I'll enter :) Thanks! (oh and btw, my sister Mickeyy does a free raffle. If you do this for a long time, maybe you should work together? Just an idea ^.^)
Selling a Bunch! c: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/-name-clearout-/]
Autumn~Okay:3 And I do believe I've entered her raffle before...;o; That's a really good idea C:
Euch~Really? I must've forgotten or something...o uo' I'll make 100% sure to send it this time :P
XAllure~I'm asking the other users (who have more than just the free ticket XD) how many they want to put in this raffle, and I haven't gotten replies from all of them yet c:
Also, I was wondering if any of these malal would get me any tickets: Invidium (natural female) Genicide (cream female) and I also have a black malal (terrible name though >.>) PsychodelicChik