Christmas Wish List

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12:49pm Dec 11 2012 (last edited on 1:04pm Dec 11 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
Hello there!

Resmas Season is already here and everyone sure have loads of wishes in their minds. People who also want to give presents to their friends or to random Res users may look into this thread to know what to give to those individuals. You may also coerce your friends to post their wish lists here (bwahahaha).

Aside from the wish list posting, there are other things that this thread can do for you:

(1) Secret Santa
If you don't want  a user to know that you have given them a present, I can personally give them the present intended for them. Just write me an rmail and send your present so I can forward it to the person. I will also let the person post in this thread so that you will know if the present indeed reached the person.

(2) Random Gifts
I will be giving random presents to people who will post their wish lists here. Please don't expect something expensive since I don't have that much tu (in short, I'm poor). You must include the phrase "I will humbly accept anything for Resmas" in your post so that I can throw you something.

(3) Wish Granted
From time to time, I might be granting some wishes on some people's wish list if I randomly have the item or if donations come in for gift giving.
On Christmas Day, I will be choosing a random wish list which I will try to achieve and accomplish before the new year.

Post Away! Merry Resmas to EVERYONE!

So that I can fully accomplish some of the activities that I have here, donations will be absolutely (as in SUPER) appreciated. This will go into the random resmas wish granting. Tu donations would also come in handy for this. Thank you so much.


12:49pm Dec 11 2012 (last edited on 9:58pm Dec 25 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,658


(All of these pets are in my Show room under "Christmas Giving")



1) Please have only one post for your Wish List. If you have additional items to put in your wish list then you can just edit your post. We don't want your secret giver or your friend to be confused of the many wishes you have.
2) Because it is a wish list, you can have so many items in it. This means, you are not limited to only one. You have all the freedom to post whatever you want for your wish list just make sure that it easily attainable within the Christmas period, meaning, one does not have to save up for a year to buy the item you wished for.
3) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Indicate in your post if you already received a certain gift. Your friend wants to give you something you never received for Resmas. 
4) Just be happy and merry!


12:49pm Dec 11 2012 (last edited on 9:54pm Dec 25 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
(for our dear donors who want to make people happy for Resmas)

Azure Dye Kit
Natural Iluvu, 2 Natural Ebilias, Black Ebilia, Cream Murren, Black Zaphao, Cream Otachie, Cream Meiko
Ginger Otachie, Ginger Murren, Cream Berrok
Black Meragon, Undead Natural Kayoki, Silver Berrok, Black Mirabilis, Sepia Meiko, Sepia Mirabilis, Ginger Gondra, Sepia Aukira, Cream Zaphao, Natural Ebilia, Sepia Veram, Black Goiba, Sepia Sirleon, Mutant Natural Sirleon, Stardusted Natural Valabex, Mutant Natural Draqua, Undead Black Ardur
Resurrection Potion
Sepia Easero, Silver Iluvu, Natural Ebilia, 2 Silver Otachies, Albino Berrok, Name Tag, Snow Blower, Ebilia Whistle, Albino Ebilia Tail, Albino Bone Ebilia Wings, Black Bone Ebilia Wings, Blonde Ebilia Tail, Black Ebilia Tail, Calico Ebilia Tail, Cream Ebilia Tail, Ginger Ebilia Tail, Natural Bone Ebilia Wings, Natural Ebilia Tail, Madigans Necklace, Sepia Ebilia Tail, Silver Ebilia Tail, Trance Ebilia Tail
Mutant Otachie
The names: Beligerence, Elgie, and JingleJangles, Black Veram, Cream Ebilia, Cream Berrok, Cream Veram, Love Staff
Sepia Zenirex
Blonde Ebilia, Undead Cream Chimby, Natural Saruka, Rose Jahra
Black Paor, Sepia Kayoki, Natural Uilus
Undead Natural Sirleon, Orchid Sirleon

Xoria's Charm of Protection, Fresh Uilus Creatu Egg, Natural Jaaku


12:50pm Dec 11 2012 (last edited on 9:12am Dec 22 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
The following are the users with their wish lists posted in here. The number beside is the page number of their wish list so that you can easily check them and not get into the hassle of browsing every page in here. And by the way, I'll be posting them in alphabetical order by username so you can easily see.

