,¸¸,ø¤º°` Riyo's Daily Giveaway `°º¤ø,¸¸,

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2:06pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Nives, is adorable and I would love to take this little creatu home with me if at all possible!


3:03pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3
i would like the lemon ivik
the lemon ivik reminds me of my silly dog cause while we were
painting my room yellow my dog knocked over the paint can 
got yellow over her whole body and it was silly but later we let her
go outside and a coyotie got her and took her away we never 
got another dog cause i was so sad i would take good care of it and feed it everyday please

ta:image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQHBhUIBxEWFhUWGCAZGRgYGRofHxoiHyAdIyEdHh4cHCwhJCQxIB0cLTQlJSowLi4wHR8zRDMvNygtLisBCgoKDg0OGhAQFywkHCYsLTAxNCwsLCwvLSwsLDQsLCw0LCwsLCwsNCwsLCwsLCwsLDQsLCwrLCwrLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAKAAoAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAwADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYHAwQIAQL/xAA7EAABAwIEAwYEBAUDBQAAAAABAAIDBBEFBhIhMUFRBxMiYXGBMkKRoRQVUnIjYoKx0STB8ENEU5Ki/8QAGAEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIBAwT/xAAfEQEBAAICAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAQIREjEDIUEiUTL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ANxREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQERVXN2Y3YbUtoY3NgDm6nVMoOlo/TGODn+pAFwfFwQTdXjNPRvMdTPE1wHwl7Q76EqJdnmj/ACwV0Uuq4BEYFpDcE/C6xtYHc7bcVAwYNTYDJ+YSVTmRyEl0coZpkJ4nSWXvz2U5TUlPU4eBhYjMe4boAIGriB9eCnkrToT5/vhzK2io5HB9rNe9rHOLuDWCxJPmbDzsvtD2jwS4h+Bro3xOF7v+OMEcW62878rKIzRiMGEVAo2NlklIv3cTC9wHU2UXh2Ix4/TOgp5JYyDZ7QSyRnrbceyzlW8Wp4VisOMU5qMMlbI0HSS3hccR6ruqhZKzNHT1Qy25zXlmzCxpDm/yys0+E8w/g6/I8b6rQIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgKo5oq+8zZR4ZJfQWyTEciWaA0n01E26lp5K3LNe1HG46LMVDStIMji4OH6WvfFufUtt9Vl6bFPx10+MY1Nic0Zk7icwmEhzu7YACw6WgkB51Xdaw0eancgtfh2Y3Uzo+6E8AlMQJsw3IGx3Fxy81P1uXocxz/mtDLJBMCWukjIBdbk4cCuPD8vxZfnNRUvnnfKDreQXEhouG+HgPLmQubry/OtKVi9HJVZpqpqMgzMmB0kt3ZpGhwDtnAO13F9iWnov3RyOqswRvi/iup6fRUSM4FxJsLjjYbX8vJXR+UqfG6dk2MQEvbwJJDrcg6x4piJp8vQsoaNgYC5rAGjiX7WPW+32WabzvGY/xnmO4+7Bsx09dQa2SRh+s2B1xktsBf4uD9jwK0vJeaX1FacOxmZkj5AHwvjbZrwdRLQb2uBp28+axPHq01OKGluHMhfIxjhxILhcE87EGx6FSOT5zH3mHPldpfpexu2z2m4cHH4SCQ72PVVvSLjtvFTjDqirdSYQGnQbSSuvpYf0gD4ndRcAdeS6lVidRh38ckTNHxM0hrj5tINr+RG/UKuU2NNwrJdPURgkujBtxLnk7+pLz91zw10prhhmOsYC6MvaWOJ0ltrtNwOThuOhXO+W79dJ0vdFVsr6RtVSu1MeLgrnVJyLUGPFZ6DV4LCRrbcHEnXvfndhtbmVdl3l2miIi0EREBERAREQFgPapVDE84TRsAa2ECMEbFziNTnXHTwC/kt+XmTFJnNzPVurBc96/j+4/wDPYKculYdp/J+fDh9V+HxYtYHTA35EPGknyIdv0sT0WkR46173tHykj1LTZw+liPIrz1VQmrm7iAXc42aOpJsPvZavW4WYImPwJjrzwGeRm943XjawtDuh1Ag8WgD5Qp+bVfVWTGseFK5zmEaWsJv/AH+wKq2Zb4qxwcSAxplkPARtDXabnk4k7Do2/MKDzO6d8bppou7jZG5r2k3Lj4dQaf0nTYeV+q07AqCOgy62kJ1G38RxsS4gWJP028gFyyykhawjBafVTB84seJb0AXLhAti/fwXNhuwfMDYaSeXHiuGphdhGIuw+ck6dr9RyPuPvdSOWcO/FRT1BFxYAC9jtubeu30VW+tq+LnHO5+V4nQs1GCUSBjSNw2TVpB4ctlyfnTKn/VNc0usRqLgLA8dTTu07C4PRc+V6EU2BCvdtH3j2zjiYnaiQ/8AaQ4auhs7mV9xzLrYpy4gEEXBAFxbm08iDYjzC5383VRKtPZ9QmSSXGKlha51o2Eggljbm4vyJItt8quiiss4n+a4S2eQjWPC+3DUOJHkdiPIqVXqnSKIiLQREQEREBERAWK9tuCGixNmOQAlkw7t/Rr2/CT+4Ej1aOq2pdPGMNjxjDX4fWi7JG2P+R5hZZtsunnDIOBvzFmqGGMgNY8Svv8ApYQSB6mw91uua8MeJ245Q6nPibpfGPnj3LgB+sXuPS3O6gOynJUuVq6rlxEgkuEcbh8zBd2r3Lhty0rRVnH1ot3WP4xoqcNa6Ih0brEEbhzSNiorKmNXpDSVIP8ADJDTe5LAbC/odvTT1Uvj8QosUqKVjbQmU92b7B9g57COQN9Tf6vJURk4oqm7jYtlIt1B3I9x97Lzce4uOxnCmdiVXHNGLkFzRy3cWWb7gH6FXhuXWZeyyKVxBlsSX25kb28r2UBgdTBiGY4oqZ7nkSB2lzLfBvq48B9ip7M2IiSYvlvpb4iOZHIDzP8Ausy3qQ+rD2UP/EZfmin8RE7muuPi8LeI9FwOg/DwS4cb/wCmk0tJ5scA5n0B0/0rsdksZ/IpaiXjJM4n1s0Ot5arrs1re9xetI5NjHuGuP8AuF18k/CPr8dnjTE+ph5amO9y2x+zQrkqrkUavxEn87W/Rjf8q1Lph/mFERFbBERAREQEREBERAREQVDO+BOloZq3Dm6y5t5Iv1lo8L2H5ZBYfuAA6Eee8LbJWVbWNdqdIWgOdwbqIaZHdBuB6ArdO1HNjsOhbgGDXdVVFm2bxY123s5x2HQanclhGJ0D8LrJcPkdZwD45NPA6SBYfy7bKLIrFsrMFhyVi9JhtINb54ZWyyEbudeMtJ6AnUALqvYpDJX483CqQXe43tyvwbf+VtnuPoFzdoeIPNBCXv8AHU0lOWu5+AudIQf6m/UL9dhrO8x+etrSXPfEGxOcbkhjrPt6XYPRRcN5nxq2WcK/JcDjw9zg5zR4nAW1OJuT7kqrCrBoqivb/wBxM7T5htmNI8iG391Ysz1rmU35fROtLKCNX/jZ80nsDt1JCpdTT/m9THguHjTHbuxb5WAWcf8A1+5anlu9YxkXPJ1N3GBNlH/VJk9Q74f/AJ0qcXxjQxgYwWA2A6L6u0mmCIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgKNzFircEwSXEZbeBpIB5u+VvubBSSpXanAKjB4WytLwJtWgEgPLY5CAbcrgfRBR+y+I4jn51fiR1yBj36jzedIJ9gbDoCFXO1Kk/C59nDeDjrI/c1u/1urr2eOBzVTz4dG5kctHq03uLE+Ik8yH6R7hRPa3T3zs8M4vpNvVoef7NUzpW/aJztXmuwnC4IBd7aPhx3kLWjhy/hE+l1ZoqI4D3cVA+zoGizwL35arcwQTcc1E9jNIcczOK+ceGkhDR6kvaz7B6tOPYBLgJmrYRrpg8EN5xsdbUR1a3mOgBHNR5MbfcN/HV/NHUdG+SteHzyeKSUX3A4C3ytAJs0cN+JJKt+Q8IkoKR9TiTA2R5sBzDBuAfMkm/t0Vbybll9ZiDMQrDeC3eMHJxDiGj08Id53atNTx4a93tloiIurBERAREQEREBERAREQF0sXw1uKUncPJaQQ5rm8WuHAi/8AbmCQu6iCuZfykzBqgVHeve5uuwsGsbrILtLRw4Da/VZN2q4qIc/uqYrPETGxEX5ua8EH07wFbXjuJjCsNdPtrPhjaSBredmtHvZYHieEQ1NI5lPNLJJI2VzX6AdTozdznkHbWSS37qaqLl2DYnTwYZLhGrTN3uqziBrGloGjra245XvzWsSxiWIxSC4III6grBclUctJixlwGMTlrRIB8cbjsGuuHDu3W1bm+1tlvg4brYy9uOmgbS07aeAWaxoa0DkALAfRcqItYIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiIITGctsxbFIsQklkY+NrmDQW7hxBPFpLT4Ru2xVayzkaSiDoqrRE1rSGGJxJLy8P7wAtAYPCBo34m566AiCLy9grcCo3U0T3P1Pc8k2ABdxDWtAAHkOpUoiICIiAiIgIiICIiD//Z" style="border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; display: block; width: 160px; height: 160px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; ">

