Creatu Beauty Pageant!

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5:16am Jan 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 30
Hi, I'm Asmo and I like pretty creatu :)
My favorite thing to do on here is design new babies - constantly figuring out what species, color, and effects suit various names, whether they're real names, characters, or just letters that sound nice. I've constantly got a project going on. And I love seeing all the adorable pets other people have worked on! But I definitely see a lot of the same in my browsing. Specifically, a lot of CS and Uldavian creatu. No shade of course - I can't resist wyraes, personally - but I think the planet creatu need more love! So I'm hosting this silly little pageant to give them a moment in the spotlight <3

-No more than 3 entries per person
-Only planet creatu or seasonals may be entered. Cash Shop and Uldavian creatu are not eligible for this round. This includes Wyraes and planet Iubuis. Sorry!

-First Place: 50 million tu
-Second Place: 25 million tu
-Third Place: 5 million tu
(If there is enough interest, I'll up the prizes some more <3)

How to enter:
Entering is simple! Just drop a link to your pet's pet page.
You are more than welcome to include some information about your pet (does the name have a special meaning? is it based on a character?), but it is not required for entry. Similarly, decorated pet pages are nice to look at, but absolutely not a requirement and will not be considered for judging.

Judging is simple. Winners will be selected based on how well the pet embodies its name. Depending on the number of entrants, additional judges may be pulled in to help make the final decision.

Ending notes:
This is my first time running anything like this, so please see it as a test drive more than anything! Depending on how it goes, I'd be happy to use what I learn doing this to run more Beauty Pageants in the future! I just wanted to do something fun and different haha.

All entries are due by February 7th, 2024. Winners will be announced the following day, February 8th.
Thank you for viewing! <3


5:17am Jan 13 2024 (last edited on 9:05pm Jun 29 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 30
1. Evil the Undead Black Roditore, owned by Juke:
2. Ra the Albino Feiron, owned by Juke:
3. Auk the Undead Achromatic Divuin, owned by Juke:
4. UnforsakensStatic the Elemental Trance Zaphao, owned by DoppelGaldred:
5. FirstRespondersCurse the Undead Rainbow Quelis, owned by DoppelGaldred:
6. FactorVLeidenHetero the Undead Ginger Meragon, owned by DoppelGaldred:
7. Aloft the Elemental Snow Mirabilis, owned by Encore:
8. Beginner the Derp Sepia Tesuri, owned by Encore:
9. Blameless the Baby Albino Kayoki, owned by Encore:
10. Highlander the Stardust Blonde Zaphao, owned by Oz:
11. Lagoon the Elemental Azure Ahea, owned by Zen:
12. Rib the Prehistoric Undead Blonde Ebilia, owned by Zen:
13. Octopus the Frostlight Calico Quelis, owned by Zen:
14. Current the Elemental Azure Ahea, owned by Akechi:
15. Gladion the Derp Natural Meiko, owned by Akechi:
16. Yusuke the Frostlight Indigo Veram, owned by Akechi:
17. Schatz the Amethyst Iluvu, owned by FleshbagWasp:
18. Beghast the Undead Albino Jaaku, owned by FleshbagWasp:
19. BruteTigrex the Calico Drindian, owned by FleshbagWasp:
20. Chicken Pot Pie the Baby Sepia Mirabilis, owned by o_O:
21. Tennis the Baby Lime Divuin, owned by o_O:
22. Dude the Baby Derp Chimby, owned by o_O:
23. Guts the Black Zenirix, owned by Vol:
24. Hippogryph the Mutant Indigo Easero, owned by Kozmotis:
25. Shedinja the Undead Sepia Intes, owned by Kozmotis:
26. KPParatroopa the Derp Lemon Murren, owned by Kozmotis:
27. UnhappyMeal the Mutant Lemon Berrok, owned by Solanine:
28. BuffChad the Derp Cream Roditore, owned by Solanine:
29. Frozenheart the Elemental Snow Iluvu, owned by Solanine:
30. Repose the Elemental Silver Kayoki, owned by srsmith:
31. Tweenager the Derp Trance Meiko, owned by srsmith:
32. Weirwood the Elemental Albino Berrok, owned by srsmith:
34. Squircle the Derp Lime Goiba, owned by Cygnella:
35. Topazite the Calico Ebilia, owned by Cygnella:
36. Hexacontaoctagon the Derp Orchid, owned by Cygnella:
37. Annoyance the Derp Ginger Goiba, owned by Euchre:
38. Apprehensive the Undead Cream Zenirix, owned by Euchre:
39. Snoozums the Derp Ginger Zaphao, owned by Euchre:
40. Bull the Black Malal, owned by Mahogany:
41. N'Zoth the Indigo Quelis, owned by Mahogany:
42. Ramzey the Achromatic Zenirix, owned by Mahogany:
43. Hydra the Mutant Lime Gondra, owned by Fairy:
44. Shepherd the Sepia Zenirix, owned by Fairy:
45. Depression the Frostlight Black Ezhani, owned by Fairy:
46. HandfulOfDesertSand the Cream Roditore, owned by RwqTheCyancu:


