First contest is for Rosebud :3
So, I'm am prolly the most uncreative person I know. I'm leaving it up to y'all to make clothing for two of my characters.
This clothing shall actually only be for their human form, but I don't have any humans drawn of her... for a reason :U
a human, though, she'll still have the rose and her hair shall be black
with the hot pink highlights. She'll still have the spiked bracelets
and necklace with the gem P:
It's up to you to create the clothes,
though. I'd like them to be based around the pink/black, but it doesn't
have to look like her natural fur x3 You can use black, white, pink, and
silver. Just no other colors like green, blue, purple, etc.
I want you to design her whole body, pants, shirt, shoes (Shoes are optional). You can add gloves or a hat or whatever.
range, but it must follow the color guideline and it must include the
rose, spiked bracelets, and spiked necklace with the gem. She does not
have to be holding the rose in her hand, but I do want it on her
It must be drawn.
You are not judged by you artistic abilities.
This is judged on the creativity of the clothing. You have to color the
clothing, NOT the body if you do not wish to. You do not have to draw
the body, you can just draw the clothing. This will not effect it at
I am only judging the design of the clothing.
Rosebud isn't a happy character, she's very malicious and enjoys death and killing and stuff like that oOo
But she's like. A sexy morbid <:| Idk how else to describe it xD
have the right to change whatever I like on the design when the contest
is finished. This includes colors, shape, fabric, etc. You will still
get the full prize, no matter what. I may take a design from the second
place winner and mix it into the first place winner's design. Again, you
shall still get fully paid.
I think that's it as far as that goes. Now to the fun part :3
PrizesFirst Place: 5 Mil
Second Place: 3 Mil
Third Place: 500K
Possible Honorable Mentions: 100K
Rules1. Must be drawn.
You do not have to draw the body, just the clothes if you wish.2. Must be colored.
Only the clothes have to be colored if you draw the body, too.3. Must follow the color guideline.
Pink, Black, White, Silver/Grey.4. Must have ATLEAST shirt/pants.
You can add anything else you like. I may not use it all, though.5. You can have as many entries as you like.
No restriction, but you can only win once.6. Be courteous.
Any foul behavior will result in disqualification :)7. No stealing art or designs.
You can use a base to draw the clothing on, as long as you have the artist's permission.8. Be creative :D
OR ELSE OMG9. I have the right to cancel this at any time.
End date: Undetermined, before the end of April.EntriesLeTainted [
tle="" href="http://i40.tinypic.com/2572fds.png">x] [
tle="" href="http://i41.tinypic.com/talw08.png">x] [
tle="" href="http://i42.tinypic.com/ax01uv.png">x]
xRequiemx [
tle="" href="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/sicone126/paint7.jpg">x]
ThornlessRose [
tle="" href="http://i1084.photobucket.com/albums/j401/TetsumeR/ShetasOutfitDesigncopy.png">x]
Post entries below :D
Also post any questions below.