Maximum tickets per user: 10
Accepted ticket payments and their ticket value.
I will also not haggle on ticket values, sorry! That means if your creatu has an effect or a name you value highly it will have the same ticket value as one that is or does not.
I will also not accept anything not listed. That means items, creatu, arts or effects. If I decide to take other items I will add it below!
Tickets are also non-refundable. But don't worry, I'm not backing down either!
5m tu = 1 ticket
10 cps = 1 ticket
Albino gondra: 8 tickets
Achro gondra: 4 tickets
Amber gondra: 1 ticket (Will stop accepting after Oct 15th)
Azure gondra: 1 ticket
Orchid gondra: 1 ticket
Lemon Gondra: 1 ticket
Lime gondra: 1 ticket
Indigo gondra:1 ticket
Magenta gondra:1 ticket
Rose gondra: 2 tickets
Trance gondra: 2 tickets
CS egg: 10 tickets
Amber dye/ dip: 1 ticket (Will stop accepting after Oct 15th)
Azure dye/dip:1 ticket
Orchid Dye/dip:1 ticket
Lemon dye/dip: 1 ticket
Lime dye/dip:1 ticket
Indigo dye/dip:1 ticket
Magenta dye/dip:1 ticket
Rose dye/dip:2 tickets
Gold dye:2 tickets
Trance potion:2 tickets
Name tag:1 tickets
Natural colored jelly bean:1 ticket
RMP : 3 tickets
Tickets Purchased:Tardis: 1-3 (amber Dye + 10m)
FireElf: 4 (5m)
Feather: 5-6 (Gold Dye Kit)
Madoka: 7-8 (10m)
sitanomoto: 9 (Magenta gondra 'Jizah')
Hoppinhippo: 10 (amber dye)
MissHalloween: 11 (amber Dye)
AlaskaWolf:12-13 (Trance potion)
MissHalloween: 14 (amber Dye)
MyMeloChan: 15-17 (amber Dye x 2 + 5m)
Ecotro: 18 (Lemon dip)
ayeni 19 (amber Dye)
Haybay 20-25 (Rose dye x 3)
Redrock: 26-27 (Amber dye x 2)
Antiarctic: 28 (amber gondra ' AquamarineComet")
Erinhunter :29-35 (Rose dye x 2 + 15m)
Emmique1 : 36-45 (amber dye x 8 + lemon dye + magenta dye)
Ashe : 46-48 (15m)
Pegasus : 49-50 (10m)
Cortana: 51-60 (50m)
Antiarctic 61 (lemon dye)
Feather 62-63 (Gold dye kit)
Darksoul93 64 (5m)
Pegasus 65-66 (Azure and Magenta Dye)
Zelda: 67-68 ( Orchid and Lemon Dye)
Darksoul93: 69-71 (15m)
Tiberius: 72 (magenta gondra)
Crystallize 73-74 (Rose Dye)
Redrock 75 (orchid dye)
Beyonders98 76 (5m)
Snowpea 77-86(2rmp + 2 rose dye kits)
Darksoul93 87-88(10m)
Link 89-98 (8 name tags + 10m)
SecretsOfTheShadows: 99 (Azure Dye)
AJ34Ali 100-101 (amber gondra +azuregondra)
Ghost: 102-103 (Rose Dye kit)
ErinHunter: 104-105 (10m)
Guzma: 105-107 (15m)
heybay: 108-111 (rose dye + 2 magenta dyekits)
Moggyjay 112 (5m)
The raffle will end Oct 31 11:59 pm res time!