{-~-Sin's Spectacular Giveaway-~-}

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7:07pm Mar 31 2015 (last edited on 7:19pm Mar 31 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 219

Please read the whole of the first post before commenting!

Retired CS Egg of winner's choice (1 winner winning 1 egg)

Ivik Egg (1 winner winning 1 egg)

Three winners get one CS Egg each.

Ten winners get five seasonal eggs (of one type) each.

***The Form***

Your Username:

Omni, Kioka or Liyure:

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.

That's it folks...good luck! --Sin

¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·¨)

¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·¨)

7:07pm Mar 31 2015 (last edited on 12:39pm May 1 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 219

Please ignore letters and numbers, it's just me logging your preferences to make it easier!

1. MissHalloween - O - D S E - Eb V I Ea
2. Vol - O - D E S - Ea Eb I V
3. Ouija - O - S E D - Eb Ea I V
4. AriaKaye1 - O - S E D - Eb I Ea V
5. FluzzMe - K/L - S E D - I Ea Eb V
6. LilithBristol - K/O - S E D - V Ea Eb I
7. Dream564 - K/O - S E D - V Ea Eb I
8. AwesomePanda168 - ? - S E D - V Ea Eb I
9. Feathermoth - K - S E D - Ea I V Eb
10. BlueWolfDemon - O - S E D - Eb I V Ea
11. pmc - O - S E D - I Eb V Ea
12. JoJoTheFirst - L/O - E S D - Ea I V Eb
13. GinaBambina - K - E S D - Ea I Eb V
14. Kittykat - L - S E D - Eb I Ea V
15. Snowpea - O - E S D - I Ea Eb V
16. Loki - K - E S D - I Ea Eb V
17. Fey - K - S D E - Eb I Ea V
18. WildGirl123 - K - S E D - Ea I Eb V
19. Phantom - K - E S D - Eb I Ea V
20. Zaefyra - L - S D E - Ea V I Eb
21. Kirby - K - S D E - I V Ea Eb
22. Charlynx - O - S E D - Ea I Eb V
23. Jacethebass02 - L - E S D - Eb I Ea V
24. Fernweh - L - S E D - Ea I V Eb
25. xCottonCandyx - O - E S D - Eb Ea I V
26. Mmamushi - K - S E D - Eb I Ea V
27. Lunasparkle - O - E S D - V I Eb Ea
28. Murderess - K - S E D - I Ea Eb V
29. FireCreeper - O - E S D - V Eb Ea I
30. Ghostlady - L - D S E - Eb V I Ea
31. watermelonme147 - K - S E D - Ea I Eb V
32. Dean - L - E S D - I Eb Ea V
33. Kibo - K - E S D - Eb I Ea V
34. Blackgothfox - O - S E D - Eb I Ea V
35. Ratchet - L - E S D - I Eb Ea V
36. WarriorHawkSpirit - O - D S E - I Ea V Eb
37. Vinyl - L/K - E S D - I Eb Ea V
38. IvyNyx - O -  E S D - I Eb Ea V
39. RevenantQueen457 - K/O - E D S - Eb Ea V I
40. Pox - L - S E D - I Eb Ea V
41. Secrets - O - S E D - I Eb Ea V
42. lovergirl2468 - K - E S D - I Eb Ea V
43. Excelscia - L - D E S - Eb Ea I V
44. Zen - O - S D E - Ea Eb V I
45. Kirsti - L - E D S - I Ea V Eb
46. Misilidora - K - E D S - Eb I Ea V
47.  Petra13131 - L - D S E - I Eb Ea V
48. DarkDragonMagic - K - I Ea V Eb
49. Tiberius - L - E D S - Eb V Ea I
50. AiAi - K - E S D - I Ea Eb V
51. GreenKat - L - E S D - Eb Ea I V
52. Panda - L - S E D - Eb I Ea V
53. DecemberMoon - L - S E D - I Ea V Eb
54. abell45 - L - S E D - Ea Eb I V
55. Rose - L - S E D - I Eb Ea V
56. Jayni - L - D S E - Eb I Ea V
57. Lilie - L - D E S - Eb I Ea V
58. Mortal - K - S E D - I Ea Eb V
59. heidi45569 - O - E S D - Eb Ea I V
60. Dustfeather - L - E S D - Ea Eb I V
61. octopusbaby - L - D E S - Eb V Ea I
62. Crystallize - L - S D E - I Eb Ea V
63. Pusspurrs - L - S E D - I Eb Ea V
64. Spark55555 - K - E S D - I Ea V Eb
65. TheOptimist11 - L - E S D - Eb Ea I V
