(Un)lucky 13?

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8:39am Oct 13 2017 (last edited on 1:52pm Oct 16 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 66

******This giveaway is now over******

***Please Note: Turn over for me isn't until 2am Res Time :) ***

In honour of Friday the 13th, I thought I'd give away 13m...but there's a catch.  This day is usually thought of as a jinx day.  I have a special 113 sided die.  Don't ask where I got it.  Here are the rules:

~13000 Tu/roll
~6 rolls a day
~Roll a 13, win the 13,000,000!!! (1 grand prize only! Won by Secretsoftheshadows!!!
~Roll 113, win half the jackpot! (1 second prize only!  Won by Tiberius!!!)
~Roll an even number and earn you your Tu back for that roll. 
~Roll a number ending in a 3 and get half your Tu back.
~Roll any other odd number and win nothing!  Mwahahahaa! >XD


When will this end?  - As soon as the 13 is rolled
Are there any other prizes?  - Nope, just Tu
May we have more than 6 rolls a day?  - Depends on how long this little event goes. 
How do you choose numbers? - Random.org
Someone rolled the 13 but not the 113!  Will I still have a chance at the second prize? - Nope.  Remember, 13 isn't usually...lucky >XD *insert evil laughter and dramatic spooky music here*

Kina makes best Avvies!!!

8:39am Oct 13 2017 (last edited on 1:54pm Oct 16 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 66


Secretsoftheshadows: 6/6 roll attempts. 
Roll one: Money reclaimed
Roll two: money reclaimed
Roll three: Money reclaimed
Roll four: 50% of money reclaimed
Roll five: All money lost
Roll six: 50% of money reclaimed

Funfox21: 6/6 roll attempts
Roll one: 50% of Tu reclaimed
Roll two: All money lost
Roll three: All money reclaimed
Roll four: All money reclaimed
Roll five: All money reclaimed
Roll six: All money lost

skiski951: 6/6 roll attempts
Roll one: Money lost
Roll two: Money lost
Roll three: All money reclaimed
Roll four: Half of her money reclaimed 
Roll five: All money reclaimed
Roll six: All money reclaimed

ChiroDagony: 6/6 roll attempts
Roll one: 50% of money reclaimed
Roll two: All money reclaimed
Roll three: All money lost
Roll four: 50% of money reclaimed
Roll five: All money reclaimed
Roll six: All money lost


Tiberius: 6/6 roll attempts
Roll one: All Tu lost
Roll two: All Tu reclaimed 
Roll three: All Tu reclaimed 
Roll four: All Tu reclaimed 
Roll five: All Tu lost
Roll six: Rolled 113!!! 

KawaiiCookie: 6/6 roll attempts
Roll one: All Tu lost
Roll two: All Tu reclaimed
Roll three: All Tu reclaimed
Roll four: All Tu reclaimed
Roll five: All Tu reclaimed
Roll six: All Tu lost

Kina makes best Avvies!!!

8:42am Oct 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
May I roll? :)


8:43am Oct 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 66
Roll away!  Send 13k/roll please! 

Kina makes best Avvies!!!

8:46am Oct 13 2017

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Posts: 1,185


9:41am Oct 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 66
SecretsoftheShadows picks up my magical die.  It feels a little clammy and quite cold.  She shivers but is determined.  She rolls the die... 


A disembodied voice, which sounds very masculine, moans, "Noooo!  We lost.  We looooost...!"

At her feet she sees a small pouch labeled "13k Tu."  She quickly grabs her returned Tu and hurriedly leaves the spooky shack.

Kina makes best Avvies!!!

9:55am Oct 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
XD Can I got two more time? Sending 13k twice!


11:30am Oct 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 312
ok ima going to roll
Dice plz give me a lucky 13

\r\nI\'m 8 years old and I\'m very kooky and I love to build Lego sets\r\nAnd play roblox

2:02pm Oct 13 2017 (last edited on 2:47pm Oct 13 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 66
So, you've decided to come back for more, did you, Secretsoftheshadows? Says a voice in her head.  Secrets tries to shake the voice from her mind and as she does, she notices the door to the shack creak open and beckon to her to enter.  As if being taken over by some ethereal power she walks, trance-like, into the shack, and makes her way to the center where that ice cold, clammy die hovers, just above the tablet's surface.  She picks the die up and shivers.  Rolling the die she sees angry red numbers emblazoned over the hard rock surface:


The die screams in anger!   Secrets picks the die up for another throw... 


