Oh flaberguts. I read the rules but that was so long ago, and I'm in a number of contests. :( No excuses.�I doubt rmailing it now will be of any help, but thanks for telling me you guys.
But hey, everybody makes mistakes at somepoint in their lives; right?
Edit: And I guess I was confused by the lack of activity on the forum, so I was just going to say bump, but then I finished my drawing and put it on with the bump.
I suppose I definately can't edit my post out; that would be cheating.
Edit, Edit: Argh. I'm mad at myself now, I was really happy with how the digital version turned out. Er, I'll try and leave "talk-your-ear-off" mode now. Thanks again for telling me.
Mushrooms: since you weren't a noob about it you can edit your post and send me an rmail or your can draw new stuff and send it to me, whatever you want
and yeah it's okay jess you can enter, lawl if anyone's still intersted XD