,¸¸,ø¤º°` Riyo's Win-a-Mil `°º¤ø,¸¸,

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4:37pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 3,426

I would choose to be mute, not question. I'm an artist inspired by music and the roleplays I do. Without my hearing and sight, I wouldn't ever be inspired or be able to draw. Plus, I want to travel Japan and Europe and I wouldn't be able to do that without being able to walk. Besides, I usually get in trouble in one way or another when I open my mouth xD

Kinda short today, -fail- Sudo ;3

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

4:41pm Sep 17 2010 (last edited on 4:47pm Sep 17 2010)

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Posts: 93

Sudo. :3

I have to say, I'd rather be mute. Not being able to read would stink, so blindness is definitely out of it. If I couldn't walk... well, let's just say I wouldn't be very happy. I love sports; basketball, horse riding, etc. And if I was deaf, being able to talk wouldn't be much use, anyway. 'o.o

If I were ever mute, I'd be able to listen more. I could hear what others are saying without making them use sign language, and I'd be able to respond. I've never gone a day without talking: I'm going to try it during the next March for Life in DC, when people put tape over their mouths. =3 Wish me luck. xD

Charm Fursona

4:45pm Sep 17 2010 (last edited on 4:45pm Sep 17 2010)

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Posts: 93

[(Post didn't show up for some reason. >.> Lemme edit this later with my real post.

EDIT: Nevermind, sorry. Dx My computer was lagging and it didn't show for a few minutes. Please ignore this. >.>)]

Charm Fursona

4:46pm Sep 17 2010 (last edited on 4:47pm Sep 17 2010)

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Posts: 25

If I was to lose any sense, I would want to lose Hearing. You would be able to read lips and see cars coming. And, you would still be able to play res and not get annoyed by those stupid ads where you can hear people talking! Win! xD

Sudo xD

Sasuke/Rattlesnake/2D/Nyoko was here?

5:00pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 3,426
((It's a glitch, Arruby. When a thread gets up to a certain number of pages, often the first two posts of a new page wont show up till a third or fourth is posted.))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

5:29pm Sep 17 2010 (last edited on 5:30pm Sep 17 2010)

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Posts: 21

I'd have to say blind because then I wouldn't be tempted to judge someone on their appearance. (Come on, everyone does it, sometimes >.<) If I was unable to judge people, I'd probably meet a lot more awesome people, and get to know those better that I never thought I'd like. <3

Love is such a simple word really. Four little letters. Yet it is the impetus on which human life revolves. We live for it, die for it, and sometimes even kill for it...

5:44pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 1,792
I would rather be blind because I love to listen to my Ipod and running makes me happy. My sight is replaced by my imagination a lot so I don't really have much need for it.


5:44pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 109

I would rather be unable to walk. that way i would still be able to see, to hear, to know, to feel, and i would be able to do things- just in a different way.

oh, and sudo!

Ginger by day..and night

6:34pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 74


i would rather be mute, i already know a little sign language and so much is said through body language anyway, i could get a little computer to speak for me ♥

 http://www.photobucket.com Thanks to everyone who helped me achieve my goal of a black aerix :D

6:56pm Sep 17 2010 (last edited on 6:58pm Sep 17 2010)

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Posts: 392
Being mute or deaf would seriously affect my ability to communicate, and though I'm actually not much of a talker, I need to be able to form relationships with other people, and not being able to hear or speak would seriously impair my ability to do so. I'm trying to work on being more outgoing and more talkative, and if I couldn't speak, nothing would ever change the way I want it to. If I lost my ability to hear, I could still read lips, but I would never hear music or the voices of those around me.
I could not handle not being able to see. It's the sense that I would hate to lose the most. I love to watch people and just observe my surroundings in general, and it would kill me to never know what anything actually looks like, to always have to imagine it, because even though I am a daydreamer, I need to be able to see the same things that everyone else sees. And besides not being able to see people or the things that I love, I want to enter a career in film production, and I don't know how I would do that if I were blind.
I would choose immobility because I could still watch movies, play piano, listen to music, and do other things that I enjoy. However, not being able to do the physical things in life, like swim, surf, run, play field hockey, dance, climb, would be immensely difficult. However, it's the difficulty that I think I could cope with best.