The die screams and glows red with anger as if it was hot coal!  Secrets finally wakes from her trance and notices that she's holding a bag of Tu.  She takes her money and quickly flees from the shack, the die's screams still echoing throughout the shack. 

Kina makes best Avvies!!!

2:18pm Oct 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 66
Funfox21 finds herself deep in the forest.  She hears a voice on the wind, Come to me.  I shall make you rich beyond your wildest dreams!  Follow my voice!  Come...come...come...! 

She finds herself at a door to a spooky shack.  Before she knows what's happening, she finds herself complying to the feelings within her and puts the required amount of Tu into a slot next to through a slot next to the door.  As the door creaks slowly open, Funfox21 finds herself being pulled into the shack to the very heart of it where she finds herself in front of a round table with a dark stone die hovering just above the surface.  She knows what she must do.  Picking my die up, she feels its clammyness and its freezing temperature. She shivers but is unable to drop it.  She rolls the die and it reveals its angry glowing red numbers to her:


Cackling, a spirit in the form of a very old hag appears before her, ”Too bad my dear.  You are unable to receive full reclaim of you money.  Take half and take your leave!"
Placing a small pouch of Tu in Funfox21's hand, she "escorts" her out of the shack and back deep into the woods. 

Kina makes best Avvies!!!

3:28pm Oct 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 732
I'll roll six times >:D
So 78k?


4:19pm Oct 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
I’ll roll 3 more times!


4:51pm Oct 13 2017 (last edited on 4:52pm Oct 13 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 66
skiski951 is lying in her bed.  As she's drifting off to sleep, she hears a sound.  Curious, she gets out of bed to investigate.  The sound gets louder as she enters her kitchen.  As she's approaching her kitchen table the sound stops.  Instinctively, so does she.  Bad mistake.  All of a sudden skiski951 gets sucked into a magical hole that appears under her!  Down, down, down what seems to be a bottomless pit, she screams until she lands with a fumpf in a large pile of leaves...right in front of my shack.

skiski951 shakes her head and starts climbing out of the leaves when she's suddenly levetated out of it and placed inches away from my door.  Transfixed, she sees a sign  stating that riches could be hers for a simple roll of the dice.  A voice is then heard, "You have a maximum of six tries, my dear.  Each try will cost you thirteen thousand Tu.  What will you decide?"

skiski951 decides to go all six rounds.  Placing the correct amount in the slot next to the door, an ethereal force pulls her right into my shack...without even opening the front door. 
She quickly finds herself at my table.  The one with a dark stone die hovering just about it.  Mesmerized, she picks the die up.  It's freezing cold and clammy to the touch.  Her mezmerization keeps her hanging onto the die despite how cold she is.  She rolls the die:


Angry red numbers blaze up on the die's face. 
"Hahahahahaaa!  You lose my dear.  Try again," says an evil voice.  She rolls again:


The die itself glows red as if it was a red coal.  Maniacal laughing fills the shack as she rolls again:


The laughter quickly dies as a growl takes its place.  "No!  You earned your Tu back!  You have three more tries..."


A figure appears, "You are lucky.  Half of your Tu is returned to you.  Roll again."


The die's angry red number emblazed on its face show as you feel what can only be described as ice filling your veins.  You knew you got your Tu recovered as you reach out for one more try... 


"Noooooo!!!  Again you have won against my Mistress!  Be gone!  Beeee goooone...!!!"  A voice that sounds like the wind shrieks all around you, reverberating in your mind.  You feel yourself float up through the roof and before you realise, you're back in your bed.
Blinking, you come out of your trance.  Was it just a dream, you wonder?  Your eyes then settle on a bag of Tu sitting on your bedside table; and it wasn't there before... 

Kina makes best Avvies!!!

6:02pm Oct 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 312
I'm going to roll 5 more times
Sending 65k

\r\nI\'m 8 years old and I\'m very kooky and I love to build Lego sets\r\nAnd play roblox

6:17pm Oct 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 5
sending enough tu for all 6 rolls... is that ok?

6:31pm Oct 13 2017 (last edited on 6:14pm Oct 14 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 66
As Secretsoftheshadows is enjoying a cup of tea by the fire at home, she was absentmindedly fingering her bag of reclaimed Tu from the shack.  I've only tried three times today, she thought.  Dare I try some more?  As soon as she thought that, her windows blew open, the fire blazed so huge the flames licked out of the fireplace, lights flickered and once the wind subsided,  two spirits appeared in front of the fire.  

