,¸¸,ø¤º°` Riyo's Daily Giveaway `°º¤ø,¸¸,

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11:53pm Jul 13 2014

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Posts: 381
Also gonna give Poodge a shot because I adore mutant drindian.

Saggy skin, a lolling head, limp wings that hang by him. Who would want such a useless thing? A collector perhaps? A mastermind who could repair such mutants. Make them his own.

But Poodge liked himself the way he was. He liked being so small and helpless, everything was done for him. Who wouldn't want the luxurys.

That was until he grew up. Day by day he became strong, he was thriving, he could fly. He found love, he settled down.

And he was captured by hunters, taken to a lab. What was causing this mutation? Maybe he wasn't a mutant... Maybe he was just misunderstood.


11:58pm Jul 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
Poodge, the male mutant drindian.
(poem about him.)

~~~~~~~~~Poodge the Stooge~~~~~~~~
Am I kidding?
no I'm not.
I'll get you with a plot.
To make you laugh,
with a face full of pie!
I love to see smiles,
for mile and miles.
So,shake my hand
and get a zap.
or break wind when you
take a nap.
See the flowers?
Smell them my dear.
Then,get some water
in your ear!
It's so funny,I can't
help myself.
Laughter is always good health.
I may be fat,
I may be short too.
But,I will not get sad
or down and blue.
My spirit is strong with jokes
and pokes.
I'll flush anything to see what
I'll place butter on the floor.
When you come home and
fall down some more!
I'll make you laugh or i'll
make you cry.
I'm the funniest of the
little guys.
What's that on your shirt?
I'll pinch you nose and make
it hurt.
If you can take it,I'll
bring it to you.
So you'll always be happy,
and never blue.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


12:21am Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
 Aami, the female magenta zaphao 
(story or made-up riddles and games)

(Q)What is pink and shocking to see?
(A)(zaphao-Aami)-->Why it's a cut awsome Aami me!

(Q)What do you get when you stick cotton candy into a wall socket?
(A)(zaphao-Aami)-->You get one shocking sweetie!

(Q)What did the god of thunder 'Thor' say to the magenta Zaphao?
(A)(zaphao-Aami)-->he said 'You shure have a shocking personality.

Games between zaphao's are common in the wild.
This one is called 'Zap-catch'
you need at least 3 to as many players you can get.
its kinda like hide and seek,but with a twist.
The zaphao that's chosen,
will count to 100.
The other players will charge up each tree they pass,
with some energy.
To make them a a bit harder to find.
each hiding zaphao will wait for the counting zaphao
to get done counting.
Then,one zaphao will signal the others that he or she,
will be diggin underground...to the look for
the one seeking them all.
The ob
ject is for these that are hiding will try and
mess with the seeker while one is trying to find the seeker
If the seeker is found,the game is over.
BUT if the seeker finds a hider,that hider is out.
All the trees charged up,will hide the signals giving off
by the zaphaos that are playing the game.
once a hider is found,that one is out so the digger
has to come up,untill the seeker counts again.

(game 2)
Games between humans and Zaphaos are hard to do
without a human getting too hurt.But this one is a good one.
It's called 'Tunnel funnel'
Everyone knows Zaphao's can dig really good.
So the game is simple.
The zaphao digs a tunnel about 12 feet deep,and wide enough for a human.
this tunnel is slick,and smoothe.
The bottom of the tunnel will be a bit wider.
the allows the zaphao to charge up the bottom of the tunnel.
This charge is harmless..like static..that never shocks you.
This force sends the human going threw the tunnel,
back up,and when they come out..their hair is all
standing up...making it fun for all kids or adults.
the zaphao gets into a harness that usually dogs
use to pull sleds.
the human sits in the tunnel as the zaphao gets ready to
pull the human down fast.
once its fast enough it shocks the bottom of the tunnel,
sending the human right back up,even faster.
when the human lands..they land softly,due to all the static.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


12:46am Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Poodge chirped at the mirror and bounced around on his tiptoes. It was so cute!! So sparkly!! This was his best find yet! Who knew falling through windows and stumbling into people's closets could be so fun? He just had to make sure none of the grown-up creatu in his family found out, or else they'd make him give it back. A shirt made of the whole entire moon didn't deserve to sit there in a pile of laundry with whoever owned it right now. It needed to be worn outside! And loved a whole bunch! And he'd try not to spill anything on it but let's be real here, Poodge was a day old, he didn't have all that much care for cleanliness.

Even if he did get a little pizza on it though, his friends were gonna be so jealous.


1:38am Jul 14 2014 (last edited on 1:43am Jul 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 342
 I'm doing on for Aami, the female magenta zaphao.

Aami walks down the path to the fishing pond.
"Boy am I hungry" she thought.
Aami stares into the water waiting for a carp to swim past, she waited for what seemed like hours until the sun began to set.