3:46pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11
Entry for Dohra:
Lemon  Yellow 
And oh so sweet
Kind and mellow
Always on my feet
Never sour
Or lemon lime
I spend every hour
Of my time
Helping creatu
With all my heart
I hope to make Dohra
My family in part!

I really hope I win her she's so beautiful and I hope my poems enough to win thank you for giving me the opportunity to enter this contest!!!

I love animals!!!!!!

5:01pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 394
aawww Dohra is so cute reminds me of Dohra the explorer and i have i rabbit in really life called boots how funny, if i won her i would love her like my other ivik fluzzy i think Dohra would get on great with her 

good luck every one

[url=http://www.glitter-graphics.com][img]http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2414/2414750wq9l3gvlte.jpg[/img][/url] birthday: 28 november

5:59pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 309
Ok, I really don't know which one I want the most, so I wrote a couple reasons for wanting each of them. If I win, you can decide which one I get.


I absolutely LOVE zaphaos. They're my favorite creatu. It would be awesome to get Zyrah because of that, and the trance wings of course. But, I don't really like lime on a zaphao so I would probably take her to the enchanted springs every day until she changed her color. Also, I have wanted trance wings for a really long time. They're just so glowy....


I love Nives because he's albino. Berroks aren't my favorite creatu, but I still like them. Problem is, I already have a albino berrok named SushiBear. Since I already have one, I'd probably trade Nives for a zaphao after a while.


Ok, I know I said zaphaos are my favorite, but that's because I never thought I'd have a chance at getting a credit shop pet. I actually love all the CS pets just as much as I love zaphaos. It would be great to have a ivik, but I don't like the lemon color. So, I'd probably swim in the springs with her until her color changed. I would be soooo happy if she changed to calico,because calico iviks omg. OuO


6:45pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 461
Nives, nives, good for your heart.
The more you eat, the more you fart.
The more you fart, the more you eat.
The more you sit on the toilet seat.

I wouldn't really eat nives ehehe 

Roditore Queen, Always

8:55pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 12
I am going to enter for Dohra.

An ivik had been the first species of pet I saw from Rescreatu a few years ago. Their little faces looked so cute, their ears and tails so long and fluffy. 
Upon joining rescreatu soon after, I was of course put into perspective of how MUCH one of these creatures actually costed in tu/credit points. I kissed my dream goodbye, and started up on building my account. 

Until I saw this contest! Of course i could never afford an ivik by myself, for I'm not that good of a tu saver or a saleswoman. But, you have made my dream a little more possible. 

although lemon is my absolute least favorite dye color, but you can bet your bits i will love and take care of this little ivik despite that.

One day, I may be able to invest in a bean, or a dye kit, or maybe ill get lucky in the springs. But I will definitely not abandon her just because she's not my favorite color shade.


9:28pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 400
I would love to enter for Dohra.  Thanks for doing this!

I've had many goals on Res but currently, my to priority is getting all the creatu available on Res. Right now, I'm missing Ivik, the RSTU00, and Liyure (of course, the hardest xD).  If I got Dohra, I would keep her forever with me and Dohra would never be out of my sight.  She will be one of my prized pets and it would be a big help to my stash of pets :)  Dohra will fit in quite well and of course, she will be a big step in my collection that I have been trying to complete for quite a while <3  Thank you for everything and if I got Dohra, I would always remember the person who gave it to me.


10:25pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 369
,¸¸,ø¤º°` Winners Chosen! `°º¤ø,¸¸,
Next batch starts now!

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

10:36pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 57
(For the Sliver Zenirix and the kimono..If possible..)
The was a flash of sliver in Dhiren's garden..The girl wore a sliver kimono ,assuming a tuft or something like that had simply slipped off.No..It moved towards her..Through the bright crimson roses and dark purple lilacs..The wolfish creatu got closer.."Oh its just you Mida! You scared me!" The girl laughed and knelt down to the creatu,stroking its sliver nose."I'm Sorry Rosy...I didn't mean to..I heard your papa talking about selling some some of the Zenirixs that run around the gardens.."

