9:35pm Nov 10 2013 (last edited on 9:36pm Nov 10 2013)
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Here's my wishlist:
1. ANY albino/black CSer 2. Any colored Wyrae 3. Any CS Eggs/Nest 4. NCJBs 5. RMPs 6. Any DKs 7. Name tags
4:55am Nov 11 2013 (last edited on 8:01am Dec 14 2013)
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Posts: 749
Everyone knows what I want. ARDURS :P
I'd prefer adults for the common colours nattie, cream and sepia, but heck I love ardurs so any thrown my way is a great gift! Ardur themed items are also great :3 EDIT: Thank you to the people who sent me adult ardurs! <3 EDIT 2: And also thank you to the people who sent me ardur themed stuff! <3 EDIT 3: decided to oust the lovely people who have gifted me so far <3 if you wish to remain anonymous let me know via rmail and I'll take your name off the list
List of awesome wish granters: Merlinlover Carstella Rambo iBethy Dess Vanilla
10:14am Nov 11 2013
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Posts: 749
This thread will become very useful to me soon. Thanks for creating it!
As for me...
1. Meikos. I love the lime ones best, but I also have an obsession with the silver and cream! 2. Name tags. 3. Any sort of wearable wings, they look so pretty. <3 4. Any type of Dye Kit!
4:05pm Nov 11 2013
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Posts: 20
I agree with sophie89, this will be useful! Wishlist: 1. Fire Poi 2.Meikos. I really love their look! Any color is nice, but I prefer greens. 3. I want a surprise!! But something nice, not something like an apple or cloth!!
5:56pm Nov 11 2013
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Posts: 51
I wish I had a... 1.Wyrae of any color 2. Retired Cs Egg. Wants Liyure most :D 3. NCJB's are Awesome :D
9:12pm Nov 11 2013 (last edited on 4:33pm Dec 11 2013)
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Posts: 30
My Wishlist: 1. Ebilias! Mutants, Colored, Naturals, any will be loved! Especially Silvers 2. Shaefus! I adore Shaefus, and would love more! 3. Tu! I just ove having a bank account of tu. Its so...pretty 4. Liyures! I love these majestic creatu! 5. Jahras! They are so gorgeous! 6. Azure Dye Kits! 7. An AzureAerix! They are my dream pet~DONE!~ 8. Anything On My Wishlist! The one on my profile... These are in no particular order whatsoever! Thanks for reading! My Thank~Yous! 1. Meddler! Thanks so much for the Ebilia! 2. iBethy! Thanks so much for the Ebilia! 3.Excelscia! Thanks so much for the 50K tu barter token! My bank will enjoy it! 4. Kaysa!Thanks for the Azure Aerix!!!! Will forever be loved!
1:02pm Nov 12 2013 (last edited on 6:12am Dec 17 2013)
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Posts: 38
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE one of the following x An Indigo Mutant Meragon A nattie Kioka An Orchid Myotis A Jahra A Lime Ebilla Tale Fake Zaphao Fangs Black easero Tangs Undead Zenirix's Shaefu's
And I am Dying for A Calico Myotis OR A Golden Leaf Hat! x
Or a Regression Ray but thats such a huge wish x
Also My current Kir's quest is A silver easero and it has been for... well ever. And I would love some help with this!! x
I'd Love the Calico Myotis most but I only put so many for you guys to choose which is the easiest for you xx Thanks so much x Means a lot x
12:11am Nov 13 2013 (last edited on 2:54pm Nov 25 2013)
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Kitty's Chrissy list ;w;
I'd be absolutely delighted to get any sort of Paor, Ebbie or Liyure ;w; Especially any of these eggs too~ It'd make my day to hatch any of these near Christmas <33 Items... RMP or beans :> Would love to get myself a Wyrae for Christmas ;w;
EDIT: Thank you to Meddler and iBethy for helping me grant my wish~ <3
12:11am Nov 13 2013 (last edited on 9:25am Nov 25 2013)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/577.gif)
Posts: 347
And all I want for resmas are.... 1. Random morphing potions 2. Natural colored jellybean 3. Ebilia egg/ ebilia creatu ebilia every and any thing
Also thank you to Ibethy for granting my wish this resmas <3 And thanks to those who have aided in granting my wishes too <3
12:18am Nov 13 2013 (last edited on 12:28am Nov 13 2013)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/486.gif)
Posts: 520
Thank you for this chance X3
This is my list-
1) A Black Wyrae 2) A Black Shaefu 3) A Rose Noctis 4) A calico Zaphao 5) Ebila Spirit 6) And the names Raven, Kuramu, Silverstream, Brambleberry, and Daemon
12:20am Nov 13 2013 (last edited on 12:34am Dec 23 2013)
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Posts: 133
My Wish List<3 1. Forged Birth Certificate <3 2. CS eggs 3. Koika :3 4. Trance Creatus OR Potions :D Shaefu, iluvu, ebilia, and Verams are my absolute attainable favorites but all are loved and appreciated ^-^ 5. Random Morphing Potions Happy Holidays!