"Rats!" She swipes at a pebble and turns away from the pond. 
As she started home to her den she saw a Myotis up in the tree eating an Apple. Aami's stomach growled and she groaned. She picked up her pace getting home seeing it get dark. When she reached her den she saw a young Lime Iluvu waiting for her.
"Hello young one, what brings you here?" Aami Says softly.
The Iluvu doesn't speak but moved aside revealing two plump bass. Aami smiles and walks over to one of the bass. 
"Are these for me?" Aami questions.
The Iluvu nods and says in  tiny voice "I caught them because I saw you not get any"
Aami smiles again, "Thanks my dear, won't you stay and feast on these fine fish with me?" She replies.
The Iluvu smiles, "I'm Jade" she's purrs before devouring the smaller bass.
"I am Aami." Aami comments and dips her head politely, then eats the bass slowly, savoring the juicy taste.

My baby Leggersnoot made by Keith.

5:45am Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 68
I will try do Aami the female magenta zaphao 

When I hatched I was a normal zaphao like any other zaphao.I wanted to be different.
I sat there for ages talked with the other creatu. More were hatched every day.One day I was given a bright pink bottle. I didn't know what it was until I used it. When I did use it i noticed my coat was a beautiful magenta! I was delighted.I was the most beautiful zaphao.


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9:47am Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,315
I just wanted to say thanks so much and congrats to everyone who won or entered last round ^_^


10:09am Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 319
subscribing :D

1:37pm Jul 14 2014

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Posts: 2,122
Esmera, the female black kurrabi
I will be honest I am not a HUGE fan of Kurrabi's, but she is GORGEOUS! Her name and color is perfect. The fact that she's a cute wittle bunny is even better. Esmera...is just a beautiful name and I would be stoked and lucky to achieve her. I don't really have a story or a poem to contribute, but I just wanted to let you know I would take good care of her<3 She is incredibly cute! Black is my fave color as well lol


1:40pm Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Aami, the female magenta zaphao
I want to apply for this cutie as well. Zaps are adorable and I don't have one yet lol and I love the name Aami. Reminds me of Amy from two of the shows I watch lol. I like the magenta color. I used to hate the color pink...I was a tomboy lol yay me, but then I became girlier and I love magenta and hot pink<3 I love this little cutie everything about her is perfect as well! Thanks for doing this!


2:08pm Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
I think I'll go the short but sweet route with writing on here.


Esmera was fast, faster than all her friends. She was also dark so when she raced at night she was almost impossible to see until she crossed the finish line. All you would see was a yellow streak flash past you, like a bolt of lightning. She liked to call it her racing stripe. The little mark that made sure everyone knew she had passed them, despite giving them that little head start, and beaten them. She only needed one thing in life, to race. She took every opportunity she could to show off her speed, even when she didn't have to. Why? Because she loved it. It didn't matter that it wasn't a popular pass time or that she wouldn't become famous from it. She simply loved to race and no matter what anyone said she would keep racing as long as she was able.


Aami wasn't particularly proud of her bright pink fur. Zaphao were supposed to be scary, with intense static pouring from their bodies and massive horns on their heads, they were a force to be feared on Scria. But adorable pink fur just seemed to ruin that image. Everyone kept picking her up and cuddling her and there wasn't much she could do about it. Even her static had turned cute and yellow from the dye. Well, not much she could do about it except become the most fearsome Zaphao out there, so even people who thought she was cute would be afraid.


5:24pm Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 209
I'll go for Poodge-

Hello, my name is Poodge, I'm not like other drindians. I was born with weird wrinkled skin, mother didn't like how I looked so she forced me to leave the nest, I was very young and couldn't fly very well yet I had to crawl and waddle my way along which made it easy for predators to catch me . Luckily before they could catch scent of me I came across a strange looking den, a human den, I had heard about them before but I had never seen any of them. I expected the human to yell at me to go away and try to scare me off, but they didn't. This human loved me, said I was a special kind drindian and took me in.


7:23pm Jul 14 2014 (last edited on 7:30pm Jul 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 48
Lets try this, for Esmera:


The wind howled outside of her home. The hollow tree she lived in provided her with enough protection, as the wind was strongest where her home was. The cliff just outside her back window dropped so far down, the bottom was barely visible. Not that she could see, but most of her "customers" pointed it out for her. She could just barely make out the scent of the ocean over the smell of her concoctions.

