Okay; I'm trying out an art / banner contest.
I need:
- 5 fair judges
All winners will get either a drawing, banner, or deion for their creatu from me.
Highest Overall Points:
- Name Tag (possibly)
- Nimara, albino meragon
Part One Highest Points
- Black uilus (Zyir, Aeyris, or Enrys)
- 150k
Part Two Highest Points
- Black uilus (Zyir, Aeyris, or Enrys)
- 150k
Part Three Most Votes
- Sensou; silver uilus
- 150k
For the black uiluses; Part One winner will choose first; then Part Two winner. :)
-All the Judges get a choice of a creatu from my shop that are not part of the prizes above.
-Al contestants will receive a prize, but I don't know what yet.
-Prizes are subjected to change.
- Will be adding more tu to the contest, as well as some nifty items.
Rules subjected to change.
Everything entered should be your own work!
Be fair and nice to all the contestants.
I will credit all artwork I use after the contest.
No cheating :)
I don't want to see anything against the Rules and Terms and Conditions in my contest.
If I see something, I will warn you or else you're disqualified.
No complaining if I kick you out of the contest. I have my reasons and I don't mind telling you why if you ask.
All artwork are judged fairly, and will be edited by me before I post.
There won't be any artwork judged because of either it's a digital drawing, or sketched.
** Post if you're entering, and I will update the thread with your name.
Part Two Entry - http://i42.tinypic.com/2wfv30p.jpg
Make sure to tell me you're entering before submitting an artwork!
Points that get awarded will be added every few days after your username and at the end we will count up ^^
Part One
Make a banner for my creatus.
A banner is 10 points, and if you somehow manage to capture the creatu's personality, it's + 5 points. ( /15)
If you make more, you get 1 to 5 bonus points per banner depending on the rules above.
The most points you can get for Part One is 45 points; 3 banners a total of 15 points each, etc
~~Remember, quality over quantity!
Part Two
Draw the creatus on my profile, making sure you match the personality.
Neatness is 1 to 5 points, 1 the lowest and 5 the highest
Quality is 1 to 5 points, 1 the lowest and 5 the highest
Personality Captured is 1 to 10 points, 1 the lowest and 10 the highest.
Each additional creatu you draw gets you 1 to 10 points, but the neatness, quality, and personality captured reflects on the points you get per extra creatu.
Which gives you a possible total of 20 points for ONE creatu; extras would be a total of + /10 points
The first creatu picture you submit will be the MAIN picture, so choose wisely which one to enter!
Part Three
Either draw, write a deion, or make a banner for one of the judges' creatu.
In the end, I will make voting a possibilty for Part Three.
You will be able to vote for one of your favourite pieces the contestants drew/write/made for the judges.
Everyone who votes will get a prize from me and/or the judges.
Dead Line: May 14th.
Part One: Ends March 1st
Part Two: Ends April 1st
Part Three: Ends May 1st
Judging finishes on: May 14th.
Prizes distributed on: May 15th. =)
Pet Deions
To be added soon
So far, you can check my userlookup for some deions :)