GAH! so sorry.^^ i almost completely forgot about this. if you wouldn't mind could you please keep the contest open for just a little while longer? i had a really good idea in mind, and i really need that prize.
Hurm scanning might be a problem, the house upstairs is a mess because of the bedroom makeover and they covered the computer up. The only hope is for me to somehow possibly connect the scanner to the laptop somehow...
ok, sorry for the procrastination but here's my entry (also i don't know if i got the colours right on your fursone so if you'd like me to change them all you need to do is ask.^^):
heh ^^' I've actualy just spent all my tu, meaning I have no tu to give out for the contest. But, a very big but. If I manage to pull off the good sweet innocent daughter act... which does take a lot of effort, turst me it does o.o my dad will be getting me credits about 200, so I will be getting six beans ^.^ very very soon.