"We heard your thoughts.  We have come to take you back," the male spirit said.  "You have no choice, Secretsoftheshadows," the female spirit added.  "You will come with us.  Now." 

Before Secretsoftheshadows knew what was happening, she found herself, once again, in front of my shack door.  Again in a trance, she chose this time to put thirty-nine thousand Tu into the slot to gain entry.  Instantly she found herself in front of the table.  Cringing, but without hesitation, she reached out for the all too familiar ice cold, clammy die that would make anyone's skin crawl.  She threw the die:


A cat hissed behind her upset that he wouldn't be getting a special treat for dinner.  At that same moment a blood red eyed raven placed the die back into Secretsoftheshadows' hand and flew back to his perch deep in the shadows, eyes gleaming menacingly.  Secretsoftheshadows knew she must roll again:


A flock of bats flew out of the fireplace and tangled around Secretsoftheshadows without showing and signs of relenting.  As she tried to shoo the bats away with one hand, she rolls the die with the other:


The bats, still attacking her, we're joined with another group and with maniacal laughter echoing throughout the forest, the bats picked Secretsoftheshadows up and carried her away from the shack.  They deposited her some five minutes away from her house and vanished without a trace.  You pick up your small pouch of reclaimed Tu.  Thrice was nice...or was it?  Dare you try again tomorrow?  You ponder this thought as you walk back to your house. 

Kina makes best Avvies!!!

1:37am Oct 14 2017

Normal User

Posts: 66
Funfox21 was busy at home, doing nothing in particular, when she felt compelled to open the window for some fresh air.  Cold or not, she thought, I still need to air this place out.  After opening the window and going back to her couch in the living room, she started thinking about that shack and how she wished she tried more when she was there. Shortly after thinking what she did, a cloud swooped in and right under her feet.  As soon as it was under her, it picked her up and started moving her towards the open window.  Nearly falling off the cloud, she saw the cloud moving her towards the wall where the window was.
"Wait a minute!  Wait!  I'll crash right into the...!!!"  She trails off as the feels herself getting smaller and the window much larger.  Once she was actually at the window, she noticed she went right through it.  She had shrunk!  The cloud began to speed up to a very fast speed.  She started to scream.  This was too fast!  The faster the cloud went, the more she screamed.  It started zipping around, this way and that until it came to an abrupt stop right in front of the shack.  Funfox21 saw something that made her freeze on the spot.  I took this opportunity to talk to her myself, although she doesn't know it.  

"Welcome back, Dearie.  You've decided to try again, did you?  Well, you have five tries left.  What do you choose to do?  Or can you choose?"

Barely comprehensive due to the fear that's come over her, she nods.  I entice her forward.  She drops sixty-five thousand Tu into the slot by the door and the door creaks open.  Before she could even think of turning around, an invisible force pulls her to the table she's seen once before.  She knew what she must do.  She paid with her life's savings and there's no turning back.  Remembering the ice coldness and clammyness the die gave off she shuddered before reaching forth, picking the die up and throwing it...


Red, blazing numbers glare up at her.  Hysterical, evil laughter is heard within her head, "You lost, dearie...your money is mine!"
Funfox21 reaches forward to roll again...


The die isn't playing fair.  It's deliberately going up in consecutive order just to annoy her.  However, this is also brought with an angry shriek that fills the shack and shakes the windows.
"We lost!  We loooost!  It's not the die's fault but yours!  Try again, and be sure to lose this time around!"


Angry cats yowl and mrowl and hiss and screech while you hear the heart-stopping sound of a thousand rattles from rattler snakes.  All are expressing their anger at you beating the odds yet again.  Terrified you roll again...


Countless shrieks and yells of fury replace the yowls and screeches and the sound of thumping hearts replace the sounds of the rattles.  The more you recover, it seems, the more the shack wants to terrify you.  Your last turn has drawn near... 


You look around and see you're surrounded by a circle of spirits!  Men, women and children all jeering at you.  "You lost!  You lost!  Your money is ours!  We knew you couldn't keep your winning streak up!  Begone!  Let us be in peace!  Begone!  Begone!  Begone!"  Your mind is then filled with ceaseless bone-chilling laughter as they tighten the circle around you until each one goes right through you.  As the last one passes through you, you instantly find yourself back on your couch.  You wonder if this was all a dream until you see the pouch of Tu on your lap.  Will you try again tomorrow? 

