╰☆╮ Sin's Spectacular Giveaway 2018 ╭☆╯

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12:21pm Apr 13 2018 (last edited on 12:39pm Apr 13 2018)


Posts: 541

Your Username: Tiberius

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Liyure

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Kioka

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Liyure

Ezahni or Shaefu: Ezahni

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Cosmic Salve

Thank you so much for doing this, Sin, and happy birthday in advance!


12:24pm Apr 13 2018

Normal User

Posts: 71

Your Username: 


Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): 


Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times):


Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times):


Ezahni or Shaefu:


Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn:

Cosmic Salve


12:26pm Apr 13 2018

Normal User

Posts: 460

Your Username: Titanium

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Omni

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Liyure

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Kioka

Ezahni or Shaefu: Ezahni

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: 

Cosmic salve

Thank you~

Roditore Queen, Always

12:28pm Apr 13 2018 (last edited on 12:29pm Apr 13 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 1
Your Username: Sillylily222 
Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): liyure
Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): kioka
Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): omni
Ezahni or Shaefu:
Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: cosmic slave

12:30pm Apr 13 2018

Normal User

Posts: 735

Your Username: Flygon

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Liyure

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Liyure

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Omni

Ezahni or Shaefu: Ezahni

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Gold Stardust Urn

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

5:11am Apr 14 2018

Normal User

Posts: 1,324

Your Username: Avo

Your first ticket choice: Kioka

Your second ticket choice: Kioka

Your third ticket choice: Kioka

Ezahni or Shaefu: Ezahni

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Cosmic Salve

Thank you for doing this! <3


6:28am Apr 16 2018

Normal User

Posts: 570

Your Username: 


Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): 


Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times):


Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times):


Ezahni or Shaefu:


Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn:


Thanks for hosting these giveaways <3


6:33am Apr 16 2018


Posts: 84

Your Username: Voltron

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Omni

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Omni

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Omni

Ezahni or Shaefu: Ezahni

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Gold Stardust Urn


6:58am Apr 16 2018

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

Your Username: Jess

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Omni

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Omni

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Omni

Ezahni or Shaefu: Ezahni!

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Cosmic Salve 
Thank you for the chance, Sin! <3


7:12am Apr 16 2018

Normal User

Posts: 1,942

Your Username: Redrock

Your first ticket choice: Kioka

Your second ticket choice: Liyure

Your third ticket choiceOmni

Ezahni or Shaefu: Ezahni

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Cosmic Salve

Thank you Sin.


4:50pm Apr 16 2018

Normal User

Posts: 18

Your Username: Meatball4

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Kioka

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Omni

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Liyure

Ezahni or Shaefu: Shaefu

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Cosmic Salve

Thank you Sin, good luck to everyone who is joining aswell!! 

All art by yzzuwyzzuf !!

6:59pm Apr 16 2018

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

Your Username: Ren

Your first ticket choice: Omni

Your second ticket choice: Omni

Your third ticket choice: Take a wild guess, buddy (Omni)

Ezahni or Shaefu: Ezahni

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Cosmic Salve

Grazi, Sin!


12:44pm Apr 17 2018

Normal User

Posts: 13

Your Username: Dreams_of_Day

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Liyure

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Liyure

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Liyure

Ezahni or Shaefu: Ezahni

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Gold Stardust Urn

thank you so much for this amazing opportunity! you're a wonderful person for wanting to spread happiness to celebrate your birthday. have a great birthday!


11:06pm Apr 18 2018

Normal User

Posts: 392

Your Username: heybay

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Kioka

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Kioka

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Kioka

Ezahni or Shaefu: Ezahni

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Cosmic Salve

Thanks so much! Happy early birthday!


11:11am Apr 19 2018

Normal User

Posts: 13
your username: ErzaScarlet98
my first ticket choice: omni
my second ticket choice: omni
my third ticket choice: omni
ezahni of shaefu: shaefu
cosmic salve or gold stardust urn: cosmic salve.
thanks you Sin


2:06pm Apr 23 2018

Normal User

Posts: 22

Your Username: Alizesierra

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Kioka

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Omni

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Liyure

Ezahni or Shaefu: Shaefu

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Cosmic Salve

Thank you for doing this!!

Trying to collect every type of creatu in its hatch colors :) I\'ve been on and off Res since 2007, decided to start playing again!

2:20pm Apr 23 2018

Normal User

Posts: 6
Ticket username: Keys
First Choice: Liyure 
Second choice: Liyure 
Third choice: Liyure 
Ezhani/Shaefu: Shaefu 
Cosmic Salve/Gold stardust urn: cosmic salve 

12:57pm Apr 24 2018

Normal User

Posts: 129

Your Username: White

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Kioka

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Omni

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times): Liyure

Ezahni or Shaefu: Shaefu

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: 

Cosmic Salve


Thanks Sin! Good luck to everyone. c:

We're dead.

1:04pm Apr 24 2018

Normal User

Posts: 1,100

Your first ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure): Kioka

Your second ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times):Omni

Your third ticket choice (please choose Kioka/Omni/Liyure - you may choose the same one multiple times):Liyure

Ezahni or Shaefu: Shaefu

Cosmic Salve or Gold Stardust Urn: Cosmic Salve

Many thanks!


1:17am Apr 28 2018

Normal User

Posts: 1



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