes.
Training was how you raised your pet's stats, plain and simple. Now that training isn't available, you could use the various stat-increasing items ('The Bird That Got Away' for Agility, the various Kir fruits for all stats, and books for Intellect).
11:51pm Feb 17 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 351
I remembered training my pets ^.^ I don't think you could battle them though, I haven't been here for that long. But yea, you could train them but their health went down and you had to use super healing potions or go to the scria center i think ^.^
4:08pm Jun 10 2018 (last edited on 4:08pm Jun 10 2018)
Normal User 
Posts: 2
Thanks i'm noob I just started a week ago. Thank you!