When I was a newb, I put the name "Blonde" in my ranchershop for 26tu. Thank God no one bought it in that time of 2 or 3 months.
When I was a newb, I hatched the name Lopez, and sold it for 5 tu in my ranch.
When I was a newb, I said something I didn't remember which somehow inspired Kaff (SoulyTer) to make a Youtube video about Giving Omnis.
When i was a newb, I would open 50 tabs to search for Ebilia Eggs. I didn't get a single one.
When I was a newb, I sold my first albino for 160k and cried in the SB nonstop still somone yelled at me to get a grip. I was seriously melodramatic. I literally said, "There's a hole in my heart, and it's not going away!" I didn't sleep well at night.
When I was a newb, I used a tesuri MP to change my albino paor so it would be more desirable (saw someone wanting an albino Tesuri on the SB)
When I was a newb, (I was there when Myotis' came out) I saw the update of a new creatu, searched Reiflem for 5min, got the egg and hatched silver. (posted on the SB) I was upset that it wasn't black, because I wanted a black one. Nekodragon then procceded to congragulate me on getting the first silver myotis. Then I was happy.
I know the contest is over, but this just brings back old lulz and memories.