tle="Sudo..nym. o_o">
Pseudonym, pronounced sudonym. Just like Sudo. O__O
Anyway, the theme of 'sudonym' is a writer, and his or her challenges through life.
It is mainly black and white, for those are the main colors of any books pages- white with startling black letters. I flipped it around to give it a more bold look.
The S, U and N in Sudonym are all cut into peices, but connected by hearts, or love- A writer, who is broken into many peices and depends on love and care of others to keep them going.
The D is a woman in a long dress with a sheild in front of her, or her Pseudonym, to protect her, a new name.
The O is a snailshell with a snail, to symbolize of course, the Sudo Snail, and a main character, no matter what it looks like or what it is.
The Y is my version of a Nymph, for 'Nym', to symbolize fairy tails and fantasy of authors.
And the M symbolizes a super hero, or strength, which is needed in any story.
There is bright colors as well, because even though the stories are always printed in black and white, the way we read it brings our own colors in.
And nothing is finished all the way, for any writer can mess up on any story line, major plot, or just misspelling a word.
And that in my interpretation of Sudo. O__O