66. tpmc - O - S E D - Eb E I V
67. LuckyTiamat - L - D E S - Eb Ea I V
68. GG - L - E S D - I Ea Eb V
69. Raccoon - O - S E D - Eb V I Ea
70. Pyrric - L/O - S D E - I Ea Eb V
71. xXStormyXx - L - S E D - I Eb Ea V
72. Unicorn - K - E S D - I Ea Eb V
73. Tomburgerpie - K - E S D - Ea Eb V I
74. oOVanillaOo - K - S E D - Eb Ea I V
75. Rabidrabit - L -E S D - Eb Ea V I
76. Boomboom39 - K - E S D - Ea I Eb V
77. Rusted - K - S E D - I Ea Eb V
78. Destrius - K - E S D - I Ea V Eb
79. Aniwolf - O - E D S - Ea I Eb V
80. tlrose - L - S E D - I Ea Eb V
81. gemmalambe - O - E D S - V Ea Eb I
82. DesertBlossom - K - S E D - Eb I Ea V
83. Syaraa - L - E S D - Ea I Eb V
84. Krigare - O - D S E - Eb V I Ea
85. Redrock - K - E S D - I Ea Eb V
86. Martyr - L - S D E - Eb Ea I V
87. wolfspirit25 - K - D S E - Eb I V Ea
88. Senses - L - E S D - Ea I Eb V
89. Witchy - L - D S E - I Ea V Eb
90. Tigerlilly123 - L - D S E - I Eb V Ea
91. Sasafras - K - E S D - I Eb Ea V
92. Punk - K/O/L - S E D - Eb Ea I V
93. Colby - L - S E D - I V Eb Ea
94. Nero - K - S E D - Eb Ea I V
95. RuRu13 - L - S E D - Eb Ea I V
96. Zayn - L - S E D - I Eb Ea V
97. Ashe - K - E D S - Eb V I Ea
98. Tayloi - K - D E S - Eb V Ea I
99. Savage - L - E D S - Eb I Ea V
100. Flygon25 - O - E S D - I V Ea Eb
101. water51- O - D E S - Eb Ea V I
102. BarrelGirl95 - O - S E D - I Ea Eb V
103. spottedwhitegrl - O - E D S - Eb Ea V I
104. Yoda - O - E S D - Ea I Eb V
105. Sachiko - K - E S D - I Ea Eb V
106. LadyLaine - O - E S D - Eb I V Ea
107. Bucky - K - E S D - Eb I V Ea
108. Lyella - L - E S D - Eb I Ea V
109. Sueno - O - E S D - Eb I Ea V
110. Taka - O - E D S - I Eb V Ea
111. smurfette - K - S D E - Eb I V Ea
112. Bethy - K - D E S - V I Ea Eb
113. SandyBladehawk - K - S E D - Eb Ea I V
114. Linkification - O - E D S - Eb I Ea V
115. Shena - L - S D E - Eb Ea I V
116. AmberStardust - E S D - I Eb Ea V
117. BunnysaurusRex - O - S E D - Eb I V Ea
118. bstark - L - S E D - Ea V I Eb
119. Magnadreamer - K - E S D - I Ea Eb V
120. miraclesarereal - K - E S D - Eb I Ea V
121. JazzyBones - O - E S D - Eb I V Ea
122. Tory - L - E S D - I V Ea Eb
123. Pastelle - L - S E D - V Ea I Eb
124. Yassseeen - L - E S D - Eb I Ea V
125. Llama - L - D S E - I Ea Eb V
126. kaylynnann - O - D E S - I Eb V Ea
127. EternalWhisper - L - S E D - Eb Ea I V
128. Augustus - O - E S D - Eb I Ea V
129. CynicalEcstasy - L - S E D - Eb Ea I V
130. Kayfox - O - E S D - Eb I Ea V
131. ArcaneWolf - O - S E D - I Eb Ea V
132. Albion - L - E S D - Eb I Ea V
133. InfernoFire - L - D S E - I Ea Eb V
134. Tsuzumikin - L - E D S - V I Eb Ea
135. Titanium - L - E S D - V Ea Eb I
136. Westie - K - E S D - I Ea V Eb
137. Yandere - K - E S D - I Eb V Ea
138. Incognito - K - S E D - Eb I Ea V
139. ZebraSan - L - E S D - Eb Ea I V
140. Katkandyfloss - L - D S E - Eb I Ea V
141. Trenthepunkid - O - E D S - V Eb I Ea
142. NyalaMod - L - E S D - Eb V I Ea
143. Avedori - K - E D S - V Ea I Eb
144. Merlinlover1997 - L - S E D - Eb Ea I V
145. LoveDroid - L - E D S - I Ea Eb V
146. Whitelight1 - O - S E D - I Eb Ea V
147. Kitten3 - K - E S D - I Ea Eb V
148. Jess - K/L/O - E S D - Eb I Ea V
149. Cecil - O - E S D - Ea I Eb V
150. MaiKaida - L - S E D - Eb V I Ea
151. VelvetBunny - K - E S D - Eb I V Ea
152. Hayate - L - E S D - Eb I Ea V
153. ElmerJFudd - O - D S E - Eb V Ea I
154. TARDIS - L - E S D - Ea I Eb V