The girl stared at her Zenirix,Mida."Mida..No harm shall befall you..ever..When your in my arms..Nothing matters but you.." The girl nuzzled the creatu and walked inside with her.."I love you..And no harm will befall either of us.." The girl said later that night as they bedded  down for the night

-Art By Kamii-

10:40pm Jul 16 2014 (last edited on 10:50pm Jul 16 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,122

I've lost my way...
My way to the real me.
There's a long journey I must go on,
To find out who I really am.
I need to figure out myself,
Not just for me...
But for everyone else.
In order to do this...
I need a set of Keys...
For there is a few locks at the end.
My journey would be nothing without my set of Keys.
I've lost my way...
My way to the real me...
And all I need...
Is Keys

I would really really appreciate Keys not only because of his name, but mainly because I really love Otachies and I am trying to collect them all. I may have a black otachie already, but this little guy would be a perfect fit for my army to continue. You can never have enough of those little guys<3

Keys was on his way home from his gorgeous walk in the woods when suddenly a tall bearded man jumped out in front of him on his trail.
"Hello sir" Keys says politely.
The man says nothing and just stares at Keys. Keys is a little confused and a bit freaked out so he tries to walk on. As he walks past the guy he is suddenly asleep.
Keys wakes up in a cage in a circus. Everyone is astonished with the site of a big cat with wings. Keys is quite scared and freaked out. Keys tries to talk to people, but all they hear is Meow Meow Meow.
The old man was a wizard and turned off his voice to the public so he sounded like a real cat.
Keys was more terrified than ever!
After being poked and prodded with peoples fingers and hands and food it is night time. Keys takes a good look around and sees a lock. He sees that it's a pad lock and easy lock to break through.
Keys lets his claws out which happens to be different keys for different lock shapes and tries all of his claws until it works.
On his 5th try the lock opens. He is so excited and jumps out and he realizes his voice is back! The cage constricted him. He looks around for the bearded guy and sees no sight of him and lets all the other beautiful creatus go.
They all thank him as they take off. Keys stayed there ready to face this man.
The man comes outside astonished and confused.
"Hello sir." Keys says quite angrily.
The wizard freaks out a little bit but tries to keep his cool.
"So you have managed to escape?" The man said.
"Yes I did and I helped others." Keys says while showing his key shaped claws.
The old man started to talk, but was interrupted.
"Now you listen here. It was very rude of you to capture all those beautiful creatus including me! I'm a nice creatu lucky for you and I see that you need money. So here." Keys throws a wad of cash to the old man which consists of 100mill and takes off.
Keys is finally home and ready to relax after a long walk in the woods.

Thank you for doing this by the way!!


10:49pm Jul 16 2014 (last edited on 10:52pm Jul 16 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1
Mida, male silver zenirix

I want this pet because i want to take care of it.
I think he deserves a good home :).
He needs good freinds;)
I will feed him.
So please let me win :(

11:08pm Jul 16 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136

With the wind tugging at his fur and driving snow into his eyes, Mida gave up. He was lost, he was hungry, and he was packless. He fell where he was, not even bothering to lower his emaciated body down gently. He moaned and closed his eyes, and gave out a final, shuddering breath.

Time passes, the seasons change, and life goes on. The old Creatu's body, now reduced to scattered bones and a tuft of fur here and there, belied his true spirit - he now runs, strong and confident, with his long-gone ancestors through the skies.


Knock once, shame on you
Knock twice, go get your frickin' keys I'm not letting you in


