7:26pm Nov 15 2014
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Posts: 1,477
entering! the person i'd like to complementtttt isss Rika ;v; because she's super nice and does awesome art <3
8:05pm Nov 15 2014
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Posts: 2,200
I like dogzdream cause they are amazingly awesome and nice.
2:17am Nov 16 2014
Normal User
Posts: 218
Entering~! I like Dustfeather because they're super cool all the time, and have been awesome to hone my skills against in Smash Bros! ;D
"Noodle boy! I thought I smelled some garbage. Turns out I was right!"
2:59am Nov 16 2014
Normal User
Posts: 102
They don't know/remember me, but Tiberius. Tiberius has helped many a newcomer, and made me stay here on Res. :)
I love Shaefu.
3:05am Nov 16 2014
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Posts: 2,131
/cries aCHROOOOO Tomburgerpie - Tom man, you lil' pushy bugger you XD but I like squuuuuishing you so you can be mentioned.
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
3:05am Nov 16 2014
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Posts: 1,942
Jess because she's very nice and zaps pets for people for free.
3:09am Nov 16 2014
Normal User
Posts: 204
this may sound like an easy taks, but it really is difficult....to count all the amazing people xD
I love lucifer for always having an open ear, Tibs for bing ridicilously generous, creepy for her unique crazyness, llama for her patience, jess for always being there for people, syaraa for her amaaaaazing art xD and all the other people I cant list beacuse I dont have the time to do so just because they are how they are <3
and of course tom fo doing this awesome raffle! ;D
3:17am Nov 16 2014
Normal User
Posts: 136
Here here I do solemnly swear to join this raffle lol!
River and Smuh: Two hard working users who both have showrooms that make me super jelly and I'm okay with it lol! <3
3:56am Nov 16 2014 (last edited on 3:57am Nov 16 2014)
Posts: 3,205
ehhm ehhmmmm can I just say all of Res? y'all so different, interesting, crazy and funny. there are heaps of kind people here, you guys (more often than not) restore my faith in humanity. ^^""
4:03am Nov 16 2014
Normal User
Posts: 436
I'll enter! =D Tiberius, I mean, she is just so awesome and nice!
Ally is amazing also!
4:07am Nov 16 2014
Posts: 240
Crowflux is a fantastic artist and dedicated Rescreatu staff member who constantly puts her heart and soul into the well-being of this site and it's members ♥
Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
4:16am Nov 16 2014 (last edited on 4:19am Nov 16 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 777
Creepy - you are so awesome you should star in a slender man movie Aggy - your art is great and you are the only person who gets away with showing me loads of bugs being eaten by snakes while I am having dinner. River - you make excellent banter even if I am usually half dead from you only being on in the he early hours of my morning.
All the Res staff - cause you all are great to work with and I would be here forever if I had to list you all. Also come back Pettirosso o:
Porkydoll - you really need to catch up on Game of Thrones if you haven't already but I enjoy talking with you and full credit for putting up with some of my general life rants lol
Ally - thanks for all the tumblr pics you spam me with lol.
Loads of other people - if you haven't been mentioned don't be sad I am trying to write this comment while sitting on a toilet meaning I don't have that long to type lol. I am sure you are awesome too.
7:53am Nov 16 2014
Normal User
Posts: 178
YAAAAAAY WINNERS! Congratulations guys!~ :3
7:15am Nov 17 2014
Normal User
Posts: 2,200
Thank you:)
6:13pm Dec 2 2014 (last edited on 9:03pm Dec 2 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 236
great idea for a contest sorry I missed it
6:06pm Dec 6 2014
Normal User
Posts: 114
I would like to enter! I am choosing Quarantine! she's totally awesome and she helped me when I was a newbie ( well I still am) she gifted me my beautiful Zxena the omni. Your awesome quarantine!
9:16pm Dec 7 2014
Normal User
Posts: 85
I entered!!! but I didn't get on the entries
9:21pm Dec 7 2014
Normal User
Posts: 136
Well Awesome I"m sure that was a mistake but if you go under this same forum you will see Tom is doing another free raffle right now and you should enter that one!
6:36pm Dec 19 2014
Normal User
Posts: 323
Merlinlover1997 and Ratchet - Because - Ratchet was SUPER nice to me when I joined, Ratchet showed me around, welcomed me, told me what I should do, and told me how to get a easero egg? (The Easter event was on during the time I joined) Merlinlover1997 has been great to me too. Merlin was great too, for the same reasons I gave for Ratchet.