5:36am Jan 13 2024

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
First page is for Evil the Undead Black Roditore!

I very specifically wanted him to Not be a CS because everyone's gonna pick like, Wyrae or Jahra or something, right?
He's got a completed petpage and has won the Pet Spotlight!

Number two is Ra the Albino Feiron!

Ra is sometimes depicted as a bull, and what's a better pet to slap it on then a literal fiery bull? Albino was chosen because it looks the most "holy" based, though Black would have been dope too LOL

Last is Auk the Achromatic Divuin!

This petpage is new to me.
I have not clicked it since I bought this pet.

Fun fact! Auk's birthday is June 3rd, which is the same day that in 1844 the last two known great auks were killed off the coast of Iceland! It's fun!


5:41am Jan 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 30
Thank you for entering Juke! Beautiful babies. Auk is so fitting, wow. (And surprise pet pages are always fun lol)

6:47am Jan 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 3
As I'm still fairly new here, most of my project-designed creatu are still WIPs or are part of various interconnected sets. ^^''
That said, here's three of them that aren't entirely impromptu in some respects.


First off, we have UnforsakensStatic, the Elemental Trance Zaphao!

When I designed him, I was super new to both this site and just happened to have gained a new interest in the form of a shorts-based social media account called The Unforsakens and its (vaguely) colorful cast of characters.
Among said cast was this neat guy in all-black who had electric powers -- Static.
While I could've went with a Black Zaphao, it would've both caused an accidental "twinning" issue with a different Blessed Black Zaphao I have and probably wouldn't have came across as cool/colorful as how his namesake had his start online.


Second, we've got FirstRespondersCurse, the Undead Rainbow Quelis!

Her name is a vague reference to a superstition among first responders that involves a certain word that starts with the letter "Q" and is the synonym to silent.
Namely: If anyone so dares to comment about how quiet things are in an area, then usually all hell breaks loose not long afterward.
Was a tad worried that using the one pet species that starts with a Q in its name would be a tad too on the nose, but it still works oddly well. I went with the rainbow due to how oddly subtle it is on them and it gives off a "When you Notice It, It has already struck" type of feeling to it when paired up with the Undead effect, in my honest opinion.


Last, but definitely not least, we have FactorVLeidenHetero, the Undead Ginger Meragon!

Now... This one is one I decided to do on two counts:
Firstly, Factor V Leiden is a condition more people probably should be aware of due to how eerily common this severe blood clot inducing genetic mutation is.
Secondly, It is a condition I deal with that narrowly took me out several years back 1 week prior to Thanksgiving. It was, to put it lightly, a pretty scary moment.
So, the design of this pet (and it being here in general) is basically something of a reminder that its namesake exists and a thing to bring some slight closure for me in relation to one pretty frightening ordeal involving it.
While it does have a counterpart pet that relates to a more severe form of this condition, I've opted to just submit this one out of the two for this.

6:55am Jan 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 30
LOVE the amount of undeads I'm seeing already. I don't usually like trance but wow, it looks amazing on the elemental Zaphao. Thanks for entering and sharing your story DoppelGaldred, I hope your health is treating you better now!

7:19am Jan 13 2024 (last edited on 7:20am Jan 13 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 127
Hi Asmo!  I love this idea!  It's always great to see people's name/creatu pairings.  It's honestly my favorite thing to do in the game!

