Meet Khyber. He's a black Gondra, sitting on my profile at the moment. I'd love for those many, amazing artists on Res to draw him. No, not as a Gondra, silly. As a tiger! If you still might be interested in entering this contest, please read onwards.
What I'd Like Drawn
Khyber, of course, should be the main subject. In thhis picture, he should portrayed as a winged tiger, either as a normally-colored tiger, or the reversal of that (Black with orange stripes, ect.). The wings should be white and feather, either way.
Prefferably, backgrounds are not needed. If you decide to do one, however, please don't make it too distracting.
Khyber's personality also counts for a lot of the picture. He is proud, stubborn, and a show-off, but not very goofy. He's still young, and quite energetic. Put him in any post that you like, as long as it's not too contradicting to what I've given you on his personality.
And lastly, though an accessory or two wouldn't hurt, please try to make Khyber like I've described him. ^o^
Since I'm a poor girl, Lola can only afford a few prizes. x3 If I make more TU, I may increase the prizes. <3
First Prize
150k and an Atquati Goody Bag
Second Prize
Atquati Goody Bag and 30k
Third Prize
Fourth Prize
Currently June 30th, 2010.
Can be extended.
I may pay others for their pictures as well, but it's not guaranteed.
Ask me if you have any questions. Thank you! <3