Derp Black Wyrae Raffle

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2:13am May 14 2021 (last edited on 12:05pm May 26 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 436
Hello, everyone.
I decided to make a raffle again and this time we have a Derp black Wyrae to be won.

1st place - 739/1500 Tickets
2nd place (if enough people) - 0/1000 Tickets

The tickets will be 100k Tu each. 
I will also accepts CP and RC and some items. 

100k Tu = 1 Ticket
1 RC = 2 Tickets 
1 CP = 10 Tickets 

Ticket prices:

NCJB - 150 Tickets 
RMP - 250 Tickets 
Rmail me for more items, will accept mostly all CS items. 

Any Pet (not including CS/Uldavian LOL) :
Albino - 300 Tickets
Calico - 150 Tickets 
Blonde - 150 Tickets 
Achromatic - 200 Tickets 
Silver - 50 tickets

Please post here with what you're sending me for the raffle so I can keep track of it. Anything sent without posting here will result as a confusion. 

The raffle will end on June 15th. 
I have the right to change the date and extend the raffle if I don't get enough Tickets /Items /Pets. 
Everything will be saved and returned if canceled. 


9:29am May 14 2021 (last edited on 12:04pm May 26 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 436

SecretsOfTheShadows 1
SilverAshes 2
SecretsOfTheShadows 3-6
Maowji 7-256
Red rock 257-259
chiming 260-279
SecretsOfTheShadows 280-329
Sliced 330-739


10:35pm May 15 2021

Normal User

Posts: 1,186
Sending 100k


9:35am May 17 2021

Normal User

Posts: 3
100k from me as well!

Collecting all hatchable Malal colors. \r\n(missing most colors, have achro/sepia/cream/nattie)\r\nCollecting Relcore birds.\r\n

6:23pm May 18 2021

Normal User

Posts: 1,186
Sent 4 100k tokens


6:05am May 19 2021

Normal User

Posts: 85
Sending Random Morphing Potion for 25 tickets please ^^

Maowji\'s Blue Morning Flory Flox made by Kogenta

7:03am May 19 2021

Normal User

Posts: 436
I got it. But I made a mistake for the tickets of the cash shop items xD
It's 150 tickets for NCJB and 250 for RMP Xd


2:32am May 22 2021

Normal User

Posts: 1,942
Tu sent. I'll buy 3 tickets. Thanks

9:36am May 22 2021

Normal User

Posts: 2
Ten relking coin send for 20 tickets pls
Thank you

1:18pm May 25 2021

Normal User

Posts: 1,186
When you mean colored pets, do you mean only otachies in those colors or any pet with those colors. Just wondering.


1:20pm May 25 2021

Normal User

Posts: 436
Any pet 


1:30pm May 25 2021

Normal User

Posts: 1,186
Sent a silver meiko 


12:01pm May 26 2021

Normal User

Posts: 493
Hallo I would like to buy some tickets ! Sending 40 relic tokens ! And 33cs ! 

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

1:20pm Jun 3 2021

Normal User

Posts: 436
Hello, everyone.
I decided to close the raffle earlier since there wasn't big interest in it. Everything will be returned very soon. 

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