alyanabilla - page5
angel123456 - page2
aquarian - page2
AssassinatedPrincess - page3
bkat99 - page2
Bluerayofsunshine - page2
charmens - page3
Dragon - page2
Dustfire - page2
ezorezor - page1
florence - page2
Fizzeh - page5
FluzzMe - page2
Gorge - page3
Grell - page1
HereLiesThe Hero - page3
horses923 - page1
Iridescent - page3
JaakuFan - page3
jumkoyu - page2
Kattie9916 - page3
LadyTsunade - page1
liliypadgurl - page1
Linkification - page4
Llama - page2
maclew13 - page1
MagixElegance - page4
mandolady - page1
Megabyte - page2
MissHalloween - page1
Mmamushi - page2
Mustache - page2
neomaemae - page1
OmenaApple - page3
Pegasus - page1
Philosophist - page3
piggie668 - page3
ponylover1996 - page1
rawrisay - page1
Redrock - page2
Reisari - page2
secretcall71 - page
ShadowxxMistress - page1
SirOverlord - page5
sophie82 - page3
taila - page4
Theokoles - page4
Zen - page2
Zimber - page3


7:44pm Dec 11 2012 (last edited on 11:24pm Dec 23 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 336
 I'd like to wish for a stardust urn (preferably gold but others are still wonderful) 
 i'd like to wish for a calico mirabilis,
 forged birth certificate, 
name tag, 
any omni, cyid, or liyure mask!!!
any cs pet
and an albino zenerix.  
BUT!! i will take any presents gratefully.


7:44pm Dec 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 391
Well What I want for resmas is seasonal eggers

But to finish my resmas shopping I need 5 NCJB 1 RPB and 1 Calico Vogar.

7:45pm Dec 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
maclew. You can generally wish for A LOT since it is a Resmas Wish List. Some of your Res friends might come over and look at what you want and will give you a pressie :)


8:06pm Dec 11 2012 (last edited on 11:33pm Dec 17 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 5
I am a Narwi fan. ^.^

I wish for a Narwi Holiday Gift Box, Narwi Creatu Eggs, a Narwi Egg Squishy, a Painted Narwi egg or a Narwi Cracker!

Oh! And I would totally love you forever and ever if you got my a wyrae egg!
Happy Resmas everybody! =)

8:09pm Dec 11 2012


Posts: 1,586
Pegasus' Wishlist

- mutant berrok
-undead tesuri
-dye kits


9:13pm Dec 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
My wish list is..
#1.Rainbow gummy rat. dust top hat.
#3.Uldavian colored galta.
#4.An ivik creatu egg.
#5.Calico jaaku.
#6.Albino ebbi or jaaku.
#7.Rose dye kit.
#8.Trance potions.
#9.Two name tags.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

10:43pm Dec 11 2012 (last edited on 8:34pm Dec 20 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 61
my Resmas wishlist
1) Achro Ebilia
2) Trance potions
3) Drachid
4) Omni
5) Dye kits (especially rose)
6) Albino Otachie
7) Liyure
8) Colored Tesuri's for my collection
9) Jahras
10) RMP

But ill humbly accept anything :)

10:44pm Dec 11 2012 (last edited on 10:15pm Dec 14 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 157

1) ebbie eggs
2) mutant ebbies
3) any ebbies  :)
4) RMP's ( i will get legende to wrae yet)
5) NCJB's 
6) surprise me i love getting stuff as much as giving  :-)

-hugs for frank-
the pets incoming to you are donations.  

-hugs for all-

i zap pets, 50 k per pet. rmail me for more details.

-haat, ijaa, haa`it -truth honor vision-


10:53pm Dec 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
Thanks mando.


2:05am Dec 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2
Gracious, for Resmas I wish for a Drachid or any sort of undead pet. However, I will also humbly accept anything for Resmas. <3

2:09am Dec 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
Sent you a little random gift Grell.


2:11am Dec 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 7,187
I moved over the summer (lives in the US) so I lost my internet for a few months. And during those few months my creatu were left on my profile and they died. 

So what I wish for, for Resmas, is my names back. 
Names like "Caiden" and "Breathe". 
These are the two that I want back the most. 

I'd also like a Drachid Egg so that I can start my collection of spiders ^.^

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

10:32pm Dec 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 249

Any Dye Kit

12:40am Dec 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 36

Any dye kit preferably lime, omni or liyure egg, kioka ir noctis egg and tu but i'll take anything

10:12am Dec 13 2012 (last edited on 8:43pm Dec 17 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 2,503
My WishList:

1) Dye kit, any color preferably trance
2) Lemon Ahea
3) Stardusted Silver Uilus
4) $TU. :P
5) Awesome HA items!!!
6) Any flowers to get 125 points in the botanist quest!
7) Body Frost
8) that pretty blue braid that goes with the rainbow dress :P
9) Love and Hugs
10) Gear Britches and Gear Vest
11) Xespa Aura *ULTIMATE WANT*

Thanks ^^

I will humbly accept anything for resmas. :)

psalm 103:12 |-/

12:03pm Dec 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 318
Random DK
Drachid Egg
Aerix Egg
Habbie Egg
Achro Gondra 
Albino Gondra
Silver Narwi - for Kir
Gondra!!!! Lots and Lots of Gondra!!!
I'll humbly accept anything <3

I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
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