I have many that I love, but these were the first three that I came to in my SR and I think each is super fitting for this contest. Honestly, I try hard to put combos together so that they don't require explanation!  Given that, I'll let them speak for themselves rather than describe them here.  I hope that I am correct and that the reasoning behind each pairing is super obvious.  If not, I have likely shot myself in the foot for this contest! :D Regardless, here goes!

1.) Aloft

2.) Beginner

3.) Blameless

I hope you enjoy!

7:24am Jan 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 30
Yes, it's so much fun! All your pairings definitely speak for themselves, no explanation needed - Beginner gave me a good giggle. Thanks for entering, Encore!

7:27am Jan 13 2024 (last edited on 7:42am Jan 13 2024)


Posts: 541
Drops Highlander into the running.

Highlander is a series of movies from the eighties and nineties and a nineties TV show.

After all, who wants to live forever? :D

It's been one of my favorite series for a very, very long time. There's a lot of electricity involved, let's say, which is why the pairing is as it is.


7:32am Jan 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 30
Gotta love stardust <3 thanks for entering, Oz!

8:37am Jan 13 2024 (last edited on 8:38am Jan 13 2024)


Posts: 3,216

Lagoon the blessed Azure Ahea

Rib the prehistoric Undead Ebilia

Octopus the frostlight Calico Quelis 


8:42am Jan 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 30
Giggled at Rib. Wonderful choices all around, they really embody their names. Thanks for entering, Zen!

8:43am Jan 13 2024 (last edited on 8:46am Jan 13 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 166
let's try this again 

from Pokémon (
from persona 5

my initial post was pretty and had all clickable and organized links but I guess the bbcode for res's forums got offended and broke them all :"(


9:06am Jan 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 30
I've been told clickable links were disabled due to spam bots so no worries. I'm glad to see some character creatu! Gladion is very fitting. Thanks for entering, Akechi :)

10:09am Jan 13 2024 (last edited on 10:15am Jan 13 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 19
First up we have Schatz, the amethyst Iluvu! Schatz is a common German endearment. Though it carries a similar meaning as darling when used in a romantic relationship, it can also mean treasure, hence why I went out of my way to make her amethyst!

Second up is Beghast, a lovely bino Jaaku! Beghast isn't a word that I hear very often, but it means "to fill with shock, awe, wonder, or amazement; inspire; enthuse", which is certainly accurate to what I felt when I hatched her! I thought it was also fitting due to the main bulk of the word being 'ghast', which has strong ties to ghosts and the like.

Finally we have BruteTigrex, the calico Drindian! The Brute Tigrex is a variant of the Tigrex from Monster Hunter, sporting different patterning and more aggressive behavior than that of its standard counterpart. When I saw what calico Drindian looked like, I scrambled to check if the name was available. The black and orange striped back paired with the white underbelly and Drindian's similar build make it a match made in heaven!


10:15am Jan 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 30
My treasure hunter in training is named Schat for the same reason :) Thanks for entering, FleshbagWasp!

12:22pm Jan 13 2024 (last edited on 12:41pm Jan 13 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 534
This feels right up my alley, thanks for hosting Asmo!

EDIT because I can't read...


The Black Swordsman himself, weilding the Dragonslayer! Still gotta do a write up with him and grind his strength stat forever.


12:24pm Jan 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 346
Chicken Pot Pie
He's sepia, he's a mirabilis, he's ageless, he's prehistoric, but he's not pie.

Tennis the lime baby divuin

Bla Bla the achromatic baby chimbo
His petpage says otachie, because he used to be an otachie, according to Gunmetal.  Idk what to do with him tbh, he's a very mysterious creature.

12:35pm Jan 13 2024 (last edited on 12:45pm Jan 13 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 30
Vol - OOO Guts is a fun one, I love his page art! Thanks for entering!

o_O - Always a pleasure to see Tennis. And so many babies! Thank you for your adorable entries <3

1:11am Jan 14 2024


Posts: 84
Fun contest! Thank you for hosting

Mutant Indigo Easero

Based on the mythological animal of the same name

Undead Sepia Intes

Based on the Pokemon Shedinja


KPParatroopa (KP Paratroopa)
Derp Lemon Murren
(Born on Mar 10, aka MAR10 / Mario Day!)

Based off the Paper Mario TTYD enemy, KP Paratroopa

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