5:29am Aug 6 2009 (last edited on 2:19pm Sep 27 2009)
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Posts: 193
Contest closed. Currently judging entries. Check back soon! I was so tempted to ti tle this thread "GIVING OMNI". xD Anyway, the deal is this. I have in my possession a well-named, genderless natural Omni that my brain can't come up with an interesting character for. I tried, honestly -- I got as far as a somewhat mopey androgynous angel before I blanked out. Problem is, I'm not nearly as good at androgynous angel characters as other people seem to be. So I thought the obvious solution was to pa ss him/her on to someone else. =D In the end I decided to skip all the troubles of pricing and just give him/her away for free to someone I could trust to do justice to his/her character -- and what better way to determine that person than by a characterization contest? =D Your mission, if you should choose to accept it, is to invent a full character for this Creatu. A short story. Sketches. A well-thought-out deion. I don't really care what you use to convey your message; all that matters is that you convey it thoroughly. If I find someone who I feel would do a good job of characterizing him/her, I shall contact that person and they can say hello to their new Omni. :3 The Omni is named Anges (French for "angels") and is genderless. These are the only details you must use in your entry. Interpret the "genderless" aspect however you please, and feel free to use/not use the few ideas I had so far as you see fit. If you need to, you can find Anges on my profile. Important rules: -DO NOT enter if you're just planning to sell Anges. That's low. I'm giving him/her away for absolutely nothing, so please respect that. -DO NOT enter if you are not going to keep Anges as a profile pet, or at least one of your regular Rescreatu characters. -DO NOT enter if you have like ten million regular Rescreatu characters. xP How on earth are you going to do a good job of developing his/her character if you have eighty other "favourites"? -DO NOT pour your soul into a dazzling portrait of Anges. This is not an art contest. If you're going to draw, draw what you need to get your character across. You can make your portraits if you win. xD I don't want to see anyone's work go to waste. -Make sure your other profile pets are obviously developed to some extent, because the effort you've already put into them will be a big clue for me. -DO be creative and outgoing. =D Do something amazing! Wow me with your supercharacterizationpowers*
*extra points given if said powers are shiny and/or glow-in-the-dark. You can enter either on this thread or by rmail, your choice. If it's a really long story or something, though, rmail would probably be a better idea. Entries will close at midnight on Sunday, September 27th! Sorry if I sound unapproachable or forceful; I really don't mean to be. D: I think I've just grown a bit attached to the poor undeveloped soul. xD;
8:16am Aug 6 2009
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Posts: 1,731
Joooiinnnnninnnngggg. :3 I've been working on Creatu designs/personalities as of late. Well, one, anyways. xD This lets me try my hand at it again.
9:15am Aug 6 2009
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Posts: 1,444
Darnit, I dont ever roleplay with my creatu, never got into that. Oh well, good luck everyone.
1:54pm Aug 6 2009
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Posts: 677
ooh im totally joining, i have all of my profile creatu decked out with awesome deions of thier personailities but it all went *poof* when v2 came out :P
"Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."
1:57pm Aug 6 2009
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Posts: 6,216
I might try, but I'm kind of amateur. :P Worth a shot though. ^^
Wat. ಠ_à²
2:30pm Aug 6 2009
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Posts: 72
Joining 8D Although I likely can't beat teh Uwi, it sounds awesome :3 I've been working on creatu personalities (but it all seems to stay in my head and sounds terrible afterwards o_o), so maybe I'll give it a shot.
3:32pm Aug 6 2009
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Posts: 193
Yay interest! =D *excited* Pah, give it a shot, even if you think you're an amateur. Writing/drawing well will only help you to convey your idea, it's the idea itself that's the most important part. By the way, Wolfspirit, you don't have to be a roleplayer. =D You just have to... use the character in some way. I dunno, it's kind of a vague thing to set a rule for. But ideally, you should be sharing the character with the community in some way, either by writing about him/her, collecting drawings from others, or anything along those lines. Good luck, everyone! 8D
3:52pm Aug 6 2009 (last edited on 3:55pm Aug 6 2009)
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Posts: 1,444
Heh, that's the problem, I don't collect art for my creatu. I mean, I might someday, but as of now I don't. The only thing I've done so far for any of them is deions in their profile. I don't really have anything to write about them either.... *dies* So pretty..... Could you look at Mallytrix and Omnia (mostly Omnia) and tell me if that's kind of what you mean by "developing" my pets? If it is, I might join this. Edit: Also, I realize that I shouldn't sell in case I win (this is not a question just for me, this is a question for anyone that joins and wants to know, I'm just saying "I" because it's easier to write that way), and I certainly don't intend to should I get it. However, if, somewhere a loooong way down the line, someone offers like.... 30 mil for it, would you be mad if it got sold? This applies to all people who might win and then one day get an incredible offer on it. I'm sure no one would enter this contest with the intention of selling, but there's always a chance that something like this example would happen.