9:21am Nov 13 2013 (last edited on 9:00am Nov 25 2013)
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Posts: 89
Heirii would like malals in all shapes and sizes and colours. c: Preferably hatched malals cause all my eggs spoil before I hatch them. I only haz a hatch a day. Heirii is also sending lots of people lots of gifts. c: And donating a little to the cause. c:
I would like to say thank you to all the people who have donated pets to me! <3
2:33am Nov 14 2013
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Posts: 126
Brum wishes for ezahani eggers seasonal eggs any cs eggs calico/bino/achro iluvu :D
merry early christmas everyone!
10:38am Nov 14 2013 (last edited on 7:52am Nov 25 2013)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/300.gif)
Posts: 204
nomnomnom *-* res has too many cool pets/items to choose from xD
first: frank: you´re doing a great job updating this thread and organizing it! :) sent a donation too^^
what does the kibo like........albino kioka O.o but you would not want to gift me one, unless you want to kill me by getting a heart attack.....do you?!...(same goes for my dream HA items xD)
seriously now xD
Natural Coloured Jelly Bean Random Morphing potion(or creatu specific MP) Ardur, Aukria, Ebilia, Ivik, Galta, Kioka, Jarha, Saruka in any colour (or to those creatu related items like squishies, eggs, clothing etc) Dye Kit Stardust urn(I like both)
but honestly.....Id be as happy to get a flower/food item/smooth rounded pebble/otachie egg as one of those above =) I just love res and you guys and the thought is what is the most important, isnt it? <3
(will totally stalk this thread to hoard resmas gifts :P)
*edit: iBethy gifted me a magenta saruka *.*...*cuddlez to death* ILU*
10:43am Nov 14 2013 (last edited on 8:02am Nov 15 2013)
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Posts: 29
1) the bunny fingerpuppets! :D I hoard them then throw them at people! x3 2) a ginger vaspi to feed K1r ._.;; (i hate you K1r, sooo much ;.;) 3) um. PA blood? given :D :D gonna wear it for aaaages x3 4) any DK, especially Lemon or Orchid(I have a themed name I keep forgetting I want to make lemon or Orchid) 5) hugs! :D 6) also dinosaur anything, including links to things to read/awesome dinosaur pictures! :D :D
eeee this is fun! <3
2:41pm Nov 14 2013 (last edited on 11:24am Nov 26 2013)
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Posts: 71
1. kioka 2. gold stardust urn 3. every single jakuu and all the colurs mutants and effects i already have natties loads! to me thank you! Excelscia and iBethy 4. every single meiko all the colours mutants and effects 5. stardust ezhani 6Trance Creatus OR Potions
i would be very happy if you can even get one of these!!!!THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas! ♥
10:53pm Nov 14 2013
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/157.gif)
Posts: 612
Hm... Well, here's what I'd like for Resmas. 1) Art, for Anxiety. (Most wanted) 2) Bino Cser (Any, that won't happen) 3) Black Retired Cser (Any, I know that won't happen, ever in life.)
But art, yea. I like art (:
7:48pm Nov 15 2013 (last edited on 12:41am Dec 1 2013)
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Posts: 305
Goldy's wishlist :)Colored undead (THANK YOU iBethy!!! How do you know I'm eyeing for a lemon draqua? ) name tag HA items NCJB stardust urn ^^
12:52pm Nov 16 2013
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Posts: 306
My wish list:
A trance dye kit.. er is it a potion? Whichever dyes a creatu trance. It would be immensely appreciated :) And an Ivik ( wishful thinking is good for the soul ;) ) Thank you so much Frank. This is a grand idea. How do I donate Tu, items and pets?
9:26am Nov 20 2013
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Posts: 1,658
ANNOUNCEMENT As a kickstarter to this wonderful season of giving, I will be dumping pets into the forest. Some pets have awesome names, some pets are normal, some pets are awesome. So if you wanna grab some pets. Feel free to take them.
Please, if you do not like the pet you found, just don't take it. Some users might find that pet awesome. Take only what you want and share the love!