Okay, here goes. xD
Tiberius- Because it's a really cool name. ;w;
FluzzMe- Because I misread it as 'Fuzzy' all the time and sometimes I picture her as a fuzzy kitten because of it.
CaptainMorgan- Spice things up tonight; captain's orders! 8D
Aniwolf- Because it sounds adorable. ^^
Daisuki- Also sounds adorable.
Wheeljack- This user has been inactive for a very long time, but their usernamesake happens to be the best friend to mine. So. Yeah. Character reference! :D
CaptinBubblz- He's the captain. Of bubbles. Who wouldn't want that ti
Symonya- Because it's fun to pronounce and I can call her Symlove. <3
Llama- Maybe she has a hat. o-o
Judge- Is an epic username. It just is.
Life- Also epic.
Fizzeh- Because it's fun to say.
Avedori- She's been inactive for a while but it's fun to pronounce.
Patrick- Is this the Krusty Krab? .-.
Bunny- Because Bunnies are cute. owo
Ghost- Oooooooo~
ElmerJFudd- Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet; I'm hunting wabbits.
octopusbaby- Baby octopus. Nuff said.
Carcass- Is a really cool one.
TILLALLAREONE- She's been inactive for a while but it's a Transformers reference. 'Till all are one' is the Autobot rally cry. ;u;
GLaDOS- At the end of the experiment you will be baked.
And there will be...
SAM- The moose. ;w;
Dean- My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach and frisky women. And I did not kill anyone.
Castiel- There is no reason why this name should not be on my list.
Okay. That's most of them... I think. xD I really like a lot of Res usernames because people are so fun and creative. ;w;
EDIT//OMG forgot GLaDOS. ;-; I had to list her.
*edits again* almost forgot these three. ;-;