Kina makes best Avvies!!!

3:21am Oct 14 2017

Normal User

Posts: 66
ChiroDagony was out running errands.  As he was in the grocery store he realised that he forgot to put his favourite hot pepper on the list - ghost peppers.  He knew they only came dried in this store and so made his way down the dried spice aisle.  There was something strange as he approached the peppers - they were floating.  He couldn't help himself.  He let out a yelp of surprise and exclaimed, "This is fantastic!  What on earth is going on?!?  I'm going for the management!"  He turns to leave the aisle and notices a massive spirit blocking his exit.  Perspiring and with his heart in his throat, he turns and runs down the aisle only to notice the other exit being blocked by another massive spirit.  Both ways are blocked!  What will he do?!?  The only thing he could think of was trying to climb the shelves.  He starts to climb and just as he gets to the top his foot slips.  He shuts his eyes tight as he waits for the crash but it never comes.  When he opens his eyes again, he notices that he's flying above the treetops...treetops?!?  ChiroDagony looks down and lets out a blood-curdling scream.  What he sees next would cause anyone to scream.  Those same, two massive spirits are transporting him somewhere!  "Let me down!  Let me go!!!"  ChiroDagony protests.  
"Are you sure you want us to do that?"  One of the spirits asks.  "Very well, then..."  
Panicking, ChiroDagony changes his mind, "No!  Wait!  Stop!  I change my mind...!!!"
"Toooo laaaaate...!"  ChiroDagony hears as he falls from the sky.  Down and down he falls, screaming as he goes.  The ground comes closer and closer.  Thinking this is the end, his life flashes before his eyes.  Just feet before impact, he shuts his eyes and lands with a hard thud on the hard dirt below.  As he sees stars, he hears an eerie voice in his head, "Welcome to my shack, ChiroDagory.  Before you is insurmountable riches.  You have a chance to try for them.  Come.  Come closer.  Come to the front door of my shack and pay for entry."  As he gets taken to the front door, he notices a note pinned to it, written in blood.  He put his hand in his pocket and deposited a lot of Tu.  The door creaked open to reveal pitch blackness inside.  Having second thoughts, he refused to go in.  There was no backing out now.  One of the two spirits that brought him here suddenly appeared and pushed him inside.  The door swung shut.

A small glow came from the very heart of the shack.  He slowly and carefully made his way to the source.  Moments later he finds himself at a table with a 113 sided die hovering just above it.  Transfixed, he reaches for it.  He shudders violently.  The die was ice cold and clammy to the touch.  Something unknown was compelling him not to drop it, despite how it felt.  He knew he had no other option.  He rolls it...


A grating voice is heard, "You reclaimed half your Tu.  Unfortunate.  Try again."


An angry shriek is heard along with the sound of breaking glass, "Diabolical!  You won!  You reclaimed your Tu!  You do not take from my Mistress!!!"  As quickly as it arrived, it was gone.  You try a third time:


Maniacal laughter is heard along with stinging jeers from cats and hoots from owls.  Rats dance along the mantle of the fireplace and you know that you lost.  Three more tries...


Instantly the laughter and cats and owls and rats disappear and are replaced by a girl spirit glaring at you.  "You took my share of the Tu!  How dare you!"  Smiling slightly to yourself you roll again...


An earthquake is felt shaking the shack so violently you fear it's going to fall over!  Things fly all around you!  Angry shouts can be heard!  You crow a victory as you reach for the die once more...


Your Tu belongs to ME!!!  You hear an evil voice reverberating in your very soul.  The sounds of rabid dogs growling and snarling in the shadows grow louder and louder as you notice crazed golden eyes from where the sounds are coming.  Terrified, you begin to run.  The dogs chase you out the door and into the woods where you don't see a huge hole in the ground.  You fall in the pit...and keep falling.  What seems like an eternity, you finally fall lightly on your feet back in the same aisle you left.  Not wanting to hang around, you run out of the store to your car.  You breathe heavily and unlock your door praying it was not real.  On your car's seat you notice a pouch of Tu...

Kina makes best Avvies!!!

8:08am Oct 14 2017


Posts: 546
/Rolls six times

/Sends TU. xD 13x6 should be 78K.


9:39am Oct 14 2017

Normal User

Posts: 30
sending 78000 for 6 rolls :D ty!
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