Different scents casually wafted up into her nose, and she grabbed each one she needed at the precise moment. It wasn't too hard to mix this substance; it was a poison for one of her more eerie customers. She had to have it done by the time the warm rays of the sun disappeared off of her dark fur, and he'd come to pick it up, and then the next order would come in.

To her, the world was merely just testing her patience, before she fell into a deep hatred for the cramped space she refused to leave, called her hollowed-out tree.


uh i think this is what i want it to say
esme is pretty adorable
i love bunnies //hoards


7:54pm Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
For Poodge because I adore mutants of all kinds~


There are so many of my kind born every day and some even at night. Several people of all kinds find out eggs and hatch us. They look at us in all colors and tend to find the ones they like. Some of us are taken from out nests, but mothers know they are going to good homes for they have been in some of those families before. I look around as friends and brothers and sisters are taken away to better homes where they will be given good homes and names and warm beds. I noticed people continue to skip over me, even as i chirp and croon at them, wanting attention, but I think it's my color. There are more of us who were born in grayish blue left in their nests. I didn't really mind it because that means there were more Drindians here for me. But i did realized that we were being left here. It made me sad, but what made it worse was that I was different. All the other drindian were slim and sleek and could fly at great speeds. I only managed to get a couple inches off the ground and I was rather... pudgy compared to the other ones. I don't think I will ever get off the ground and well, that meant i wasn't going to get anywhere. I sadly chirped and just curled myself up as best I could on my nest. I could only sigh and try to fall asleep, that was until I felt warm gloves around my body. I squawked and looked at what was grabbing me. I was scooped up into warm arms and I looked up to see a human. She was holding me and I chirped at her. She smiled and looked up to the sky where the other drindian were and then back down to me.

"Don't worry. You're perfect the way you are. Cute little pudge rolls and all."

I could tell she wanted me because of what I was and not my color. I chirped happily and just them did I notice that she had another just like me in her hood. It was nesting there happily and I definitely knew I was going to a good home.


8:28pm Jul 14 2014 (last edited on 8:35pm Jul 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,459

Finally got some free time. My writing might be a bit rusty, but here I go o; 

"Aami, would you mind getting more powdered sugar from the back?" "Yes mam." 
  Mrs. Yen was the owner of the local tea shops and cafes in little Tokyo. Matcha May I was a little spot frequented by busy tech students and the elderly, occasionally they would get a young couples out on a date, or unoccupied gentlemen looking to wife one of the baristas. The shop itself was split in two; for those in a hurry the shop sat at the left, and for those seeking a more pleasant ambiance there was a tearoom on the right. Doors were conveniently placed at the front of all three, the tearoom was even allowed to be used for reading, or a young student's studies, but what set the place apart from others was Mrs. Yen and her employees. 
   Aami was the youngest of the group. Her age often led to her being condemned to the storeroom, or was it her habit to raid the sweets cabinet at the front -- Mrs. Yen could never remember, all she knew was to keep her away, and Aami really didn't mind. She could be assigned to sweep the dead bodies from the streets and she would still have a smile plastered to her goofy little face. Sometimes Mrs. Yen didn't understand her, the way she dressed, would constantly dye her hair (or did she wear wigs) and wear it in such weird fashions. Those tightly-coiled pig tails and little ruffled dresses, the stockings. All of it seemed to remind her of a doll. 
  "Here you are!" Mrs. Yen took the packeted sugar with a smile. Nonetheless Aami was a valued employee. Heck, maybe some of the others could take lessons from her in being cheerful. She smiled down at the little preteen. 

"Thank you Aami. Would you like a cookie?"

//whoops, forgot to specify I'm entering for that qt magenta Zaphao up there 


11:13pm Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 369
,¸¸,ø¤º°` Winners Chosen! `°º¤ø,¸¸,
Next batch starts now!

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

11:25pm Jul 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 930
cascarona combined with the coloring of a blonde easero makes me think of ricearoni but that could be cuz that was my dinner. and riceroni/cascarona have the same number of syllables to me. 

what if a bird had feathers made out of rice? would that be cool or what?
wait that wouldnt be very aerodynamic nvm

yeah sorry just silly thoughts

this is a really nice thing to do!! 


12:43am Jul 15 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
