For christmas i wish for:
Items for my items gallery that i havnt already got
E.G. stardust urns, rareish squishys and books, cosmic salve, cute things, creapy things, seasonal things... ANYTHING =D
but i really really want:
a golden leaf hat
a forgerd birth certificate or
some Cash Points (granted) i have managed to get the FBC and have sent in a request for the name =D
I really really want creatu stockings, candy canes, baubles and the other stuff that comes in the stockings please =3
Thank you to Beth for the Zenirix Bread and for helping me with 100 cashpoints <3
thank you to tibby for the 130 cashpoints <3
thanks to boomboom39 for the 100 credit token <3
thanks to kibo for the sharing the feast book and 7 cashpoints <3
thank you to jayni for 20 cashpoints <3
i would like to say a huge thank you to tibby/Tiberius as if it was not for them then my FBC wouldnt have come true so fast =3