[url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/contests/-sin-039-s-spectacular-giveaway-/] [b]Sin's [s]Spectacular[/s] [u]Sinful[/u] Giveaway[/b] - No entry fee, retired CS Egg 1st Prize! [i]You don't want to miss this![/i]

[url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/contests/-sin-039-s-spectacular-giveaway-/] [b]Sin's [s]Spectacular[/s] [u]Sinful[/u] Giveaway[/b] - FREE entry! [b]Retired CS Egg[/b] 1st prize! Ivik, CS & Seasonal eggs! [u]Don't miss out![/u]

¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·¨)

¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·¨)

7:07pm Mar 31 2015 (last edited on 7:17am May 5 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 219

Drawn using Random Number Generator - Random.org - don't like the results? Blame them! xD


(Winner of the Retired CS Egg)
#118 bstark - winner of a Liyure Egg! CLAIMED

(Winner of the Ivik Egg)
#3 Ouija winning the Ivik Egg! CLAIMED
(now drawing this number for this prize specifically was actually creepy)

(Winners of CS Eggs)
1. #62 Crystallize winning the Shaefu Egg! CLAIMED
2. #133 InfernoFire winning the Drachid Egg! CLAIMED
3. #117 BunnysaurusRex winning the Ezahni Egg! CLAIMED

(Winners of Seasonal Eggs)
1. #72 Unicorn winning 5 Iluvu Eggs! CLAIMED
2. #16 Loki winning 5 Iluvu Eggs! CLAIMED
3. #64 Spark55555 winning 5 Iluvu Eggs! CLAIMED
4. #150 MaiKaida winning 5 Ebilia Eggs! CLAIMED
5. #137 Yandere winning 5 Iluvu Eggs! CLAIMED
6. #8 AwesomePanda168 winning 5 Vaspi Eggs!
7. #154 TARDIS winning 5 Ebilia Eggs! CLAIMED
8. #132 Albion winning 5 Ebilia Eggs!
9. #86 Martyr winning 5 Ebilia Eggs! CLAIMED
10. #134 Tsuzumikin winning 5 Vaspi Eggs! CLAIMED

Since I have a tonne of seasonal eggs left over I am thinking of sending out a participation prize of one random seasonal to every person who entered. I'll do a count up when I've finished rmailing all these lucky people.

Congratulations to all of the winners, expect an rmail over the next hour!

I plan on holding another giveaway towards the end of the year (November/December time) so all of you guys who didn't win, don't lose hope and a big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to enter!

¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·¨)

¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·¨)

7:12pm Mar 31 2015 (last edited on 7:26pm Mar 31 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 3,011


 Kioka 3


Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


7:16pm Mar 31 2015

Normal User

Posts: 536

Username: Vol
Omni, Kioka or Liyure: Omni

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.
Shaefu: 3
Ezahni: 2

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.
Vaspi: 4
Iluvu: 3
Ebilia: 2
Easero: 1


7:16pm Mar 31 2015 (last edited on 7:19pm Mar 31 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 380

Username: Ouija
Omni, Kioka or Liyure: Omni

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.
Shaefu: 1
Drachid: 3
Ezahni: 2

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.
Vaspi: 4
Iluvu: 3
Ebilia: 1
Easero: 2


7:18pm Mar 31 2015 (last edited on 7:24pm Mar 31 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 350

Username: AriaKaye1
Omni, Kioka or Liyure: Omni

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.


7:20pm Mar 31 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Username; FluzzMe
Omni, Kioka or Liyure; Liyure or Kioka, probably?

Shaefu; 1
Drachid; 3
Ezahni; 2

Vaspi; 4
Iluvu; 1
Ebilia; 3
Easero; 2

This is insanely sweet of you, dear. Thank you ;v; <3


7:48pm Mar 31 2015 (last edited on 7:48pm Mar 31 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 96
Username: LilithBristol
Kioka or Omni
Shaefu 1
Drachid 3
Ezhani 2

Vaspi 1 
Iluvu 4
Ebilia 3
Easero 2

My Future Achro OAK Wyrae <3\r\nhttp://orig14.deviantart.net/62bc/f/2015/133/3/a/untitled_drawing_by_thetomboytiger-d8t7sm4.png\r\nRmail Me If You Will Do Art For This!

7:51pm Mar 31 2015

Normal User

Posts: 346
Username: Dream564
Kioka or Omni
Shaefu 1
Drachma 3
Ezhani 2

Vaspi 1
Iluvu 4
Ebilia 3
Easero 2


7:53pm Mar 31 2015

Normal User

Posts: 85
Username: AwesomePanda168
Any is fine
Shaefu 1
Drachid 3
Ezhani 2

Vaspi 2
Iluvu 4
Ebilia 3
Easero 2

8:11pm Mar 31 2015

Normal User

Posts: 159

Your Username: feathermoth

Omni, Kioka or Liyure: Omni

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.
Shaefu: 1
Drachid: 3
Ezahni: 2

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.
Vaspi: 3
Iluvu: 2
Ebilia: 4
Easero: 1


8:19pm Mar 31 2015

Normal User

Posts: 55

Your Username: BlueWolfDemon

Omni, Kioka or Liyure: Omni

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.


8:29pm Mar 31 2015

Normal User

Posts: 254

Your Username: pmc


Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.

thank you so much for doing this:)


8:30pm Mar 31 2015

Normal User

Posts: 254


8:30pm Mar 31 2015

Normal User

Posts: 392


Omni, Kioka, or Liyure: Liyure or Omni

Shaefu: 2
Drachid: 3
Ezahni: 1

Vaspi: 3
Iluvu: 2
Ebilia: 4
Easero: 1

Thank you for doing this!


12:11am Apr 1 2015

Normal User

Posts: 114

Your Username: GinaBambina

Omni, Kioka or Liyure: Kioka

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.
Shaefu: 2
Ezahni: 1

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.
Easero: 1

such a great giveaway sin! thank you :)


12:28am Apr 1 2015 (last edited on 12:29am Apr 1 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
oh this looks faab ;0;
okay uhm

Your Username: Kittykat!

Omni, Kioka or Liyure: Liyuuure ;o;

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.
Shaefu: 1
Drachid: 3
Ezahni: 2

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.
Vaspi: 4
Iluvu: 2
Ebilia: 1
Easero: 3


3:34am Apr 1 2015

Normal User

Posts: 789

Thanks so much for doing this :)

Your Username: Snowpea

Omni, Kioka or Liyure: Omni

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.
Ezahni: 1

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.
Iluvu: 1
Ebilia: 3
Easero: 2


5:17am Apr 1 2015

Normal User

Posts: 422

  • Wow how exciting, good luck to everyone!

Your Username: Loki

Omni, Kioka or Liyure: Kioka

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 3 being least preferred.
Shaefu: 2
Drachid: 3
Ezahni: 1

Please label the following in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred.
Vaspi: 4
Iluvu: 1
Ebilia: 3
Easero: 2

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