. : [ The Raffle With the Really Really Really Rare Prize ] : .

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12:16am Dec 2 2013 (last edited on 12:16am Jan 25 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,184

1ST - SHADLY (834)

Runners Up:

Kitty (988)
GG (211)
Rambo (393)
Zen (1160)
Golden (514)

Congratulations to all winners!

.: ~ [ The Raffle With the Really Really Really Rare Prize ] ~ :.

yes yes, the name is so original applause is appreciated for my ingenuity thank

SB ad = win a [b]black omni [/b] [url=http://tinyurl.com/reallyrareprize]

Ticket Price: 2m TU each.

1st Prize

Name: Rubal
Age: Old
Gender: Female
Intellect: 178

Consolation Prizes


5 of these will be given out to random participants (also drawn by random.org) after the winner of the omni has been drawn. Subject to be changed/added to.

End Date: 25th January, 2014 at RESET

What Else Do I Accept?

CP - 8 CP per ticket
CS eggs - 15 tickets each
Wyraes - 65 tickets each
Seasonal eggs - 2 tickets each
Old CS items (R-Ray, Gluttonys Feast, etc) - varies
Retired items - varies
Coloured CSer (non-dyed/not retired) - 70 tickets for black/400 tickets for albino
Albino (regular) - 7 tickets each
Albino (seasonal) - 13 tickets each
Retired CS - 30 tickets each
Calico Jelly Bean - 15 tickets each

At this time, these are the only things besides tu that I am accepting.

How To Buy Tickets

  1. 1. Post how many tickets you're buying.

  2. 2. Send the TU/items/pets/eggs. Please make sure you send it to 'Mortal' and that you are sending the correct amount or things. I will not be held responsible for anything sent to the wrong user, sorry!

Information for Ticketholders

* Refunds: refunds will not be given, except in the case where the raffle is cancelled. In this case, all ticket holders will be refunded the full value of their paid tickets. Don't worry, though: any tu coming from this raffle will remain in my bank account until this raffle ends. Items given as payment will be stored in my item gallery, eggs in the Egg Market and pets in my showroom.

* Prizes: prizes are subject to change at any time (I'll most likely be adding them!) except for the black omni, which will remain as the first prize until the end of the raffle, unless the raffle is cancelled. All egg prizes can be seen in the Egg Market, and the omni is on my profile.

* Winning: a person may only win one prize (either the omni or one of the consolation prizes).

* The Draw: the prize winners will be drawn using random.org.


12:16am Dec 2 2013 (last edited on 7:27pm Jan 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,184
   Tickets Bought: 1239

RikaTheFallen 1-5
Sonador 6
Guvenire 7-16
Ratchet 17-18, 351-353, 1105, 1155, 1189-1192
AlphaSphinx 19-23, 321, 343-349
Moltres 24-123, 331-340, 518-667
Castiel 124-188
GG 189-253
Headache 254
Rambo 255, 268-272, 288-297, 322-323, 378-477
Boonys 256-265
cascadianlove 266-267
kibo 268-277
Dess 278-287
Symonya 298-301
FluzzMe 302
Bethy 303-307
Mercurique 308-309
Kitty 310-319, 355-374, 478-487, 668-717, 739-743, 878-897, 962-991, 1142-1151
Korra 320
Repetition 324-330
Noctre 341-342
Secrets 350
Magpie 354
De 375-377
Zen 488-512, 719-738, 1156-1185
Golden 513-517
Redrock 718
LyfeSaver 744-751
Moe 752-761
Mandolady 762-821
Shadly 822-846
Dogzdream 847
MaiKaida 848-852
Zuzu 853-877
Lovemz 898, 1100-1103
Florence 899-961
14brokenmirrors 992-1091
Sherlock 1092-1093
ShaynaMarie 1094-1099
boomboom39 1104
KizzyCannon 1106-1115
Linkification 1116-1135
alyanabilla 1136-1138
CaptinCrayon 1139-1141
Veraz 1152-1153
Wishies 1154
Kittykat 1186-1188, 1198-1237
Fang 1193-1197
Katiee 1238-1239


1:47am Dec 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
I'm gonna go ahead and buy 5 tickets for now uvu


1:53am Dec 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
I'll buy one. c:
TU sent~


7:23am Dec 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 319
Can I ask when is the deadline?? Cause I'm planning to join as soon as I have enough tu...

11:05am Dec 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 109
I'll take 10 tickets for now. I'll buy some more when stocks go up later. xD

1:59pm Dec 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,184
Erised, it is unavailable as of now. I haven't chosen one yet lol

Thanks guys. <3 Updated!


2:25pm Dec 2 2013


Posts: 2,165
I'll take two tickets please. <3


2:28pm Dec 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 51
5 for now :D will try to hatch a bino or bean a ebbie into one :D or spring o:

2:51pm Dec 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 461
Um okay I'm gonna buy 100 tickets ouo 200m right?


2:51pm Dec 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,184
Yup o3o Thank ye


1:37am Dec 3 2013 (last edited on 1:40am Dec 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 182
I'll buy 65 tickets w a wyrae :U (apparently it's also ageless. Idk if that would add any value)

Who the hell is Bucky?


6:59pm Dec 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 472
I would like to enter with a calico wyrae!


12:24am Dec 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 608
I'll grab 10 :)


12:26am Dec 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,792
May I buy 5 tickets please?


12:28am Dec 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,015
bought 2 tickets ^^ may buy more in the future <3

3:00pm Dec 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 204
*throws 20 mil at mortal*



11:47pm Dec 4 2013 (last edited on 11:53pm Dec 4 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 461
How many tickets can I get with a gold wyrae? Is it the same as a normal wyrae?
it's stardusted


6:02am Dec 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 169
10 tickets for me and 10 tickets for Rambo


1:05pm Dec 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,184
Thanks guys. <3 And it would be the same Moltres, even if it's stardusted. xD

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