Dream Team! Where all your dreams.

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6:02pm Aug 29 2016 (last edited on 8:26am Sep 3 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 209
Welcome to the Dream Team where we work to help you complete your goals!

Starting out you will be allowed to complete one of your dearest dreams/goals each, but after 50 donations everyone unlocks another goal! This part is purely through participation.
Simply post here your goal and why you want it! Preferred 3+ sentences.

Essentially the point of this thread is that it ensures that any goal, be it big or small, will be aided by all of us and we will work together to try and help you get there. So don't be shy, because this is what family is about. If you want to actively get on board to get this warm buzz going, don't hesitate to let us know!! (Some restrictions apply.) 

Please note; this system isn't for abuse, we’re creating an environment where people can work together as a family to complete their goals, any users found abusing this will be blacklisted from participating. This will be a one warning system, sorry but there have to be ground rules we want it to be fair for everyone. :)
No begging
No fighting/bickering
No scamming/trying to use this system to get ahead of others.
Respect the coordinator's decisions even if you don’t get along with them and the opinions of other members.
Please don't disregard other people’s goals, this is a form of bullying and won't be tolerated.
Please follow the basic rule of “if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all”. After all this is for positive use and to make the website come together as a family and regain unity.
Your goal cannot be currency e.g. TU, Cash Points or Credits, this is for specific goals only!
A limit of 10 NCJBs, 8 RMPs, or 2 Rancher/Merchant Tokens per wish.
Anyone found not following these rules will not be allowed to have their goal granted.

Current Tier: 1
The easier your goal is the quicker you will receive it, Donators (1mil or more for Tu, 5 for Cp, and Silver+ Creatu will be counted as a donation.) Will have their goals become higher priority.
Current Big Goal: Silverstrean94-Black Liyure 905mil/2bil
Frosty- Steam punk goggles
tinkytasha- FBC - Granted
Smaller goals: Seraphena Albino/Blonde leverene Adolescent 
Alien- Albino Steak- Granted (J/k were working on it.)
 Misshalloween Pumpkin Flavored Gum 10mil/10mil -Granted

Big goals in line: Mantine Blonde Galta ???/???

Donations welcome!

Tu: 205mil to goals
50mil to expenses
Cp: 10
6 Cp by Zelda tysm<3

This is run by 2D, Reaper, and SuspiciousBucky, feel free to rmail questions or donation inquiries to any of us.
P.S. I really love GOATS. So if you have any goat pictures and pm them to me you earn BONUS POINTS ;D


6:53pm Aug 29 2016 (last edited on 5:44am Sep 5 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 400
Bucky's back, tell your friends.

Goal assistance completed;
Misshalloween - Pumpkin Gum
Puffdragon - achromatic zenirix named Kaisers
Fireelf - Calico Malal, Calico Myotis, Calico Valabex, Calico Leverene
Kermit - Uldavian Antennae
Tinkytasha - FBC
Alien - Albino Sirleon
Billbee - Calico Jelly Bean
Mmamushi - Blonde Jaaku
Sephrena - Blonde Leverene
Tribecka - sepia, ginger, albino and achro iluvu

Puff x2 rwn drachids to sell for fundraising <33 thaanks!
Fireelf assorted calico, albino and achros for fundraising, also donated uldavian antennae which was gifted to Kermit <33 omg ily
Kermit Calico Jelly Bean, omg thank you friends <33

current pending requests:
Black Liyure - Silverstream
Blonde Galta - Mantine
Albino Leverene - Sephrena
Gear Head Goggles - Kermit
Albino Kurrabi, Albino Malal, Albino Mirabilis, Albino Paor, Albino Sirleon, Albino Valabex - Fireelf
Albino Meragon - Snowpea


7:00pm Aug 29 2016 (last edited on 3:04pm Aug 30 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 520
My top dream on res is to be able to get a Black Liyure. Ive loved the species since I joined and thats the last color that I need. Ive been on the site since 2012 and have been slowly saving up over time, but I am still quite far from my goal ^^;

I currently have 800 mil out of my 3 bil goal to try and buy one. (I will try to edit as I get more TU)

I will try and help anyone I can with their wishes :)


7:01pm Aug 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 400
Awesome silver!! We'll work with you to make this happen

8:20pm Aug 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
My dream goal,is an item.
I know there are over 100 in the game,but they
retired without notice.
I can't seem to find any sellers for two years.
It's silly to some,but to me it fits in my best collections.

this item is:

Pumpkin Flavored Gum

This gum is definitely for someone with a taste for the exotic. It has been flavored so intensely that no one would be surprised if you forgot that it was gum and not a real pumpkin.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

8:43pm Aug 29 2016 (last edited on 10:38am Sep 3 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 260
My dream goal is to try to get a Blonde Galta :)
Unfortunately eggs are 300mil and they are hard to hatch ;(
I also only have about 7mil TU. (If I give you my TU can you do stocks for me? XD)
I have been super obsessed with Galtas and blonde was such a pretty color! 
The only way I think I could make any TU is my egg hunting services (I can't do stocks ;-;)
That is my goal :)
TU is edited :)))


8:56pm Aug 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 400
Keep these coming guys, these are great

9:26pm Aug 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 209
First goal completed! Sending your gum now Miss!


9:47pm Aug 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 17
My res goal is to tag the name Kaiser to a zennie of any colour really ;-;
This is because my SO is called Kaiser and I feel that zennies represent him best, especially considering wolf/dogs are his favourite<3 

(Idk if name dreams are allowed sorry and apologises for lame reasoning ;-;)

9:54pm Aug 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 400
It's not lame! :D what colour zennie do you want most?

10:04pm Aug 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 17
Ultimately achro but that's ridiculously hard, so I'd happily settle for black /.

10:32pm Aug 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
yay! thankyou!!

I'll keep an eye on this and help out when i can!

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

10:39pm Aug 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 400
Any help is appreciated :)

3:05am Aug 30 2016

Normal User

Posts: 44
My dream/goal is to have a leverene of every color of each age. I only need 2 more non mutant leverenes- 1 adolescent albino and 1 adolescent blonde to complete that part of the collection. I need lots of mutants though, I do not have very many of those yet. 

Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway :)

10:37am Aug 30 2016

Normal User

Posts: 209
And sure thing seph! I'll get to work on an albino


11:11am Aug 30 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
For awhile, I've been keen on getting a Forged Birth Certificate.

So, a couple weeks ago I finally decided to start saving. :)

I've been selling pets, and my hatches and things here and there.

I currently have 52 mil saved up.

I need about 73 mil in order to buy the cp.

I'll do everything I can to try and help and grant other people's wishes. :)


11:16am Aug 30 2016

Normal User

Posts: 122
Hiya! Earlier I wasn't planning on achieving (part of) my dream avatar, but since I've been on this site for a while I thought I might as well do something to be closer to it :~D

I have my eyes on two items in particular, the Uldavian Antennae from Kir's prize shop and the Gear head Goggles. I wasn't sure where I was when the event happened but I missed it. I think it looks super cool and would be a neat accessory for my HA :~D if it is even possible to still get. The antennae also looks awesome but in order to get it I would need to hand in all these pets rip. Honestly if I managed to get either one of these items I would not be able to express how happy I would be ahH thanks for reading~


12:17pm Aug 30 2016 (last edited on 12:17pm Aug 30 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 380
I'd love an Albino steak to please the Alien 

Also, I'll keep an eye on this thread and help with gifts when I can and if you need it 


12:28pm Aug 30 2016

Normal User

Posts: 209


2:14pm Aug 30 2016 (last edited on 3:40pm Aug 30 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 3
how do I join :)
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