Contest Closed. :O
Oh, yes. After much agonizing, Lola has finally decided on a fursona. And, since she lacks even the most basic artistic skill, she has decided to hold a contest. Still interested? Read on.
So, I have decided to have two fursonas. The winter, and the summer. You can draw both or just one. It doesn't really matter to me.
-Summer Deion-
My summertime fursona is a white-tailed deer. She looks to be a fawn, but is the size of an adult deer. She has the fawn's dapples, but instead of pure white, they are slightly tinted with violet. Her eyes are big and violet. She also has wings, but I will let you decide what kind. I would prefer them to be small, but it is up to the artist.
-Winter Deion-
My fursona is still a fawn-looking, adult-sized deer, but she is purely white. She still has her big violet eyes, but no dapples or birthmarks. Her wings are preffered to be white as well, but I will let the artist decide whether of not they'd like to do that.
-Lola's Deion-
Lola is a small, incredibly cute little turtle. She has a pink bow on her, and is a red-earred slider. She doesn't need to be too detailed if she is included in your entry.
Yus, yus, we must have rules. But not too many, just the basic ones.
1. No stealing art. If you are caught doing this, you will be disqualified and reported to a staff member.
2. Try to keep to the deion as much as possible, but I'll understand if a few mistakes are made. We're only human.
3. I tried to leave a lot of room for imagination, and you are welcome to be creative. Don't hold back.
4. All modes of art are welcome. No need to ask whether or not you need to do digital or hand-drawn.
5. I'd prefer if your entry was colored. It's okay if it isn't, but just know you will probably not win the first prize.
6. No whining, please.
7. My fursona may be in any position you'd like, but I'd absolutely love it if you drew her nuzzling Lola, my turtle (See Deions). It would be cool if Lola was on her back while in this position, but I'm flexible.
8. Please don't include my fursonas together in one entry; they are one creature, and it wouldn't make very much sense.
9. Multiple entries are allowed.
10. Contest ends January 30, 2010. I may extend this date or shorten it, depending on how many entries I recieve.
11. If you enter a picture into this, know that I will probably use it. I will send a small amount of tu (between 5,000 and 15,000 tu) to everyone's entry which I use. If this is not okay with you, turn back now.
12. You can post your entries here or rMail them. I don't really care.
*Rules are subject to change, be added, ect.
Yay! :D I'm sure you all have been waiting to read these. Sorry if they're not what you've been expecting. A winner will be chosen for both fursonas.
-First Prize-
150k and one Atquati Goody Bag
-Second Prize-
-Third, Fourth, and Fifth Prize-
10k and one egg under 10% rarity
So, what are you waiting for? Go grab your pens, pencils, tablets, and mouses (or would it be mice?), and go draw me my fursona! :D