Dream Pet Contest

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6:59pm Feb 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1
Wishing for a blonde/azure/or creme, (though the markings arent quite the same shade of blue i'd like) Gondra (I have a specific name that is unusued i want to give it but i wont say)
why: I dunno, Its worth a shot I suppose!

7:02pm Feb 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,432
Creatu: Ebilia


Why I should win: I have been in love with ebilias since i began on here and never found a color i truly loved until achromatic was revealed. The beautiful contrast in colors captivated me and I knew i needed to have one as soon as i laid my eyes upon it. I have tried to hatch one before but with my luck i never got higher than a black. It is one of my dearest goals, and buying one was always out of my range because i am always trying to morph wyraes and sell them to other users. I know I may not win, but hey its worth a shot. Thanks for taking the time to listen <3


7:03pm Feb 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 46

Creatu: Omni

Color: Gold/Silver

Why: My ultimate Res goal is to own one of every G&S creatu, however, lately I'm not to great at gaining TU </3 I've been trying since I joined, and I would love to get farther into that goal by owning this :3


Thanks, and it's really nice of you to give some people this oppurtunity <3

Good Luck to everyone who enters!

~ Shadow

Hi there ^_^ ... Are you knew to Rescreatu? If so, make sure you take time to read the rules and please feel free to Rmail staff (Or me <3) with questions you may have ^_^ Welcome to Res ;D

7:03pm Feb 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,432
I forgot to subscribe ^^;


7:14pm Feb 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 106


10:52pm Feb 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
Creatu: Wyrae
Why I should win: Well, I tried RMP's over and over,
and I can't seen to get one. then every-time I get
enough TU, they are always sold out! I help alot of users
with collections,and trying to find them what they need.
Or help them find buyers, so they can get there dream pets.
It's the ONLY pet I dont have one of. I can always trace it later,
if trance is too much. I also keep every pet gifted to me.
I dont sell alot of pets,as you see my SR is over 600.
I just have this feeling,i'll never get one.That's why
I DEF wishing this one.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


11:57pm Feb 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
Pet Species: Omni.
Color: natural
Why?: I don't have any reason that the others already don't. I've wanted an Omni for a while now, unsure if this started when I joined or if It gradually became one of those pets I longed for. I had an Omni once named Anicho, but I can't remember what happened to him or I somehow sold him to someone that I no longer remember. I really liked him around. I even gave him a pet profile page and it was really cool. But now I do t have him and I can't seem to remember how. I mainly want the Omni in memory of my first Omni that I even got which was Anicho. I probably will never be able to ha e that name again either, but being half way there isn't so bad either.


10:58am Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 39
The End is coming! 
The contest will end today at 5! 

all entries in will have a fair chance to their dream pet. 
and the winners will be announced tonight

2:56pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 39


4:33pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 616
Pet Species: Wyrae
Color: blonde
Why? That is MY dream pet. I collect blondes, and it is by far my favorite blonde pet. I know there is no way i will win on this one, but any amount of tu would help, and that is why im entering! Thank you for doing this, I hope one day i can afford my wyrae on my own! <3


5:01pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 39
And its 5! in the next half hour i will go through the entries and decide who gets 1st ,2nd and 3rd Good luck to all who entered


5:03pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,432
Good Luck everyone :D


5:13pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,673

Good Luck! I only have 50/100 chance of winning.

Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them

5:17pm Feb 25 2013


Posts: 2,165
Hope everyone eventually gets their dream pets! Good luck to all the others who entered! <3


5:20pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 638
Good Luck to all that entered, you all deserve what your dream pet is:D


5:22pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
I'm so excited to see the results hope you get what you want!

5:25pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 46

Good luck everyone :D And please remember, if you dont win, everyone who entered deserves their dream pet, so DONT give up on getting it <3 

~ Shadow

Hi there ^_^ ... Are you knew to Rescreatu? If so, make sure you take time to read the rules and please feel free to Rmail staff (Or me <3) with questions you may have ^_^ Welcome to Res ;D

5:31pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 39
So I have decided  a couple of things so far.
1 it will take a little longer to see who gets their dream pet
2 Everyone is gonna be a winner (mostly because i have some people who are ties and i have to figure out who gets what) So if you dont place you'll still leave with a 1mil prize that way no one is left out

sorry its taking so long!

5:39pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Your really nice thanks a lot I really appreciate you doing this. Thanks again


5:40pm Feb 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 46

Aww, thats so sweet Nanu ^_^ I bet everyone will greatly appreciate it <3

~ Shadow

Hi there ^_^ ... Are you knew to Rescreatu? If so, make sure you take time to read the rules and please feel free to Rmail staff (Or me <3) with questions you may have ^_^ Welcome to Res ;D
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