7:56pm Sep 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15

 i would would rather lose my hearing and sight because i won't have to see people i don't like and i would have a good reason not to here rued comets from people and plus i could get a guide dog. sudo: ryio



7:58pm Sep 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,707
I would rather be mute because i can't live without seeing, hearing or not being able 2 walk. it would make my life somewhat liveable, but considering its hard 4 me 2 shut up Dx haha o well sudo(;

Selling RWN/RN and haggling! Check my rancher

8:02pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 369
Contest over

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

8:22pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 369
Contest 17 start

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

8:31pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 473
i say Sudo for teh eggs >:D

HEIL XESPA Pterodragon Egg on Dragonadopters

9:00pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 167
Well, I have to say, that made me think. A lot. I am guilty of calling others out on their beliefs in the shoutbox according to what's "popular" occasionally, though not often. I've always been strangely empathetic to anyone - in real life or not. I catch my friends by surprise when they realize that I might understand them more than they originally thought. The internet has dulled this sense of empathy inside myself over the past year, now that I think about it. It's really quite horrible. I've seen countless examples of IAS, whether on petsites like Rescreatu or while perusing comments on Youtube. People are often beaten down, sometimes brutally. That saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," well, that's not exactly true. Words do hurt people, as not everyone can remain oblivious to what others say. Online, people seem to forget this. They want to seem "popular" on the Internet. They want to be recognized. While that is one of the more trivial human needs, the means of gaining that recognition can be troublesome. Especially when it comes at the cost of someone else's life, like some of the bits in the article. Eventually it gets to that point, when your empathy goes... well, poof, in a sense.
Anyways, I'll probably end up going into a long and boring rant, so I'll cut it short. Basically, this made me think about the internet in a new way. It made me realize that there are people behind the avatars and the usernames. People with feelings. My subconscious knew this, but it took that article for me to come completely to terms with it.
(Apologies if I went off topic at all - I tend to jump from topic to topic a lot. I was once described as too fast/spontaneous, actually)

Screw it; I\'m getting a whole cheesecake.

9:07pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 79


To be perfectly honest I am very apathetic about the entire thing. The internet isn't a personal thing it is very distant and doesn't allow to to have the communcation you would if you did in person, some people enjoy and are more comfortale about this and are more themselves. 


I think our society as a whole has grown more apathetic towards other people due to the elitism that is promoted and strived for not just being on the internet. If anything it makes people MORE emphathetic than they would act in real life. I am more likely to virtually comfort you than I would in person, if you were upset and wanting me to hold you in real life I would be very abrasive about it. So I respect their opinions and some points do make sense, but as a whole I disagree. 

Cookie peas?

10:20pm Sep 17 2010 (last edited on 10:21pm Sep 17 2010)

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Posts: 429

Sudo. I read through about half of that and decided it wasn't worth it to continue reading.

It's not the internet that's the problem. People have been killing for fun, committing suicide, and conning others without guilt or feeling since the beginning of eternity. We just hear about it MORE nowadays because there are ways to instantly announce it across the world via the internet.

Nothing has changed, and nothing will probably ever change - we're just more aware of the dark side of humanity because of the internet.

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

12:02am Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 108

I think this pretty much sums up peoples behaviour on the internet. I also believe reality TV/entertainment to be an inhumane trend allowing the public to scorn real people who they simply view as characters on their screens. Encyclopedia Drammatica is one I am quite repulsed by, and it seems to encourage the m*censored* scrutiny of real people with real problems and issues.

It's also a fact that communication by written words (eg blogs, emails) cannot convey the same intended message as a voice and video conference call. Tone of voice and body language influences our responses that much.

As for cyber bullying, as someone who has personally experienced it: the thing to do is not to respond in written words online and 'whine' about it (this encourages the bullies and often spawns new 'flamers'), but to go see someone of authority and speak to them personally on the matter.



"Terrible, terrible damage!!"

1:01am Sep 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 115

Just wanna say thanks to Riyo for sharing that really cool piece of writing with Res, I think it will help a lot of people and work it's way into the online world. 

 What I think about this blog piece is that he's right in a lot of ways and the world is becoming a lonelier place, on the internet and in the real world. People don't see each other as they really are anymore. They see them as the best picture on Facebook or how many friends/followers they have. It's become a huge popularity contest without anyone really realizing it. 

In June I killed my facebook/myspace/etc. because I was sick and tired of the way it was. People never really interacted with you in a "social" way. They just added you as a friend and ignored you pretty much. I only talked to the few I saw everyday and who really cared about me, so I thought, "why do I need a facebook, when the people who really care are always going to be there, not just online?" It just really opened up a lot.

Also to add I think texting is getting to be the same as online empathy lately. Anyone can type anything to anyone without being in their face and seeing their emotions and feelings.

I just hope this trend ends soon because I know that without a cell phone and a facebook,myspace,twitter,etc. in my life it just makes it so much clearer to think and be with the people who really matter. 



I will not be on often, only to chat with friends. I am not selling any pets. Only giving them to close friends.
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