 Fruitcake, male magenta zenirix 
( the pups view on how he got his name )

This story is called "Puppy love".
Hello friend person!
My name is FruitCake.
You know that cake that's
so sweet and no one likes it?!
Well,that's what every human tells me.
*bark bark*
Sorry for the drool,that kinda
made me a bit hungry.
I like bones,I like steak,I like cake,
I like..umm what were we talking about?
Oh yeahh!!..FruitCake.
HEY,that's me too!
Oh wait..That's what we already talked about.
*blushes and wags tail*
What human?
How I got my name?
No,no,no..I'm NOT A fruitcake..umm
however you see that.
I got it..well..Maybe I'll tell you a story.
Come here,and make a lap.
What?..Oh..for ME.
Silly human.
*lays on DA warm lap of human legs,
and makes big sad eyes to trance it into love,
to stay for story*
You remember being born and being pup..uhh..
Well,I remember.
In my mama's tummy..I could hear mama and
dada talking to each- other,about this
season called Christmas,and winter.
They talked about all kinds of nice things.
Things I wanted to see!
I kicked and moved,trying to find a way out.
Then,I guess I kinda did.
*Squirms in your lap*
The air was so cold,and mama gave me a big lick.
I took some air in..and tried so hard with my
pudgy legs and fat belly to wobble around and
find my dada too.
I could see a tiny slit threw my eyes,but I could
not open them all the way.
You humans are lucky,we have to wait to see
with our big eyes.
*gives you bigger sad eyes*
dada was all excited,and mama too.
I tried to look around and i seen that i had 4
sisters and 3 brothers fallow me out.
*squiggles in you lap again..showing belly for belly rub*
This bigger animal with two legs was playing music,
and another one just like it,but it was a boy..was putting
shiny things on a tree.
They seem so happy.
Mama told all of us to stay put while she goes off
to get us a blanket,and dada whent off to get 
the humans to come see us.
A big human mama came close to me and said alot
of mushy things to me.
Like "aww,what a cut sweetie pie love muffin"
Hahaha,she had the highest voice and she was
making kissy noises.
It was so cute to me,i wanted more.
So,I cried and cried,trying to squirm my way to her.
Then the BIG male human came by,
and picked me up.
He looked at me and smiled.
He said "my goodness,this one is pink."
"how did it get this way?"
It seems that when mama was dyed pink..it got
into her system and made me a pink pup.
*gets up and prances around you in circles*
After the humans looked at us,
I got all frisky,and decided to crawl around.
The big tree was so shiny..i had to go see it.
There was these big wrapped things that crinkle
when you touch them.
Squiggling my way around them,i found out
that one smelled really good.
I thought maybe it was the ribbon,but when i pulled
the string the whole thing unwrapped.
The smell made me drool,but i wasent as
hungry as i was thirsty.
I decided to just take one lick.
Just one.
*licks your face*
It was so sweet,and it was so good..i took a
tiny nibble,then another nibble.
Then..I felt dada picking me up by the skin of
my neck.
I wanted more of that sweet human cakes.
Oh yess,human sweet cake!
Mama and dada laughed so hard..they looked at me
and said..'i never thought in our wildest dreams
anyone could ever like that stuff.'
Then, mama said..'fruitcake is bad for puppies.'
'I know,we should name you fruitcake..you are
crazy to love it and it fits you perfectly.'
She gave me a big lick..and that's how i got my name.
Every Christmas,
My mama,my dada..would give me the gift they have
always givin me ever sence.
My FruitCake.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


4:36am Jul 15 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
xcuse terrible poem

Wings of gold, eyes of diamonds,
watch them gleam and glow.

Fluffy feathers flying by them,
putting on a show!

Will she pose?
Will she dance?

Nobody ever knows.

For she moves quite uniquely,
And our minds, she does blow.

Her dance becomes slower,
as she goes with the flow.

But when it's time to end,
she stand upon her toes.

And whispers gentle tunes,
and somehow makes it snow.

How on earth can she do that?!
Nobody ever knows.

She makes kids scream with utter glee,
as they acquire a cold nose.

And old man rushes back inside
to grab his pantyhose.

A woman stands in awe,
and very quietly goes:

"What will Cascarona do next?"

Nobody ever knows.


11:33am Jul 15 2014

Normal User

Posts: 461
Definitely entering for FruitCake.
Fruitcake just about sums up me/ my family and all our pets haha.
We use fruitcake like 'mad'.. we're all fruitcakes.
And its on a zenirix which is pretty much a dog~ 
Dogs are my favourite animals and pets and i wish so much i could get another, but alas life isn't always so simple. 
When i'm older i'm going to have a rescue shelter and its going to have ALL THE DOGS. YES.
So fruitcake would be a wonderful addition to my life/showroom but more likely my profile xD
Fruitcake is definitely a profile-worthy creatu hehe~ 
plus who doesn't like pink

Fruitcake, fruitcake, pudding and pie
kissed the girls and made them cry
then all he boys came out to play
so fruitcake fruitcake ran away.

a little song i used to sing to my dog ehe xD 
its from some sort of nursery rhyme.

Roditore Queen, Always
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