5:14pm Aug 6 2009
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Posts: 193
Hmm. Well, from what I saw on Mallytrix and Omnia's pages, you did a very good job of writing up their history and your possible aspirations for them, but there's not really anything about their personalities. There's a lot of information, but nothing that tells me whether or not Mallytrix is good or evil, or what Omnia likes to do in her spare time. I have no idea whether she would be more interested in needlepoint or hunting vampires from what I see there. xD Here are a few examples of useful things to think about when you're making up a character: how old is he/she? What was his/her upbringing like? What kind of world does he/she live in? Is there anything unusual about his/her appearance? What is his/her greatest goal in life? If he/she is an anthro, what kind of clothes would he/she wear? Does he/she have any talents/abilities/powers? ----- For the second question -- no, I wouldn't be mad. After a pet is transferred, I have no control over what happens to it. However, I'd probably be rather disappointed; once Anges is in the system, it's inevitable that he/she will eventually end up in someone's "collection" and never be characterized again. The whole point of me giving him/her away is to find someone who really, really wants a new permanent character. Someone who will see the character as more valuable than the pet itself. Trust me, I'm just as capable of hoarding Creatu in my show room as the next person, and I'm just as capable of selling him/her for a huge amount and never looking back -- but I want something better for Anges. ...So please don't sell him/her if you win. D: I obviously can't stop you if you do, but please try to remember why I'm doing this in the first place.
5:27pm Aug 6 2009 (last edited on 5:27pm Aug 6 2009)
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Posts: 6,216
Is there a limit to how 'long or short' the story can be? You asked for a short story and I'm wondering if there's a limit of how many paragrpahs or something. ^^;
Wat. ಠ_à²
5:34pm Aug 6 2009
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Posts: 1,444
Well, I was mostly trying to find out if something like that but with more story/background would be good. Thank you very much for the information, after I finish a couple other things, I'll probably try to enter. I'll do my best not to sell him/her, as he/she is actually very cool and now that I'm getting to thinking about what to write, I could have a huge amount of fun and become very attached. Generally, my profile pets are the ones I would never sell for anything, so you shouldn't have to worry about it getting sold, but honestly, as much as I love him/her, if someone offered me 300 mil on him/her, I might have to accept, no matter how attached I was. I generally write a lot.... So I don't know how "short" the story would be. Would you prefer I rmailed it to you or posted it here?
5:35pm Aug 6 2009 (last edited on 5:40pm Aug 6 2009)
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Posts: 193
Nope, no limit whatsoever. =D Make it as long or as short as you're comfortable with; the length you choose won't affect your chances at all. Edit: Ah yeah, I forgot to say. You can post it here or rmail me -- again, up to you. If it's really long, though, rmail would probably be better, for the sake of everyone's scrolling fingers. xD
12:42am Aug 7 2009
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Posts: 283
*Cracks nuckels* time to get typeing! XD but I can NOT draw. I ish sorry. And could I I mean I will add a few stories to this. probley take me awhile to make it all in one huge story...Hmm let me start my work. *Poofs to go write*
3:08am Aug 7 2009 (last edited on 3:10am Aug 7 2009)
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Posts: 1,775
Sorry but accidently left myself logged on and Raru posted as me by mistake.
Feel the love man D:<
3:11am Aug 7 2009
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Posts: 583
omg, omg, omg I can finally do what I love to do most in a contest 8D This is going to be super aweshum <3
3:21am Aug 7 2009
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Posts: 677
hmm ima prolly develope an actually story and rmail it, that's what usually happens when I type ^^
"Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."
4:24am Aug 7 2009
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Posts: 193
It's cool that so many of you are leaning towards a story; I was sort of expecting more entries to be short deions or sketches. Please don't kill yourselves writing the perfect piece, though; I'd hate to see any of you end up with a wasted masterpiece. D: There aren't any consolation prizes in this contest.
2:27pm Aug 7 2009
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Posts: 283
Just a question but is it ok if I call Anges a she in the writeing? and two she's still a baby right? XD AND I SHALL POUR MY HEART INTO THIS STORY!
3:21pm Aug 7 2009
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Posts: 193
That's fine, but remember that the Omni itself is genderless. If you can pull it off in your story, though, all the more power to you. xD And if you mean in terms of site age, he/she's an adult. xP But again, it's your story, and your character to work with. Make him/her whichever age you want. Good luck once again, everyone. x3
3:23pm Aug 7 2009
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Posts: 6,216
You check for characterization for other pets we have, right? So when I submit an Rmail with my story (which won't be done for another eon because of my epically slow typing skills xD), should I add links to some stories I wrote about my pets? I have a couple. =3
Wat. ಠ_à²