11:53pm Jul 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
Memoire, male silver meiko .
(A poem about him)

~~~Howling moon~~~
Moon's so bright,
Moon that shines,
Onto a meiko that
shines like dimes.
Like darkness of night,
wings of flight,
shining like a sliver sight.
Eyes gaze onto prey,
Quiet or it'll run away!
Down in a second to eat,
Licks the stain from its feet.
Howl into the moon,
Howl into the night,
howl from a mekio that shines
so bright.
Friends of the pack come by,
To see if he is friendly or shy.
I am a lone wolf,
from the silver sight,
under the moon I shine so bright.
A Grand mother meiko said 'hello',
to her hes a young fellow.
She gave him a magical Furisode Kimono,
to put over his shine.
'No more will prey see you all the time.'
'It keeps you warm and looking fine.'
He lifted his head and seen 
then lower their heads.
It is to the leader...it is said.
A loner no more,
under the moon shine.
they will be togeather,
for all time.
Into the moon,
from its face.
Memoire,from the meiko race!

thank you for the berrok.
i had a winning chance,and when i seen him,
i about cried.
I choked.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


12:05am Jul 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 620
Trying for Memoire the silver meiko. 8D

Far below the graveyards of Reiflem, deeper than any shovel could ever dig, lies a truly wonderful cavern. 

Its walls glisten like polished silver and a gentle breeze is constantly stirring the air. Light pulses brightly from millions of streaks of light as they zip and zoom around the perfectly round chamber. They are the souls of departed creatu, their memories and spirits sent down to the Round Chamber to join with the vast congregation of thousands upon thousands of creatu before them. Here they play and laugh and dance until they are once again called to the physical realm, using the power of the names. 

A creatu's name is magical in and of itself. Their name is their soul, and can be transferred from any physical vessel to another with very little difficulty. The memories, thoughts, and dreams of the creatu transfer as well, and so begins a new chapter of memories, a new chapter of experiences. 

When a creatu dies, one only needs to cast its name over another physical vessel to bring that soul, those memories, back, though without any memory of the chamber. Until then, they stay in the Round Chamber, as a ball of pure energy and light. Such a colossal source of energy could be a tempting target for grave robbers, if they know where to look. 

And that's where Memoire comes in. 

Among the flashes and orbs of light, the streamlined shape of a silver meiko in flight can be seen. Memoire is the guardian of the Round Chamber, it is his duty to defend these departed souls until they are called upwards once more. Day after day, he has tirelessly patrolled the same spherical room, but it is a job he doesn't mind. After all, Memoire does not possess memories of his own. Everyday his memories are erased, forgotten for the rest of time. He has no memory of the Round Chamber, no memory of endlessly circling, every day is a new day with a new job. The only thing he is constantly aware of is his duty to protect the Chamber. 

Despite not having memories of his own, Memoire is able to experience those of other creatu. While circling the Chamber, he trims his wings and dives through the streaks of light, feeling the orbs pass through his body. He feels the light moisture of Scria's clouds upon his wings, the coolness of the water on Atquati. He feels the heat radiating up from lava flows, the adrenaline of thundering along as part of a herd. Every day he revels in these new experiences, and every day he starts to wish he too could see this new world, to have memories of his own. But then a new day dawns, and he is once again content to remain as guardian. 

The creatu souls, however, retain memories of the Chamber as long as they remain just souls. They see Memoire reveling in experiences he will never have, chasing dreams he won't remember. Before the dawn of each new day, they watch him stare wistfully at the ceiling of the Chamber, towards the world above. They know that the  world of Rescreatu has changed drastically over the many centuries since the Chamber's creation, the threat of grave robbers has become nonexistent. And with that, so has Memoire's duty. 

Why then, must he remain trapped here for eternity? 

As one entity, with one thought in mind, the orbs of light swirled together to create a massive vortex of light and energy. Memoire felt himself caught up in the powerful force, lifted up with the vortex towards the ceiling of the cavern. The barrage of energy collided with the round stone with a resounding clash. A blinding flash of light filled the air as a large crack etched its way across the smooth surface of the Chamber. Memoire was drawn to the small opening, to the dim light filtering through, and in a lightening quick moment he was free. 

The crack closed itself with a thundering crack as the meiko rose up into the ember-filled skies above Reiflem. He spiraled over the graveyard, searching for any sign of the Round Chamber, but the entrance had closed up perfectly, leaving no sign of the hidden world beneath the tombstones. Satisfied that the secret of the Chamber would continue to remain just that, a secret, Memoire gave in to this overwhelming sense of freedom and sped off over the glowing red lava flows. It was time he made his own memories, had his own experiences. Time to find someone who would speak his name like a spell, calling to him. But, until that time, he shall never forget the Round Chamber, and the endless light of millions of souls. 


Far away, along the crystalline sea of Relcore, a petite girl with a masculine name sat upon the dock, trailing her toes through the lapping waves. A shape far off in the distance caught her eye, a silver creatu darting through the clouds. Her hair lifted as a gentle breeze brought the smell of salt and sunshine and the soft sounds of the meiko calling into the wind. 

"Memoire," she whispered, though could not figure out why, and the shape dove down towards her. 

Long post is long oh gosh. ;0; I just had a muse and then.....


1:57am Jul 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
This thread has been locked--sorry to everyone who entered this round. Your pieces of writing were all fantastic anyway and will not go unread. Best of luck in future contests!

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
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