Hi! I am Fenix, and I have created this contests because I have p*censored*ed a bad time, when I am poor, it´s not easy to get "fast tu" like we call here. We need to get good pets and eggs to sell, play games, do quests, bla bla bla. So here, Ihelp the poor members, to don´t let them p*censored* what we have p*censored*. We can help with pets, tu and contests. Writing, painting and drawing contests. The writing is about write storys, I can write storys for the richs users, and the poor users can write storys for us, so I can give them some tu. The prices are:
Long story: 1Million tu
Small story: 500k tu or 600k tu, according the number of the pages and the creativity
Painting contest, it´s about paint some drawings, me and Fichtelite will think about the level and the difficulty of the drawings, the price is:
Level 1 - 250k tu
Level 2 - 500k tu
Level 3 - 750k tu
Level 4 - 1 Million tu
Level 5 - 1.5. Million tu
Drawing contest, it´s about draw different type of drawings, like the painting, but just draw. The drawings have levels too, like the paintings:
Level 1 - 550k tu
Level 2 - 950k tu
Level 3 - 1.5. Million tu
So, contact me Fenix, then say what type of contest you have, the level or the length.
First - The story can´t have more than 50 pages, i prefer;
Second - The draws can´t be copied by any other user, they have to be original;
Third - The paints have to be painted by yourself, not any other friend.
Good luck!